
Prostate cancer is not terrible, early detection is the key, and doctors often use 3 methods to help you diagnose early


Early diagnosis of prostate cancer is crucial in a doctor's experience. I once saw a patient who was a man in his 50s who was in good health and had a regular work life. Recently, however, he began to feel the urge to urinate frequently, but he did not feel the urge to urinate frequently, accompanied by painful urination. He didn't pay much attention to it at first, thinking that it was just drinking too much water or that he was getting older and had some physical problems. It wasn't until one day, when he noticed blood in his urine, that he realized that there might be something serious. He hurried to the hospital for treatment. After detailed questioning and examination, we found that his prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels were elevated, while a digital anal examination revealed prostate induration. These are all early symptoms of prostate cancer. After further biological tissue examination, the diagnosis of prostate cancer was finally confirmed.

Prostate cancer is not terrible, early detection is the key, and doctors often use 3 methods to help you diagnose early

Prostate features

The prostate gland is part of the male reproductive system and is located below the bladder and surrounds the urethra. Its main function is to produce and maintain a part of semen that helps protect and transport sperm. Due to the peculiarity of the prostate location, prostate cancer is often difficult to detect at an early stage and is easy to ignore. Therefore, early detection of prostate cancer becomes crucial.

Prostate cancer is not terrible, early detection is the key, and doctors often use 3 methods to help you diagnose early

Early symptoms

Frequent urination: Feeling the need to urinate more often, especially at night. Painful or burning sensation in urination: You may feel pain or burning when urinating. Weakened or interrupted urine stream: The urine stream may become weaker and sometimes interrupted suddenly. Hematuria: Blood may be present in the urine. Difficulty ejaculating: You may feel difficulty or pain when ejaculation. Pain in the back, pelvis or bones: Prostate cancer can spread to surrounding tissues and bones, causing pain. These symptoms are not necessarily prostate cancer and can be caused by other diseases, but if they do, they should be checked by your doctor. Early detection of prostate cancer can improve the chances of successful treatment.

Prostate cancer is not terrible, early detection is the key, and doctors often use 3 methods to help you diagnose early

Diagnostic methods

Digital Anal Examination: This is a simple but important examination in which the doctor inserts a finger through the anus and is able to feel the prostate gland to check for abnormalities. While this process may be embarrassing or uncomfortable for some men, it is one of the important means to detect prostate cancer early. Blood tests: Your doctor will measure the level of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) with a blood test. PSA is a protein produced by the cells of the prostate, and its levels may be elevated when the prostate gland is damaged or has problems. Although elevated PSA levels do not necessarily mean prostate cancer, this test can help doctors detect problems early. Biological tissue examination: To confirm the diagnosis of prostate cancer, doctors may perform a biological tissue examination, usually by taking a sample by puncture or surgically removing the tissue for pathology. This test provides a definitive diagnosis and helps doctors determine the nature and extent of the lesion so that they can develop the appropriate treatment plan. Combined, these three approaches can help doctors detect prostate cancer early and improve the chances of successful treatment. Therefore, men should actively cooperate with doctors to conduct relevant examinations to detect and treat prostate cancer as early as possible.