
Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

author:Dr. Huang talks about health
Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

Xiao Wang, a 30-year-old young man, recently found himself always thinking about "acting" all day long, and his mind was always full of some yellow waste, which seriously affected his work and life.

Xiao Wang felt very distressed, he didn't understand how he could become like this, with the mentality of giving it a try, Xiao Wang decided to go to the hospital to consult a psychiatrist.

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

At the hospital, Xiao Wang frankly confided his troubles to Dr. Zhang, who patiently listened to Xiao Wang's narration and did not show any disdain or disdain, but said in a calm tone: "Xiao Wang, the situation you described is not uncommon in clinical practice, and many people will have similar troubles.

Excessive sexual impulses and fantasies may be related to a variety of factors, such as endocrine disorders, psychological pressure, improper lifestyle, etc., we cannot simply define them as 'lustful desires' or 'moral depravity', but to objectively analyze the causes and seek scientific solutions. "

Xiao Wang breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, but he was a little puzzled: "But Doctor Zhang, I think my sexual desire seems to be much stronger than that of ordinary people, and I can't control my impulses all the time, is this normal?" Could it be some kind of disease?"

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

"The strength of sexual desire varies from person to person and is not a disease in itself, but if the sexual urge is too strong and persistent, causing distress to the individual or affecting social functioning, it can be a pathological condition, which we call 'hypersexuality'," explains Dr. Zhang.

Hypersexuality can be caused by a variety of reasons, firstly, endocrine disorders can lead to increased levels of sex hormones, such as excessive testosterone secretion, secondly, abnormalities in certain neurotransmitters such as dopamine can also cause sexual impulse, and secondly, organic lesions such as trauma, surgery, and tumors can sometimes stimulate the sexual center of the brain, resulting in hypersexuality.

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

On the other hand, psychosocial factors cannot be ignored, and negative emotions such as long-term stress and anxiety will disrupt the neuroendocrine regulation of the brain. Bad habits, such as excessive exposure to pornographic and violent information, can also induce and reinforce sexual impulses; Misconceptions about sexuality, such as equating sex with conquest and control, can also exacerbate hypersexuality.

Of course, the diagnosis of hypersexuality needs to exclude other diseases, such as mania, obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc., but also to assess the degree of subjective pain and impairment of social functioning of the individual. "

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

Xiao Wang nodded thoughtfully, and he asked, "If you are diagnosed with hypersexuality, what are the treatments?" Will I ever be able to get back to normal?"

Dr. Zhang smiled and comforted: "Rest assured, most of the hypersexuality can be treated, and we will comprehensively consider biological, psychological, social and other factors to formulate a personalized treatment plan."

For example, for endocrine disorders, endocrine modulators can be used; For neurotransmitter disorders, some psychotropic drugs such as antidepressants can be used; For organic causes, surgery may be required.

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

At the same time, psychobehavioral therapy is also very important to help patients identify and correct misconceptions about sexuality, learn to regulate emotions, and divert attention through cognitive behavioral therapy.

When necessary, it can be combined with meditation, progressive muscle relaxation and other techniques to relieve anxiety, and lifestyle changes such as regular work and rest, moderate exercise, and staying away from undesirable stimuli can also help control sexual impulses.

Of course, treatment requires a process and the patient's active cooperation, and I believe that as long as you build up confidence and actively cooperate with the treatment, it is completely possible to restore normal sexual function and life. "

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

Xiao Wang was relieved and full of confidence in his recovery, and he expressed his gratitude to Dr. Zhang, saying that he would strictly follow the doctor's instructions and fight against hypersexuality to the end.

Many people are troubled by hypersexuality, but they dare not speak out because of their face, and even cause self-loathing and self-blame, and eventually fall into a vicious circle.

From a medical point of view, hypersexuality may be related to a variety of biological mechanisms, such as endocrine disorders, neurotransmitter disorders, and organic brain lesions.

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

In addition to showing strong and persistent sexual urges, patients may also be accompanied by emotional instability, lack of attention, interpersonal tension and other problems, if not diagnosed and treated in time, it will not only affect the physical and mental health and social functioning of the individual, but also may lead to serious consequences such as sexual assault and extramarital affairs.

At the same time, hypersexuality is also inseparable from psychosocial factors, modern society is fast-paced and stressful, and many people are in a state of stress for a long time, resulting in endocrine disorders.

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

In addition, in the Internet era, pornography is overflowing, and bad stimuli can be seen everywhere, which is very easy to induce and aggravate hypersexuality, and some erroneous sexual concepts such as "men have a strong libido before they are masculine" and "sex can prove themselves" add fuel to the fire.

Therefore, we can neither turn a blind eye nor demonize hypersexuality, and patients should face their sexual impulses with a peaceful and rational attitude and take the initiative to seek professional medical help.

Medical staff should uphold an objective and sympathetic attitude, carefully assess the physical and mental conditions of patients, and treat them differentiatedly; At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen propaganda and education to help patients establish a correct concept of sexuality.

Why do some people always want to "act" all day long? The doctor's explanation is not a trivial problem

The public should also change their concepts, not simply attributed hypersexuality to "character problems", but should understand the complex medical mechanisms and psychological factors behind it, understand more about patients and blame them less, and create an open and inclusive atmosphere, so that they dare to speak out about their troubles and accept scientific diagnosis and treatment.

Hypersexuality is not a flood beast, under the common care of science and humanities, it can be tamed, let us work together to create a beautiful society with sexual health and sexual harmony, so that love can return to purity, so that everyone can have a happy and healthy sexual life