
Zodiac monkey vigilance! Someone is secretly framing you, recognize the villain, and trample it under your feet!

author:Happy, more than 100 million points

Zodiac monkey vigilance! Someone is secretly framing you, recognize the villain, and trample it under your feet!

Hello everyone, I'm Xiaole. Many of my friends know that I am a monkey. Our monkey friends are naturally smart and sociable, and their peach blossom luck is also good. But ah, we who are too dazzling will inevitably attract the jealousy and calculation of villains. Today, Xiaole will come to tell you that someone is framing you in the dark for the five signs, recognize the villain, and trample it under your feet!

Zodiac monkey vigilance! Someone is secretly framing you, recognize the villain, and trample it under your feet!

Symptom 1: Eyes flash, words dodge

Sisters, when I usually talk to you, my eyes are always flickering, my words are inconsistent, and you have to be careful if you ask ten questions and answer five sentences. This kind of person must have something hidden in his heart and "bad intentions". As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows to the soul. If his eyes are not open, what can he expect him to do?

Zodiac monkey vigilance! Someone is secretly framing you, recognize the villain, and trample it under your feet!

Symptom 2: One set in front of you, one set behind your back

Friends, if there is such a person around you, who talks to you in person, he will turn his head and change his face. This kind of person is definitely a villain. The ancients said: "The speaker has no intention, but the listener has intention". This kind of person who does one thing in front of him and one thing behind his back, no matter how good he says, he can't believe it.

Zodiac monkey vigilance! Someone is secretly framing you, recognize the villain, and trample it under your feet!

Symptom 3: Sow discord and create contradictions

Friends, if you find that there are always people around you who are stirring up the relationship between you and your friends and colleagues, and creating contradictions. This kind of person is just uneasy and kind, and wants to isolate you so that he can do it. When encountering such a person, we must be vigilant and "do not fall into the trap of traitors."

Symptom 4: Take advantage of the fire to rob and fall into the well

Little cuties, if you encounter difficulties or troubles, some people are not here to help you, but to make matters worse, this kind of person is definitely ill-intentioned. People who are really good to you will never kick you when you are in the most difficult time, and only villains will "take advantage of the fire to rob and fall into the well".

Symptom 5: Flattery, misdeeds

Sisters, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If someone flatters you and flatters you all the time, this kind of person must have "ulterior motives". They just want to curry favor with you, and when you let your guard down, they have to take another inch to achieve their goal. When dealing with sycophants, keep a clear head.

Zodiac monkey vigilance! Someone is secretly framing you, recognize the villain, and trample it under your feet!

Xiaole wants to remind everyone that for these villains who secretly frame you, you must be vigilant and see their true colors. The ancients said well: "It is better to offend a gentleman than a villain." The gentleman dares to be upright, but the villain can only play tricks behind his back. We must use our ingenuity to see through the tricks of the villain, trample them under our feet, and don't let them succeed!

The villains in life are like a flood beast, and they can't be prevented. Especially our zodiac monkey, we must be wary of the villain's calculations. Only by keeping our eyes open and being vigilant can we make steady progress on the road of life. "God pays off, as long as we insist on doing our best, we will eventually usher in our own wonderful life"!

Friends, are there such "villains" around you? Come and talk to Xiaole and share your stories and insights together! Finally, Xiaole wishes everyone: Friends of the zodiac monkey, I wish you a successful career, sweet love, villains stay away, and good luck is always there!