
I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

author:Happy Superman who is happy every day
I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot


Editor/Happy Superman who is happy every day


A touching reunion took place at the police station in Huizhou, Guangdong Province, marking the end of a 29-year separation.


Video source: @国+社区

Deng Bo was unfortunately abducted 29 years ago and has been separated from his family ever since. It is only today that he has been able to reunite with his family.

I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

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The event passed

Over the years, the family never gave up hope of finding him. Through the efforts of various parties, including the help of the police and the support of social forces, Deng Bo's whereabouts were finally determined this year and a family recognition event was arranged. At the police station, Deng Bo had an emotional confession with his family, which was full of emotion and tears.

I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

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After receiving his son, Deng Bo's father, Cai Jialing, said that he was taking him home for a reunion dinner. The meal signifies the integrity and joy of the family and symbolizes the end of nearly thirty years of separation.

I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

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The incident spread to the Internet, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

What are the buyer's family conditions?

I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Where's Liaobu?

I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

My friend was also adopted, and his biological parents in Chaoshan in 94 years ago, because she gave birth to her daughter who gave her up for adoption, and she was adopted in Huizhou, and she was curious about her biological parents, and she was afraid that her adoptive parents would be sad, and her adoptive parents were better to her than her own parents.

I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Looking at the comments, the buyer also followed to recognize his relatives, and he was still very arrogant, and he had to pay child support, so he didn't want to be faced

I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

Referring to the previous case, you may have to live broadcast the goods in a few days

I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot

The peace of every family deserves to be guarded

Deng Bo's homecoming is not just a family story, it reflects society's concern for the weak and helpless, and shows the beauty of turning to strength in difficult situations. This story reminds us that every corner of society needs warmth and love, and the peace and happiness of every family is worth protecting together.

The editor has something to say

Deng Bo's return home is not only a joy for a family, but also a microcosm of Chinese society, showing the complexity and importance of the issue of missing children. Twenty-nine years ago, Deng Bo's abduction not only destroyed the peace of a family, but also sounded the alarm for society. Although he was eventually reunited with his family, his story reflects the enormous challenges that the mainland still faces in protecting children and combating human trafficking.

Countless children go missing in China every year, often linked to human trafficking and illegal adoptions. Although Deng Bo's case was eventually resolved, his story reminds us that there are still many families who are suffering from waiting and searching. Society should continue to pay attention to these missing children, rather than only when individual cases are resolved.

Human trafficking is a global problem, and China faces particular challenges in this regard. Although the Government has taken a series of measures to combat this crime, including strengthening legal sanctions and raising public awareness, many difficulties remain in practice. An effective fight requires the coordinated efforts of the law, law enforcement agencies, social services and public education, as well as protection and support for victims.

The family is the first line of defence for children's development, but society as a whole also has an inescapable responsibility to prevent children from going missing. The importance of public education cannot be overlooked, and raising safety awareness among parents and children is key to preventing such tragedies. Community oversight and assistance are also extremely important, and a close-knit community can more effectively protect its most vulnerable members.

The media played an important role in the story of Dunbo's return home, raising public awareness of such issues through reporting. However, the media should also have a moral responsibility when dealing with such sensitive events to avoid secondary harm to victims that overexposure may cause. The media should strike a balance between truthfulness and attention in their reporting, while providing the public with practical information on how to support and assist families of missing children.

Dumbaugh's story sheds light on the brutal reality of human trafficking and the endless suffering of families, as well as the inadequacies of society and the law in protecting children. We should learn from this experience, not only focusing on the resolution of individual incidents, but also on the deep social problems behind these incidents. By strengthening legal, educational, and community collaboration, we can create a safer environment for children to grow up in and bring more hope and support to families of missing children. This is not only a response to Deng Bo and his family, but also our responsibility as members of society.


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I can't laugh anymore, Deng Bo, who has been separated for 29 years, went home today, and netizens in the comment area fried the pot