
Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

author:Guan Shan listens to the moon entertainment

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Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

Text: Guan Shan listens to the moon entertainment

Editor|Guan Shan Tingyue Entertainment

In the CBA semifinals, the matchup between the Guangdong team and the Liaoning team was like a thrilling drama. The fierce competition and the ups and downs of the score seem to be a symphony of fate, playing in the hearts of every basketball fan.

In the game, the intensity was breathless, and every round was full of gunpowder. The players fought the field, sweat and passion intertwined, as if they wanted to set the whole stadium on fire.

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

And behind this intenseness, there are some untold stories. Some of Moreland's actions make people frown.

How can one not be outraged that some of his actions seem to have crossed the boundaries of the game, and the referee has turned a blind eye to them? This can't help but remind people of the sentence: "Only the governor is allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps." "Is this fair? Is this reasonable?

The players of the Liaoning team also have some "restless" behavior. Some of their actions on the field made people feel a little out of line. Is this part of the competition?

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

Or are they challenging the bottom line of the rules? This begs the question, are they really serious about playing? The media people of the Guangdong team, their anger is understandable. Who can stand indifferent to the unjust treatment of their own team?

Their voices represent the voices of the fans. And the comparison with the blowing penalties in other games makes people see the difference. Is this accidental? Or is there some ulterior secret?

The unfairness on the basketball court is like a cancer, eroding the fairness of the game. We call on the Basketball Association to investigate the referees and let the fair sunshine shine on every corner.

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

Only in this way can basketball develop healthily and allow fans to regain their confidence in basketball. Of course, we can't ignore the fighting spirit of the players. Every run they make, every jump on the field, is the pursuit of their dreams.

Despite the problems in the game, they still stick to their posts and interpret their love for basketball with sweat and hard work.

This game reflects the current situation of the CBA league. While we are outraged by injustice, we should also be aware of the challenges facing the game.

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

How to improve the level of referees and how to regulate the behavior of players are all questions that we need to think about. In this suspenseful game, we saw the complexity of human nature, the charm of basketball, and the hope for the future.

Every collision between the Guangdong team and the Liaoning team is like a spark splashing. The fierce confrontation made people's hearts beat faster. The players are like warriors on the battlefield, fighting bravely and without flinching.

And Moreland's actions are like lightning in a storm, dazzling and shocking. The referee's inaction is even more infuriating, is this the so-called "blind"?

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

The players of the Liaoning team are also like a group of naughty children, making small moves from time to time. Are they in the race? Or are you playing a game?

This kind of "restless" behavior not only affects the course of the game, but also damages the image of basketball. Don't they know that "there are no rules, there are no rules"?

The media people of the Guangdong team, their voices are like alarm bells, ringing in everyone's hearts. Their anger is a protest against injustice and a call for fairness. Their words are like sharp knives, piercing everyone's nerves.

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

And compared with the blowing penalties in other games, it makes people see the greasyness in it. What's the secret behind this? Is it an entanglement of interests, or is it a game of thrones?

We can't let the injustice on the basketball court continue to spread. The Basketball Association should take action to conduct strict scrutiny of referees and impose severe penalties for violations.

Only in this way can basketball return to the right path and allow fans to regain their passion for basketball. After a game, the emotions of the fans were like turbulent waves, and they were full of strong dissatisfaction with the performance of the Guangdong team.

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

On social media, criticism has been pouring in, and speculation has poured in. The so-called "internal video" has become the focus, causing countless reveries and questions.

Fans are speculating about whether there really is some ulterior insider deal between the coach and the owner. Is there a hidden problem within the team? All this is like a mystery, which makes people itch and feel it.

Even Hongyuan's boss Chen Haitao and the boss's wife Wu Di were dissatisfied with the team's performance, leaving the field early and not shaking hands with the players, which made fans have mixed feelings. What's going on? The Guangdong team, the former division of kings, what happened now?

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

Looking back on the growth experience of Du Feng, the head coach of the Guangdong team, he has shown a lot of admiration for his leadership charm during the special period. He is like the team's anchor, leading the Guangdong team all the way.

Today, however, people are beginning to re-examine his leadership skills. The hearts of the fans are full of anticipation, and they hope that the Guangdong team can cheer up, respond to doubts, and attack the finals again.

They are eager to see the once-invincible Guangdong team return. But will it really work out the way they want it to? At this time of change, the challenges faced by the Guangdong team are unprecedented.

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

The team needs to reflect, it needs to adjust, it needs to find a way to rise again. And the fans, too, are full of hope and anxiety in this long wait.

They are like a group of watchmen, watching the future of the Guangdong team, and watching the glory of the past to shine again. In the vast galaxy of Chinese sports, the Guangdong team has always been a bright star.

But now, the star seems to be overshadowed. Is it the outbreak of internal contradictions, or the impact of external pressures? The mystery of all this is still waiting for us to uncover.

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

Perhaps, this is the charm of sports, full of unknowns and challenges. The story of the Guangdong team continues to be staged, and we, the audience of this play, are looking forward to the turn of the plot and the miracle.

Every detail touches the hearts of fans, and those so-called "inside videos" really speak for themselves? What does the attitude of the coach and the boss mean? Where will the future of the Guangdong team go?

Punish! Moreland hit people 3 times without blowing, and the Beijing, Shanghai and Cantonese media angrily criticized: Moreland has a lot of small actions

The fans' doubts are like alarm bells, ringing in the ears of the Guangdong team. They need to reflect, they need to change, they need to regain their lost confidence and fighting spirit.

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