
Hu Ge really played the role of a 35-year-old unemployed person, and netizens ridiculed: Hu Ge is acting, I am real

author:An ordinary citizen

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"At the age of 35, he drifted north for ten years, but he returned to his hometown but became a jobless vagrant", this is Hu Ge's role setting in the new movie "Stop-and-Go". This character is too real and too close to life, which makes countless viewers empathize. Looking at Hu Ge's superb acting skills on the big screen, I couldn't help laughing in the comment area.

Hu Ge really played the role of a 35-year-old unemployed person, and netizens ridiculed: Hu Ge is acting, I am real

This movie hits the pain points of too many people. At the age of 35, it is the golden period of life, but it is also the most easily confused stage. Ten years of drifting north, hard work, but in the end can only return empty-handed.

Back in his hometown, he was supposed to be a warm haven, but he was disgusted and blinded by his parents. For the sake of face, you can only pretend to go out to work, but in fact wander the streets with nothing to do. Such a plot is so cruel and real.

Hu Ge really played the role of a 35-year-old unemployed person, and netizens ridiculed: Hu Ge is acting, I am real

In the comment area, a netizen said: "Hu Ge is acting, I am real." In a word, the voices of countless young people in Beipiao have been exhausted. Some netizens ridiculed: "Hu Ge has observed me for at least three years in order to shoot this drama well!" Behind this self-deprecating humor is a sigh of helplessness from reality.

In the movie, Hu Ge's character met a girl he had a crush on in middle school, and he wanted to say a few words, but he was pierced in the heart by the uncle in line. This scene reminded many people of their own experiences. When you can't make money, home is no longer a safe haven, and the people closest to you will squeeze you with the sharpest language. This kind of damage is even more unbearable than unemployment itself.

Hu Ge really played the role of a 35-year-old unemployed person, and netizens ridiculed: Hu Ge is acting, I am real

Some netizens commented: "This theme is good, let me take a look at the 35-year-old middle-aged man above." But some people asked, "What's the use of seeing it?" "Yes, how can a real dilemma be solved by a movie?

Another netizen said: "Only those who can stay in the small county are capable people." This sentence is in one sentence. Working hard in a big city is stressful and competitive. And staying in my hometown, although there are few opportunities, the pace of life is slow and the human touch is strong. Everyone's choices are different, but they all deserve respect.

Hu Ge really played the role of a 35-year-old unemployed person, and netizens ridiculed: Hu Ge is acting, I am real

In the movie, Hu Ge's acting skills are superb. He interpreted the sadness, helplessness, and hesitation of a 35-year-old unemployed person to the fullest. The scene where he kicked his shoes off while playing football made people laugh uncontrollably. This comedic effect comes precisely from the real observation of life.

The movie "Stop and Go" allows us to see the plight of middle-aged people at present. At the age of 35, it should have been the golden age of life, but it has become a turning point for countless people. After ten years of hard work, he could only return empty-handed. Back in his hometown, facing the dislike of his parents and the pressure of society, his inner struggle can be imagined.

Hu Ge really played the role of a 35-year-old unemployed person, and netizens ridiculed: Hu Ge is acting, I am real

But the film also gives us a revelation. No matter what stage of life you are in, don't give up hope. At the age of 35, it is not the end, but a new beginning. Even when you return to your hometown, you must bravely face the reality and start anew. As the netizen said: "The family stays in his hometown, and the family is poor and travels everywhere." "As long as we don't give up our efforts, we will find our place one day.

Stop-and-Go is a thought-provoking film. It allows us to see the cruelty of reality, but it also gives us hope and strength. The 35-year-old unemployed person may be the epitome of each of us. But as long as we have the courage to face reality and dare to pursue our dreams, no difficulty is invincible.

Hu Ge really played the role of a 35-year-old unemployed person, and netizens ridiculed: Hu Ge is acting, I am real

Hu Ge's superb acting skills make this role come alive. His every expression, every movement, reveals true emotions. This kind of reality resonates strongly with the audience. It is precisely because of this resonance that there are so many interesting and thought-provoking comments in the comment section.

"What about being unemployed at 35? As long as we don't give up hope, we will find our place someday. This is perhaps the message that the movie "Stop and Go" wants to convey to us.

Hu Ge really played the role of a 35-year-old unemployed person, and netizens ridiculed: Hu Ge is acting, I am real

On the road of life, we all encounter difficulties and setbacks. But as long as we face it bravely and make unremitting efforts, we will be able to create our own wonderful life.

Hu Ge used his acting skills to interpret the mental journey of a 35-year-old unemployed person. This character may be the shadow of each of us. It seems ordinary, but it contains infinite possibilities. Let's laugh at life together, move forward bravely, and create our own brilliance!

The whole network has been opened to protect rights, and plagiarism is not allowed, and offenders will be prosecuted. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


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