
Every pair of laborer's hands deserves to be seen|Liu Jianlian: Hold the law in your hand and keep your heart warm

author:One amoxicillin daily

As night fell, the lights of the court's offices were still shining. A judge with a red carbon pen in her hand, trying to sketch out the heavy file at her desk, although her figure is thin, but full of perseverance and responsibility. The judge's name is Liu Jianlian, and her story is a legend of struggle, justice and responsibility.

Liu Jianlian, from Southwest University of Political Science and Law, entered the People's Court of Guandu District, Kunming City. She is responsible for hearing commercial disputes, contract disputes, tort liability and other cases, and guards fairness and justice with responsibility and responsibility day after day. In recent years, she has faced great challenges with the surge in her caseload, but she has risen to the challenge and worked hard to enrich her trial knowledge and solve each case with exquisite skill.

In a construction contract dispute involving tens of millions of yuan, Liu Jianlian showed an extraordinary judge's demeanor. She patiently organized the evidence, accurately checked the data, and finally narrowed the amount in dispute between the two parties to millions of yuan, resolving the serious dispute. She is not only a judge, but also the embodiment of fairness and justice, and she uses the scale of the law to measure the light of justice.

However, Liu's work doesn't stop there. With the consciousness of "as I am suing" for the people, she always adheres to fair judgments. There was an enforcement objection case, and the parties failed to recover the balance of millions of yuan after five years, but under the mediation of Liu Jianlian, the conflict was resolved, and the parties reached mediation and paid the money in just three hours. This letter of thanks is the best testimony to her spirit of responsibility.

Liu Jianlian's story is not only a legend of a judge, but also a celebration of justice and responsibility. She handles every case with her heart and takes practical actions to protect the last line of defense for social justice. May we all be like Liu Jianlian, show our responsibility with true feelings, defend fairness with justice, and let the light of the rule of law shine in everyone's hearts.

In this story, you see how the judge Liu Jianlian guards fairness and justice with professionalism, responsibility and sincerity. She is not only a judge, but also a "peacemaker" who resolves disputes and contradictions. In this era of socialization, have you ever encountered a similar "peacemaker"? They could be your friends, colleagues, or even yourself. Come and share your story and let's witness the power of responsibility together!

[Voting Interactive Session]

What do you think is the meaning of responsibility in modern society? A. Safeguarding fairness and justiceB. Resolving Disputes and ContradictionsC. Convey truth and warmthD. Others (please leave a message to tell us)

A. Safeguard fairness and justice

B. Resolve disputes

Every pair of laborer's hands deserves to be seen|Liu Jianlian: Hold the law in your hand and keep your heart warm

C. Convey truth and warmth

D. Others (please leave a message to tell us)

Liu Jianlian is an admirable judge, and she interprets the true meaning of responsibility with her actions. In your life, there may be a person like Liu Jianlian, who may not be famous, but who affects everyone around them in an ordinary way. Let's praise these people who have paid silently, and thank them for the warmth and positive energy they bring to the society!

[Interactive Discussion]

Do you have a "peacemaker" like Liu Jianlian around you?

How do they affect your life and work?

How do you deal with disputes or conflicts?

Liu Jianlian's story tells us that responsibility is not out of reach. Everyone can play a responsible role in their own positions, influence the people around them with truth, justice and warmth, and make the world a better place!

Night was shrouded and the courthouse was brightly lit. In one office, a judge is working on a thick file, holding a red carbon pen in his hand, the tip of which dances on the paper, as if writing a chapter of justice. The judge's name is Liu Jianlian, and her story is full of courage, responsibility and perseverance.

Liu Jianlian graduated from Southwest University of Political Science and Law and entered the People's Court of Guandu District, Kunming City. She is responsible for hearing commercial disputes, contract disputes, tort liability and other cases, and is busy every day. In recent years, she has faced enormous challenges as the number of cases has proliferated, but she has not flinched and worked hard to enrich her legal knowledge to cope with the increasing workload.

Every pair of laborer's hands deserves to be seen|Liu Jianlian: Hold the law in your hand and keep your heart warm

In a construction contract dispute case, the amount disputed between the two parties was as high as tens of millions of yuan, and the situation reached an impasse. But Liu Jianlian was not intimidated, she calmly analyzed, patiently organized the evidence, and finally succeeded in narrowing the disputed amount to millions of yuan and resolving the dispute. Her professionalism and professionalism have earned her clients' trust and respect.

However, Liu Jianlian's work is much more than that. She always adheres to the principle of fair adjudication and treats every case with care. In an enforcement objection case, the parties failed to recover the balance of the project of millions of yuan after five years, but under the mediation of Liu Jianlian, the conflict was resolved, and the parties reached mediation and paid the money in just three hours. This letter of thanks is the best testimony to her spirit of responsibility.

Liu Jianlian's story tells us that responsibility is not an empty word, but needs to be embodied in practice. She has fulfilled her duties as a judge with her own actions, solved problems for the people with her true feelings, and upheld social justice with fairness. I hope we can all learn from Liu Jianlian, do everything with our hearts, and take practical actions to protect the last line of defense of fairness and justice.

In your life, are there people like Liu Jianlian? Come and share your story and let's witness the power of responsibility together!

[Interactive Discussion]

Do you have someone like Liu Jianlian who is "responsible"?

How do they affect your life and work?

When you face difficulties, how do you show your sense of responsibility?

Liu Jianlian's story teaches us that everyone can be a responsible person. No matter where we are, as long as we treat our work with heart and sincerity, we can bring positive energy to the society and make the world a better place!

Every pair of laborer's hands deserves to be seen|Liu Jianlian: Hold the law in your hand and keep your heart warm