
Why do men prefer women with a certain body type?

author:Po talks about health

In human society, men's preference for women's body has always been a complex topic, which is not only related to culture and aesthetics, but also closely related to biology and evolutionary psychology. This article will explore this phenomenon from a scientific perspective and reveal the biological mechanisms behind it.

Why do men prefer women with a certain body type?

Cultural and aesthetic changes

First, aesthetic standards present a diversity across cultures and eras. From the slender body of ancient Egypt to the plump body of the Renaissance to the modern pursuit of a healthy body shape, aesthetic concepts have changed with the changes in social values and cultural backgrounds.

Biological explanations

From a biological point of view, a man's preference for a woman's body may be related to fertility and the chances of survival of the offspring. For example, wide buttocks and larger breasts are thought to be associated with fertility and breastfeeding. These traits may subconsciously be seen by men as indicators of health and fertility.

Why do men prefer women with a certain body type?

Research at Harvard University

Recently, researchers at Harvard University have proposed a new theory that men's preference for women with a particular body type may be related to the fertility of these women. They found some interesting connections by analyzing body size and saliva samples from 119 women between the ages of 24 and 37.

The investigators divided the subjects into four groups: thin waist and fat buttocks, thin waist and thin buttocks, smaller breasts and larger breasts. By looking at the levels of two hormones, progesterone and 17-b estradiol, in the saliva of these women during a menstrual cycle, the researchers found some significant correlations.

Hormone levels and fertility

Progesterone and 17-b estradiol are two hormones known to be closely related to female fertility. Studies have found that progesterone hormone levels are generally higher in women with thin waists, while women with thin waists and larger breast sizes have the highest levels of 17-b estradiol hormone during ovulation. This high hormone level can mean that these women are 3 times more likely to conceive in any situation than women of other body types.

The Perspective of Evolutionary Psychology

From the perspective of evolutionary psychology, men may instinctively seek out women who have a reproductive advantage as partners. This preference may not be based solely on sexual attraction, but on potential considerations for the survival and reproduction of offspring.


Taken together, a male preference for a particular body type of female may be a reflection of a deep biological and evolutionary mechanism. This preference is not just a product of culture and aesthetics, but is closely related to fertility and the health of future generations. However, it is important to recognize that every individual is unique, and that health and fertility do not depend solely on appearance. In modern society, we encourage people to look beyond superficial preferences and respect and appreciate the intrinsic worth and individuality of each person.

Why do men prefer women with a certain body type?