
Men and women get along, and the other party can't give you these things, so forget it

Men and women get along, and the other party can't give you these things, so forget it

Yes, love is really giving. Of course, this kind of giving is not just a verbal promise, but a real and tangible giving, so that you can feel the real love giving.

Sometimes, people who love each other will want to give to each other as much as possible because they are afraid of losing. It's a natural thing to do.

It's actually a human nature that shows this emotion once you fall in love. If you find that the other person is always unable to meet your needs, then it may be because he does not really love you.

As described in Ahsan's song "It's Been Quiet", my love has always been very low-key and just wants to exchange occasional care with you. And we are obviously one of the protagonists in the movie of three people, but we have never been able to get our real name.

Men and women get along, and the other party can't give you these things, so forget it

This song is not meant to be listened to when you are out of love, as the love expressed in the lyrics tends to elicit sympathy. Many people can deeply understand the feeling of being given love but not being reciprocated and cherished.

Love makes it easy to humble and receptive. However, remember that there is no love without love, and forced love is impossible.

When men and women get along, understand that if you can't give something, don't force it. I can't get the other party's sincerity even if I force myself. It's an unworthy sacrifice.

If the other party can't give you a name

Title may not be very important to some people, who think that the love of young people is to be together if they love and to separate if they don't. But in fact, fame is very important for those who are insecure. Ignoring the pretentiousness of the name can cause unnecessary annoyance and confusion for yourself and your partner. In a love relationship, a clear name is more conducive to protecting and maintaining the relationship between the two parties.

If you think about it, if your partner truly loves you, he will definitely want to show everyone around him that you are good, not hide it. Such people are truly worthy of your cherishment.

In the entertainment industry, many celebrities dare not make it public when they are in love, and they are reluctant to make it public even when they are married. Of course, not all such situations mean not loving the other person, and some people may do it out of concern for the other person.

Men and women get along, and the other party can't give you these things, so forget it

Is this true for most people? They have girlfriends, but they will participate in love variety shows, show how good they are, and have an affair with other members of the opposite sex? This kind of behavior is worth pondering.

I don't think it's just about the work and the business side. Overall, this kind of performance may mean a lack of enough love.

Do you still remember Lu Han, who was at the peak of his career, publicly opened his relationship with Guan Xiaotong on Weibo? This courage is admirable, because this is true love, because it is a promise to the other person. No matter what kind of impact it will bring, Lu Han always faces it calmly, which shows his sense of responsibility and sincerity. This also allows us to see the most precious thing in love: commitment to each other.

Feelings are very complex, with both indestructible faces and fragile sides. It is only when two people have a strong relationship that they can go more smoothly, which shows that you are very important in each other's future plans and not an inconsequential appendage.

If the other person is unable to acknowledge the relationship for you, the relationship may have no future, and it is advisable to leave early to maintain dignity.

If the other party can't give you happiness

Love is to meet the person who can make your heart happy, the person who smiles when he sees you. After all, happiness is essential when it comes to getting along with men and women.

If you face too much pain in life, if your partner gives you more troubles, then there is no point in being together. In a situation like this, we need to reconsider our relationship and make a decision.

Men and women get along, and the other party can't give you these things, so forget it

Love should be each other's happiness, with the right person, willing to accompany you through all the prosperity, together to the end of the world. When you are down, he is able to bring you a smile, which is the most beautiful love.

The love between Ying Caier and Chen Xiaochun is always enviable. At the concert, Ying Caier would sit in the audience and gently send flying kisses, while Chen Xiaochun would smile dotingly on stage. This scene is full of romance and sweetness, allowing the audience to also feel the sincere feelings between the couple.

I think that's the best expression of love! What is love? It is the one that can accommodate you infinitely, pamper you, and let you fly freely in endless joy.

In fact, in the relationship between men and women, happiness is simple. The premise is that he is willing to give you happiness and can make efforts for you.

In love, we often blur each other's pain because we love each other deeply. We believe that our happiness does not depend on the other person's efforts, but on the other person's being too busy or not knowing how to express it. However, we need to truly listen to each other's hearts and understand each other's feelings in order to build a true love relationship.

We may just be deluding ourselves. Cecilia Cheung once revealed that Nicholas Tse had never done housework, let alone cooking.

When Nicholas Tse effortlessly showed his talent in "Twelve Edges", people couldn't help but sigh: sometimes it's not because the other party doesn't know, but because they don't want to understand.

Men and women get along, and the other party can't give you these things, so forget it

If the other party can't give you loyalty

In an age of lust, loyalty becomes a luxury and sometimes difficult to obtain.

We are all human beings who need genuine love and a loyal partner.

It takes patience to love someone, and there are thousands of excellent people in the world, but what it really means to you is often the one you meet by chance and have the same interests. If this person appears too late, let him be a guest in your life.

If the other person is always disloyal to you with the idea of meeting someone better, then there is no point in continuing such feelings.

We often hope to find a lover who is obedient to us like a loyal dog. But love is mutual, and we must be loyal to ourselves in order to expect loyalty from each other.

Loyalty is often more important than romance in the relationship between men and women. There is only zero and countless times of cheating. If your partner can't give you loyalty, it's better to let it go. As an essential quality between men and women, loyalty promotes good relationships. When choosing a partner, it's important to consider this quality.

Men and women get along, and the other party can't give you these things, so forget it

The encounter between a man and a woman is a kind of fate, but if the other person cannot give you commitment, happiness and loyalty, then the encounter is destined to be a tragedy, and this person can only become a temporary passerby in your life. On the road of love, you must choose carefully and cherish those who can give you fame, happiness and loyalty, so as to have a long-term and happy love relationship.

Maybe we should learn to let go. You know, letting go is also a kind of fulfillment, and fulfillment is not only good for others, but also good for yourself.