
The South China Sea is stormy! What is the intention of the 26 Nations joint performance? Is there really going to be a showdown?

author:Spicy strips PK small fresh meat
The South China Sea is stormy! What is the intention of the 26 Nations joint performance? Is there really going to be a showdown?

The South China Sea has been buzzing lately, with preparations underway for an unprecedentedly large-scale naval exercise. This is not a joke, the United States took the lead, and 26 countries have responded, which one is this? Is it really for the maintenance of the so-called "freedom of navigation" and "maritime trade routes"?

Don't rush to conclusions, let's slowly analyze the story behind this exercise.

The South China Sea is stormy! What is the intention of the 26 Nations joint performance? Is there really going to be a showdown?

The scale of this military exercise and the number of countries participating in this military exercise are unprecedented. From the Pacific coast to America's allies in Europe, and even France and Germany, which had just established close diplomatic relations with China, were involved. This begs the question: what exactly are these countries coming together for? Is it really just to show off your muscles and show China?

Germany and France, two European powers. Did they send warships all the way to the Asia-Pacific region just to participate in a military exercise? I'm afraid it's not that simple. You must know that Germany and France have always been important forces in Europe, and their every move touches the nerves of the international situation. This time, they sent warships to participate in the RIMPAC military exercise, which undoubtedly sent a clear signal to the world: They are willing to play a greater role in the Asia-Pacific region.

The South China Sea is stormy! What is the intention of the 26 Nations joint performance? Is there really going to be a showdown?

The United States, as the leader of this military exercise, has even more intriguing intentions. In recent years, the United States has continuously strengthened its military presence in the Asia-Pacific region, and this military exercise is undoubtedly an important part of its "pivot to the Asia-Pacific" strategy. Through military exercises, the United States has not only demonstrated its military influence in the Asia-Pacific region, but also tried to attract more allies to join its camp to jointly contain China's rise.

Nor can we ignore the mentality of the other participating countries. They may have their own plans, but in any case, this military exercise has given them an opportunity to show themselves and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other countries. After all, who wouldn't want to brush up on the international stage with a presence?

The South China Sea is stormy! What is the intention of the 26 Nations joint performance? Is there really going to be a showdown?

Back to the original question: What exactly is this exercise for? Is it to maintain maritime trade routes and freedom of navigation? Or is it to put pressure on China, to demonstrate the military power of the United States and its allies? Or is it to strengthen military cooperation and exchanges between countries? I am afraid that these issues are best known only to the countries participating in the military exercises.

One thing is certain, however, that the exercise has undoubtedly heightened tensions in the Asia-Pacific region. At this sensitive time, any wind and grass can lead to unnecessary misunderstandings and conflicts. Therefore, we hope that all countries will remain calm and exercise restraint and resolve differences and problems through dialogue and consultation.

The South China Sea is stormy! What is the intention of the 26 Nations joint performance? Is there really going to be a showdown?

Let's think about it: If this military exercise is really about putting pressure and demonstrative on China, as some people have suggested, how will China respond? Do you choose to swallow your anger or take countermeasures? And what impact will this exercise have on the stability and development of the Asia-Pacific region? These are questions worth pondering.

The South China Sea is stormy! What is the intention of the 26 Nations joint performance? Is there really going to be a showdown?

Don't look at the current military exercises, but in the end, what kind of fame can be made, there is really a big question mark. Maybe it's a farce with a lot of thunder and a little rain. But then again, the situation in the South China Sea is unpredictable, who can say for sure?