
Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

author:Easy to get creative text
Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Text/Yide Chuangwen

Editor/Kung Fu Wow Wow Cub


In a recent high-profile event in the entertainment industry, the entanglement between Wei Jia and Gao Yalin finally has a new development


The video comes from Lang Rising Little Qingdao

The turmoil, which is full of controversy and questioning, actually revolves around a Beijing hukou issue.

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Originated from the Internet

Wei Jia broke a custody agreement on the Internet, and then issued a statement saying that if it were not for the children's education and hukou issues, she would not have been involved in the dispute at all.

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Originated from the Internet

She took a strong stance and thanked Gao Yalin for not choosing to marry her in the end. Gao Yalin had promised to give away a property in Shenzhen to their daughter.

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Originated from the Internet

For the people who eat melons, they will not give up anything that can eat melons, and they have expressed that they are really curious about Gao Yalin's claim that they want to register Wei Jia's child, the more mysterious they are, the more they want to know

I believe in Wei Jia

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Do I still need a marriage certificate to register at present? Do I still have to have a father?

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Netizen: It doesn't matter if you don't share the money, but the mother definitely still wants to give the child a Beijing hukou

Women are mothers and mothers

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Alas, this is how husband and wife become the most familiar strangers

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Netizen: Where is the entertainment industry that we ordinary people can see

Facing his stepfather and stepmother, where should Liu Xing go

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

In this turmoil, Wei Jia does not seem to have gained any direct benefits from it. And for Gao Yalin, this incident is undoubtedly a heavy blow, after all, he has always maintained the image of a public figure.

Many people began to wonder if this was just a public relations war manipulated by Wei Jia, the purpose of which was simply to gain more profits.

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Originated from the Internet

However, a deeper analysis of netizens believes that Wei Jia is not making trouble unreasonably. Behind the scenes, she may be fighting for the future of herself and her daughter. Gao Yalin, on the other hand, seems to have always maintained a calm attitude.

His text message conversation with Wei Jia was leaked by the media, from which it can be seen that he seems to have accepted the reality, and also mentioned that whether it is a hukou in Beijing or Shenzhen, it can be discussed.

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Originated from the Internet

Regarding the relationship between the two, Gao Yalin has publicly stated that when they started living together, he was already divorced, and clearly told Wei Jia that he did not want to have any more children.

Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

Originated from the Internet

However, Wei Jia's pregnancy seems to have been a decision made without his consent, which leads to various disputes that follow.

Easy to get a view

In the recent incident of Wei Jia and Gao Yalin, the public once again witnessed the unknown side of the entertainment industry.

Although the incident revolves around the issue of the child's Beijing hukou, the information it reveals is far more complex than this simple fact.

I think this kind of incident not only reveals the pressures of celebrities' private lives, but also reflects the multiple standards that our society has when dealing with public issues.

Wei Jia made the custody agreement public on the Internet, and stated that the turmoil was only for the sake of the child's household registration and education, which is worth pondering.

As a mother, she has nothing to blame for thinking about the future of her children, and any parent wants to provide the best education and living conditions for their children.

The practice also exposes the complexities of celebrities' handling of private matters and the pressure of public scrutiny of public figures' private lives.

During the incident, although Gao Yalin remained silent, it can be seen from the content of the text messages exposed by the media that he seems to have a relatively mature and rational attitude towards this crisis, which is worthy of respect.

His actions showed that he was able to maintain personal dignity and responsibility, even under extreme stress.

As soon as this incident was exposed, it sparked widespread discussion and controversy. The "crowdfunding" jokes on social media, while laughable, also reflect the public's mixed emotions about entertainment news – both curiosity about the real situation and ridicule of reality.

This phenomenon shows that the public's interest in the entertainment industry far outweighs the fact that the facts of the incident are concerned, and this kind of entertainment treatment may actually cover up some of the more noteworthy social issues, such as the challenge of single-parent families and the fairness of the hukou system.

For each and every one of us, such an event is also an opportunity for reflection. How should we view the private lives of celebrities? Shouldn't we have more empathy and understanding for them, rather than just treating them as talking points?

Everyone in the public eye has their own difficulties and challenges, and their decisions and actions are often made under multiple pressures.

In this case, I particularly applaud Wei Jia for her courage and determination to become a mother. Despite the tremendous pressure and doubts she faced, she stood her ground and fought for the best future for her children.

The greatness of this motherhood deserves everyone's respect and understanding.

I would like to say that although each of us has different life situations, we can find inspiration in Wei Jia's perseverance when facing life's challenges.

No matter what the outside world says, sticking to what you think is right and working tirelessly for your family is a manifestation of positive energy in itself.

I hope this incident will make more people realize that whether we are public figures or ordinary people, we are all fighting for life and deserve to be understood and respected.



Editor's note: The comments of netizens in the article reflect the diverse voices and opinions of society, but do not represent the position of this article

Easy to get a review of the past

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Gao Yalin upgraded later, saying that he wanted to register Wei Jia's child, and the screenshots of the text messages exposed netizens to fry the pot

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