
Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

author:Senior science popularizer


"Chicken or egg?"

It seems impossible to have a definitive answer to this age-old and mysterious question, and the two are so interdependent that even if there is an answer, it does not seem so important.

However, just recently, the Chinese Academy of Sciences has received a conclusive answer to this ancient question.

Did the chicken come first, or did the egg come first?

Let's find out.

1. The chicken or the egg.

In ancient times, the idea that there was a chicken was mainly put forward by the great Greek philosopher Aristotle, who believed that the emergence of living things needs to be paved by the reproductive process of other species, so there must be a chicken.

The idea that there was an egg was put forward by Darwin, the founder of the famous theory of evolution, who believed that the evolution of organisms is the gradual accumulation of genetic variation, so there must be an egg first.

Let's look first at Aristotle's view.

According to Aristotle, the reproduction of living things is the generation of change, and change is a force, which in turn requires material as a basis, just as fire can burn wood, but without wood, fire cannot be produced.

Therefore, before the emergence of living things, there must be such a force of change, and this force needs to be created by living things, so that living things need to be paved by the reproduction process of other species.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

Moreover, Aristotle also proposed that only when this force is of the same nature as matter can there be changes, such as fire and wood are both red-hot, so fire can burn wood.

Moreover, Aristotle also proposed that the children born to parents are imperfect copies.

This imperfect replica can affect the reproductive process later in life, leading to the mutation of the offspring, which will give rise to new organisms.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

Aristotle believed that chickens are creatures that cannot produce mutated offspring in reproduction, so he believes that the appearance of chickens must have undergone a period of change to have what they are today.

Therefore, before the appearance of chickens, it must have been made of eggs, and this egg, in turn, was produced by other organisms, so there must have been chickens first.

This is the evidence for Aristotle's belief that "the chicken came first".

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

In Aristotle's view, life is not only a consciousness, but also a force, which can produce not only living things, but also the consciousness of living beings, that is, the consciousness of life, and this force is an organism in living things, so in the process of life generation, it is conscious, life has a purpose, so life is produced by life.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

Darwin, on the other hand, put forward the idea that there was an egg first, and he believed that the egg was produced by a chicken, but that the chicken might not be a "real chicken", but a creature called a "fake chicken".

In the process of reproduction, the genes of this organism have a certain mutation, resulting in an organism called "real chicken", and the eggs produced by this "real chicken" are real eggs.

Therefore, the preceding eggs were produced by "fake chickens", and this "fake chickens" may have been ancient creatures.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

2. The reproduction of life in the Paleozoic Era.

In the Paleozoic Era, the oxygen content was lower than now, and the climate was relatively harsh, not as suitable for life as now, and even the life span of organisms was relatively short, so the reproduction of paleontology was relatively fast.

In the Paleozoic Era, the reproduction of organisms was reproduced through spores, because the spores were relatively small, which allowed organisms to reproduce a lot of offspring in a short period of time, so this method was more suitable for short-lived organisms such as paleontology.

As time passed, life became more complex, and the spores were no longer suitable for reproduction, so the way paleontology reproduced also changed and became eggs.

610 million years ago, there was a creature called "roundmouth".

This creature has a hard-shelled shell with many small holes through which the roundworm can release its eggs from the shell, and then fuse with the eggs of other roundworms to produce new roundworms.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

And this kind of roundworm also has the eggs of roundworm in the body, so this creature can reproduce on its own, and roundworm is oviparous, so there must be eggs first.

The round-mouthed worm is also a kind of paleontology, and the eggs it produces can mutate into new eggs over time, thus giving rise to new organisms.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

Therefore, this creature is exactly what Darwin called "fake chicken", and the new creature produced by roundmouth worm is what Darwin called "real chicken", so according to the research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, it was concluded that there were eggs first.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

3. Evidence of the first egg.

Through the analysis of the fossils of the round-mouthed worm, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences found that the eggs of the round-mouthed worm are not produced at random, but have a certain regularity, and the new organisms it produces are not good to produce, but to be cultivated for a period of time before new organisms can be produced.

Similarly, in the present organisms, the eggs of the organisms also have to be nurtured for a period of time before new organisms can be produced.

For example, the eggs of birds must be hatched to produce new birds, and the eggs of dinosaurs are the same.

Moreover, the eggs of living things will not randomly produce mutations, and mutation requires a certain force, which is produced by living beings, so the generation of living things must be produced by living things.

And according to the research of researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the eggs of the round-mouthed worm are produced by the round-mouthed worm, and the associated with this organism must be the round-mouthed worm, and the round-mouthed worm has the egg first, so the conclusion is that the egg came first.

At the same time, in the population of the round-mouthed worm, there is an organism called "comb-caterpillar", which is an evolutionary species of the round-mouthed worm, and the comb-worm is also oviparous and produced by the round-mouthed worm, so it also has an egg first.

At the same time, in the population of combs, there is a kind of "termite", which is an evolutionary species of combs, which is also oviparous, so there are eggs first.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed


It can be seen that the research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is more in line with Darwin's view that the evolution of organisms is gradually accumulated by genetic variation.

At the same time, it can be seen that the complexity of living things gradually becomes more complex over time.

The answer to this question actually involves different understandings of the origin and evolution of life, which is also our different understanding of the nature of life and the laws of evolution.

This also enlightens us that it is very important to continue to explore the mysteries of the natural world and the progress of science and technology.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed

We can also continue to explore other age-old questions, which not only stimulate our curiosity, but also promote the advancement of science and technology.

The research results of the Chinese Academy of Sciences can lead to more academic discussions and studies on the origin and evolution of life.

Did the chicken come first? The Chinese Academy of Sciences came with a conclusive answer, and the truth was revealed