
The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

author:Butter buns
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Once upon a time, the Gaza Strip was peaceful. Children frolicking in the streets, adults praying in mosques, life is peaceful and beautiful. However, this tranquility was only a brief calm before the storm.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

Just a few days ago, the Israeli army suddenly launched the so-called "Battle of Rafah", with the intention of rescuing the hostages held by Hamas by military means and at the same time eradicating this stubborn armed force. But who would have thought that this seemingly heroic and righteous action would become a quagmire that is difficult to shake itself.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

Israeli forces suffered heavy losses in Rafah after being ambushed by Hamas snipers and mines. Both sides of the fierce fighting opened fire, and the city of Gaza was filled with smoke of artillery fire. Innocent civilians had to huddle in basements, waiting in fear for the nightmare to end.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

However, the nightmare has only just begun! The Israeli side has vowed to kill Hamas, and an all-out war is a foregone conclusion. The two sides have been grudging for a long time, and this conflict is about to erupt, which will completely ignite this powder keg. The specter of a massacre looms over Gaza, and bloody scenes are just around the corner......

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

With the deafening sound of artillery, the sky of Rafah, a city in the southern Gaza Strip, was pierced and smoke was everywhere. This time, the two sides opened fire and covered the sky with bullets, bringing unprecedented panic and pain to this land.

It is reported that the conflict stemmed from the courageous actions of the Israeli army, who wanted to free the hostages held by Hamas and tried to weaken Hamas forces through military means. However, they were unexpectedly ambushed by each other and fell into the quagmire of a hard battle.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

The streets of Rafah are in chaos, and people are forced to hide in the rubble, living in fear and uncertainty. The aftermath of the battle ruthlessly devastated their homeland and left them in extreme distress. In a war-torn city, people have to face threats to their lives and the breakdown of their families.

Walking the streets, you'll see broken buildings, charred vehicles, and the wails of innocent people. The doctors in the hospital did their best to treat the wounded, but they faced difficulties with a shortage of medical supplies and a shortage of manpower. Every injured person is the hope of their families, and their lives are hanging by a thread.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

Not far away, Israeli soldiers weave through the rubble, threatened by Hamas snipers. Their lives are always in danger, but they do not flinch and firmly defend the security of their country and people.

Hamas militants, on the other hand, lurk in the corners of the city, know the land well, using tactical flexibility and terrain to the advantage of the powerful Israeli army. Their goal is to protect their power and control at all costs.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

Both sides of this conflict have paid a heavy price, with countless families losing their loved ones and countless children losing the joy of childhood. People around the world are also paying attention to this turbulent land, hoping that the two sides can cease fire as soon as possible and find a way out for peace.

Faced with a difficult situation, the Israeli Government has taken a tough approach, choosing to go it alone and refusing to participate in the Cairo peace talks. This iron-fisted approach has drawn widespread criticism at home and abroad, but they still insist on the goal of completely eradicating Hamas by force.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

To achieve this, the Israeli Air Force launched a heavy air campaign targeting Hamas targets in the southern Gaza Strip. The fighter plane slashed through the air with a deafening roar, and the missile drew a deadly arc in the air, leveling the target in an instant. At the same time, Israeli ground forces launched a resolute attack, rushing into Hamas-controlled areas and engaging in a fierce exchange of fire.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

The fighting between the two sides was extremely fierce, and the number of casualties continued to rise. Cities and villages in the southern Gaza Strip have been transformed into battlegrounds, with buildings destroyed and streets filled with smoke and debris. Innocent civilians were in panic and despair, and they had to hide in bunkers and pray that the fighting would be extinguished.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

The Israeli government does not care about the criticism and pressure of the international community, and they believe that the complete weakening of Hamas by force is the only option. They firmly believe that only by reducing Hamas's firepower and control to its lowest point can the way for Israel's security and stability be paved.

The cost of this conflict is enormous, with countless families bereaved and countless children deprived of a bright future. The international community has called on both sides to cease fire and resume peace talks as soon as possible, but the Government of Israel remains firm in its position and firmly believes that peace can be achieved only by force.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

According to an Israeli military spokesman, four Israeli soldiers were killed in a battle that was ambushed by Hamas. For this, the Israeli army has vowed to launch more violent retaliatory actions, making Hamas pay a heavy price. It can be seen that the two sides have no intention of reconciliation for the time being, and will still insist on armed confrontation.

This conflict is nothing less than an "endless" war, casting a shadow over the situation in the Middle East. The international community strongly condemned this and called on the two sides to immediately cease fire and resolve their differences through dialogue. Otherwise, the haze of gunsmoke will continue to envelop the country, and civilians will suffer even more.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

Although the conflict has been sparked by a long-standing territorial dispute, it is rooted in a lack of mutual trust and a spirit of compromise on both sides. The contradictions and hatred that have accumulated over a long period of time have caused the peace process to suffer setbacks again and again, and it is difficult to achieve a fundamental breakthrough. I believe that only through frank dialogue, putting aside prejudices and prejudices, seeing each other with sincerity, and understanding each other's positions can we find a way out of conflicts.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

Violent confrontation is never a solution to the problem, but will further exacerbate the situation. As a civilized society, we should call on both sides to cease fire immediately and stop the senseless bloodshed. At the same time, the international community should exert its influence to urge both sides to return to the negotiating table, resolve the conflict through diplomatic means, and end the conflict as soon as possible.

The Israeli army started the battle of Rafah, but was unexpectedly ambushed by Hamas, and a massacre was about to begin

Peace is a win-win option, while war will lead to a lose-lose situation. I sincerely hope that, with the joint efforts of the international community, the two sides will be able to lay down their butcher's knives, regain their rationality, and jointly write a new chapter in peace in the Middle East.

Author's statement: Some of the pictures in this article are taken from the Internet and are invaded and deleted. The content is for entertainment only, no bad guidance, please establish the right values!