
"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

author:The front smell is on the road~


"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

On the stage of "Singer 2024", the audience is looking forward to not only the gorgeous stage and shocking singing, but also the deep nostalgia for Cantonese songs. Ye Qianwen, Xie Anqi, Wu Yufei, Yan Mingxi, these names are like the bright stars of the Cantonese music scene, which makes people yearn for it.

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

However, Miriam Yeung and Sammi Cheng seem to be drifting away from the stage of "Singer" due to the busy concert schedule. Zhang Jingxuan's absence is even more suffocating, and his singing has been a comfort in many people's hearts.

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

Netizens have left messages on social media, hoping that "Singer 2024" can hear more Cantonese songs. Some netizens joked: "If "Singer" becomes a 'party of Cantonese singers', how great it would be! Someone else jokingly said: "Has the "Singer" program team forgotten that Cantonese songs can also be sung intoxicatingly? These humorous and expectant comments undoubtedly add a different color to "Singer 2024".

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

The expectation of the fill-in singer: the showdown between the national team and the folk masters

As the schedule of "Singer 2024" advances, the list of fill-in singers has become the focus of heated discussions. The names of powerful singers such as Yuan Yawei, Han Hong, Alin, Shan Yichun, Zhou Shen, and Tan Weiwei frequently appear in the discussions of netizens. The addition of Phoenix Legend is even more exciting, their unique music style can set off a new trend on the stage of "Singer"?

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

Netizens' expectations for the fill-in singer can be described as varied. Someone jokingly said: "If Wei Chen comes to fill the position, will the stage of "Singer" become a concert of "Morning Light"?" Some people also ridiculed: "If Da Zhang Wei comes, won't "Singer" become a happy gathering of 'Da Zhang Wei and his friends'?" These humorous comments not only show the creativity of netizens, but also reflect their infinite expectations for "Singer 2024".

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

Controversial summary: Can "Singer 2024" create another brilliant achievement?

"Singer 2024" is a high-profile music competition show, and the choice of its lineup undoubtedly affects the hearts of countless music fans. The call for Cantonese songs, the expectation of fill-in singers, and the challenge of international superstars are all intertwined to form the unique charm of "Singer 2024".

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

However, as the show progressed, so did the controversy. Some netizens questioned: "Can "Singer" still maintain its original intention and return to the essence of music?

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

The local music culture has been impacted

Charlie Puss's participation is undoubtedly a grand carnival for the show's ratings. His unique voice and superb interpretation have fascinated countless audiences. Every time he takes the stage, he is able to present an audio-visual feast for the audience with his own style and deep understanding of music. On social media, Charlie Puss's fans posted in support of the event, excitedly sharing their idol's wonderful performance on the stage of "Singer 2024".

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

However, in the midst of this accolade, some critical voices are also beginning to emerge. Some people think that Charlie Puss, as an international star, occupies too much aura and influence in such a competition, and may overshadow the brilliance of other homegrown artists.

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

Some music critics and cultural critics believe that the addition of such international stars, while bringing high ratings to the show in the short term, may lead to an over-Westernization of audience tastes in the long run, adversely affecting the growth of the local music market and original musicians.

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

On social media, the discussion on this topic has intensified. Some people believe that music knows no borders, and the participation of international artists can promote cultural exchange and integration, and improve the international vision of local artists. Others insist that the program should showcase more of the diversity and uniqueness of local music, protecting and nurturing the independence of local culture.

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars

The program team did not shy away from such a controversy, but chose to deal with it with a more open mind. They said that "Singer 2024", as an international music competition platform, aims to showcase the diversity and inclusiveness of music, not only for competition, but also for musicians from different cultural backgrounds to learn from each other and inspire each other. They hope that through such exchanges, more musical innovations can be stimulated and the development of global music culture can be promoted.

"Singer 2024": The call of Cantonese songs and the challenge of international superstars