
Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

author:The game is wonderful

What kind of punishment have you received since you were a child? Sweeping? Washing dishes? Or kneeling durian? However, this is a drizzle in the face of the punishment methods that we are going to do today.

8 Greatest Tortures in Human History

In the history of mankind, in order to punish a person for misdeeds, ancient people invented all kinds of torture very early, of course, they are mainly divided into two categories, namely spiritual and physical.

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

Ancient China has documented a very cruel form of torture.

Water Dripping

It is to fix the prisoner to a chair, and then hang a bucket above his head, and a small hole is carved out of the bottom of the bucket, so that the water slowly seeps out and drip on the top of the prisoner's head.

Many people may think, is this really a punishment? How powerful can a small water droplet be?

But the brutal King Shang didn't think so, because he invented this kind of punishment, and the king said at the time, "This is the most absolute torture in the world."

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

In order to achieve the best results, he also made the intervals of the water droplets irregular, so that the tortured prisoners would develop great fear and despair.

As the droplets fall day after day, the place where the prisoner's head is hit by the droplets will slowly fester, and even penetrate the skull until the prisoner dies.

The cradle of Judah

It was a name that "did not correspond at all to reality" and was called the "most barbaric" torture of the Middle Ages.

It was a stool-like thing, but instead of a flat surface, the stool was a pyramid-shaped sharp device that allowed the prisoner to sit at the "tip of the pyramid" with his hands bound and weights tied to his legs.

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

This torture can last for hours or even days until the "pyramid" penetrates the prisoner's body, which is really creepy to imagine, but the next one is even more terrifying.

The third: head crusher

If the prisoner is a Yan Kong, then it must be a nightmarish existence.

However, in ancient Western countries, this punishment was used for thousands of years, and the prisoner would be given an extremely hard "iron hat" and then tied to a rack.

This is no ordinary shelf, underneath the head is an equally hard table, and next, the torturer will slowly turn the screws so that the distance between the iron cap and the table is getting smaller and smaller.

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

The prisoner whose head is crushed will feel very painful, and with the constant rotation, the prisoner's jaw and teeth will be crushed, but this does not mean the end, because it will continue to rotate until the entire skull is crushed.

Fourth: Iron Lady

The installation can be seen in many medieval museums, and it is believed to have been invented by a 14-year-old Germanic man.

From the outside, the Iron Lady resembles a metal mummy coffin, with a door on its chest that can be opened, and when you open it, you will find that its interior and door are covered with sharp spikes.

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

When the prisoner is locked up in it, he does not die immediately, but is immobilized by spikes and watches his blood drain until he dies.

Fifth: Coffin torture

This method was very popular in the Middle Ages, and the prisoner would be put in an "iron cage", which was of course not a normal cage, it was small enough to fit the next normal person.

All the people of the Middle Ages were afraid of this punishment at that time, because it would be dropped in the most conspicuous part of the town, and everyone could throw stones at the man in this iron cage and stab him with a bamboo pole.

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

Of course, depending on the crime committed, the time of imprisonment is also different, and the most serious ones will be kept in the prison until they starve to death or be eaten by vultures.

Sixth: Ling Chi

It is also called a thousand cuts, I believe everyone has heard it in film and television dramas, it can be said to be the most cruel punishment in the ancient society of the mainland.

Because the executioner had to cut off the meat one by one while ensuring that the prisoner would not die, this process usually lasted 3 days, and at that time it was a punishment that made everyone smell and change.

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

Seventh: 刖 [yuè] punishment

During the Warring States Period, Sun Bin was punished by this and his feet were cut off, but some people say that Sun Bin was punished by having his kneecaps cut off, and there is no clear record of the specifics, so there are several sayings that "the Xia Dynasty called Bin Dynasty, the Zhou Dynasty called 刖, and the Qin Dynasty called Toe [zhǐ]".

The eighth: scaffolding

Described by the Western world as the most brutal torture in history, it first appeared in ancient Persia, where prisoners would lie on a small boat a little larger than themselves and then cover it with another ship.

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

On top of that, the prisoners' hands and feet were left outside and they were forcibly fed a mixture of milk and honey, the most characteristic of which was that it caused diarrhea.

Soon, honey and dung attract flies, bees, and other insects, and they will not only bite people, but also lay eggs here, and then the larvae will slowly "eat" the prisoner from the inside, and the most terrible thing is that this process will last for several weeks, and the king will feel that the punishment he has invented is not worth mentioning.

Inventory of the 8 cruel punishments in ancient and modern China and abroad, the practices of the ancient Persians, the king of the Persian could not bear to look at it directly

However, some scientists believe that this is a story made up by ancient Greek historians in order to ruin the reputation of the Persians, but fortunately we were not born in that terrible era.

But then again, what kind of punishment do you think Sun Bin suffered? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.