
A 40-year-old young woman and a 25-year-old guy live together, the young man is energetic, and the young woman: use it in a serious place

author:Elegant Jean 3B0m

Netizen contributions:

I am Li Wan, a forty-year-old young woman. In most people's eyes, a woman my age should revolve around the family, the children, and the kitchen, but I chose a different path. Two years ago, I got divorced, had no children, and was free again. Freedom, the word for me, is both a relief and a challenge.

I hold a middle management position in a large company, and outside of work, I enjoy reading, traveling, and seeking inner and spiritual satisfaction. However, in the trivialities of life, I also have my own loneliness and loneliness.

It wasn't until that sunny afternoon that I met him, 25-year-old Chen Zhihao.

Initial treatment

Zhihao is a new intern in the company, he is young and energetic, and his eyes are flashing with vision and enthusiasm for the future. I was attracted by his energy and optimism, and he admired my maturity and wisdom. Gradually, a subtle affection developed between us.

It was a Friday night, and the company organized a team building activity. In the midst of laughter, Zhihao and I were placed in a group. We completed tasks together, laughed together, and shared each other's stories together. After the event, he sent me home and we talked for a long time in the moonlight, as if time had stopped.

From that day on, our relationship became closer. He started asking me out frequently, and I gladly accepted. We climbed mountains, watched movies, and ate food together, and we got closer and closer to each other.

living together

A month later, Zhihao proposed a bold idea to me - cohabitation. He said: "Sister Wan, I want to live with you, take care of you, and also make you feel young and energetic. ”

A 40-year-old young woman and a 25-year-old guy live together, the young man is energetic, and the young woman: use it in a serious place

I hesitated, but finally agreed. Perhaps, I also longed for a new way of life in my heart, a different kind of blandness and tedium from the past.

Living together began, we rented a spacious apartment and set up a cozy nest together. Chi Ho is full of energy, he always has a variety of ideas and plans to make our lives full of surprises and fun.

He would prepare a good dinner for me when I got home from work; On weekends, he would take me on a hike in the countryside to experience the beauty of nature. He would also accompany me in the evenings to read books, listen to music, and share our joys and sorrows.

However, cohabitation is not all smooth sailing. There is a 15-year age gap between us, which leads to some differences in our living habits, values, etc. But it is these differences that make us understand each other better and make our feelings deeper.


One night, Zhihao suddenly said to me: "Sister Wan, I think your ability and experience are very good, why don't you consider starting your own business?" ”

I was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Entrepreneurship? I'm 40 years old, do I still have the courage and energy to start a business? ”

Zhihao looked at me seriously: "Age is not a problem, the key is your ideas and determination. I'm sure you'll make it. ”

His words made me ponder. Yes, I've been working for other people all the time, so why not try to start your own business?

With Chi Ho's encouragement and support, I began to prepare my business plan. He helped me analyze the market, research projects, and accompanied me to meet investors. With him, I felt courage and confidence like never before.

A 40-year-old young woman and a 25-year-old guy live together, the young man is energetic, and the young woman: use it in a serious place

However, the road to entrepreneurship is not always easy. I have encountered a lot of difficulties and setbacks, but whenever I feel frustrated, Chi Ho always gives me encouragement and support. He said, "Sister Wan, you have to believe in yourself. No matter what difficulties you encounter, I will be there for you to support you. ”


As time went on, our feelings grew deeper. I began to rely on his support and encouragement, and he became more mature and steady.

One night we were chatting on the balcony looking at the stars. He suddenly turned around and looked at me seriously: "Sister Wan, I love you." Not because of your age, appearance, or status, but because of your wisdom and courage. Would you like to spend the rest of your life with me? ”

I was moved to tears and hugged him tightly: "I do." ”

At that moment, it was as if we had the whole world. Age, identity, and status are no longer important, what matters is that we love each other and are willing to walk through every spring, summer, autumn and winter hand in hand.

However, happy days are always short-lived. Our cohabitation life and entrepreneurial plans have generated some gossip. Some people began to question our relationship and even attacked our entrepreneurial project.

In the face of these pressures and doubts, I felt tired and anxious. But Zhihao always stood firmly by my side and told me with his actions: "No matter what happens, I will face it with you." ”


It was a stormy night, and the project we started suddenly encountered a major crisis. A key partner abruptly withdrew funds, causing our funding chain to break. I anxiously called and emailed for help, but there were few responses.

A 40-year-old young woman and a 25-year-old guy live together, the young man is energetic, and the young woman: use it in a serious place

Zhihao looked at my anxious appearance and gently held my hand: "Sister Wan, don't panic. We'll have to find a way. ”

He worked overnight to create an emergency plan and contacted other potential investors. Thanks to his efforts, we finally found an angel investor who was willing to invest.

When the investment agreement was signed, I hugged Zhihao tightly: "Thank you, you saved us." ”

He smiled: "We are a team, and of course we have to face difficulties together. ”

After this turmoil, I cherish the relationship between us even more. I began to reflect on my past stubbornness and prejudices, and I also learned to trust and rely on Chiho more.

However, the good times were short-lived. Our cohabitation life has once again attracted attention and questions from the outside world. Some people began to speculate that our relationship was illegitimate, and even dictated our lives.

The gossip stressed me out, and I began to wonder if we were really fit together. But every time I see Zhihao's determined eyes and warm smile, I regain my confidence and courage.


Now, we have gone through two years of cohabitation. Although the process was full of challenges and difficulties, our relationship grew deeper and deeper. We have faced the hardships of entrepreneurship and the doubts of the outside world together, and also shared the joy of success and the bits and pieces of life together.

Whenever I think of that sunny afternoon, when I met Zhihao for the first time, I feel extremely happy and satisfied. Perhaps, true love is like this - no matter how age, identity, and status change, as long as you love each other and support each other, you will definitely be able to go through every spring, summer, autumn and winter.

A 40-year-old young woman and a 25-year-old guy live together, the young man is energetic, and the young woman: use it in a serious place

In the face of gossip from the outside world, Zhihao and I chose to remain silent. We know that no matter how we interpret it, there will always be doubts and speculations. So, we decided to prove our innocence and true love with practical actions.

Zhihao's performance in the company is getting better and better, and his efforts and talents have been recognized by everyone. And I, with his encouragement and support, have made the entrepreneurial project prosperous. Our cohabitation life is not as unbearable as the outside world says, but full of warmth and happiness.

However, life is always full of unknowns. Just when our lives and careers were on track, I suddenly felt unwell. After going to the hospital for a check-up, the doctor told me that I had a disease that required long-term treatment. The news came like a bolt from the blue for me, and I felt helpless and frightened in an instant.

When Zhihao found out, he held my hand tightly and told me, "Sister Wan, don't be afraid. You'll be fine with me. "His eyes were full of determination and determination, which made me feel extremely relieved and warm.

During the treatment, Zhihao took great care of me. He accompanied me to the hospital every day to face the pain and suffering of treatment. His encouragement and support gave me the courage and confidence to overcome my illness.

However, the course of treatment was not smooth. The side effects of the medication made me weak, and the recurrence of the disease made me feel hopeless. I began to wonder if I would be able to fight side by side with Zhihao and face life's challenges together as before.

Zhihao saw my worries and fears, he hugged me tightly and told me, "Sister Wan, you have to believe in the doctor and believe in yourself. You're going to get better. I will always be there for you, support you and take care of you. ”

With Chi Ho's encouragement and care, I gradually recovered my health. Although the treatment process was full of pain and suffering, Zhihao's company made me feel extremely warm and happy. I know that no matter what happens in the future, we will walk through it hand in hand.

After this sick experience, I cherish the time I spent with Zhihao even more. We began to get to know each other more deeply and cherish each other's existence even more. As a result, our relationship became deeper and stronger.

A 40-year-old young woman and a 25-year-old guy live together, the young man is energetic, and the young woman: use it in a serious place

However, life is always full of unknowns and challenges. Just when we thought everything was getting better, Zhihao suddenly received an opportunity to study abroad. It was a rare opportunity, but he hesitated. He looked at me with reluctance and contradiction in his eyes.

I know that this opportunity is very important to Chi Ho. However, I was also afraid of losing him. We love each other, but we are faced with difficult choices. I don't know what to choose, and I don't know what the future holds.

Zhihao held my hand tightly and told me, "Sister Wan, this opportunity is very important to me. However, I care more about you. I'm willing to work hard for our future, but I don't want to leave you either. ”

I looked at his determined eyes, and my heart was full of emotion and warmth. I know that no matter what path we choose, we will walk it hand in hand. This is our love, firm and deep.

Eventually, we decided to face this challenge together. Zhihao went overseas to study, while I continued to run our entrepreneurial projects in China. Although we are separated, our hearts are always together.

Every day, we communicate with each other about our lives and work through phone calls and messages. Although we are far away, our hearts are closer. We share each other's joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and face life's challenges and difficulties together.

During Zhihao's study, I was not idle. I continued to work hard to run our entrepreneurial project and it was very successful. I know that this is for our future, and it is also for Zhihao to be able to study abroad with more peace of mind.

Finally, after a long wait and anticipation, Zhihao returned from his studies. The moment he showed up at the airport, I burst into tears. We hugged each other tightly, as if we wanted to put all our thoughts and love into this hug.

Zhihao looked at me and said with a smile, "Sister Wan, I'm back." We still have a long way to go, so let's work together. ”

I nodded and held his hand tightly: "Okay, we still have a long way to go. No matter what happens, we'll walk through it hand in hand. ”

A 40-year-old young woman and a 25-year-old guy live together, the young man is energetic, and the young woman: use it in a serious place

Today, we've been through a lot more ups and downs. Our love has also become stronger and deeper. We know that no matter what the future holds, we will face it together. Because we believe in the power of love, but also in each other's sincerity and commitment.

In this world full of unknowns and challenges, we are willing to work hard for each other and fight for our future. This is our story, a story of love, courage and commitment.