
Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

author:Luo Chen


The love of double arrows, the cut is still messy

In the emotional entanglement of "Harbin 1944", the triangular relationship between Guan Xue, Zhuo Wu and Zhuo Wen is like a carefully woven net, which is unpredictable.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Guan Xue and Zhuo Wu, the two hearts attracted each other in the flames of war, like two meteors drawing a beautiful trajectory in the night sky. And Zhuo Wen, his emotions are like a drizzle in spring, quietly moistening Guan Xue's heart.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

When Guan Xue mistook Zhuo Wen for Zhuo Wu, the emotions of the two seemed to intersect, but the tricks of fate made this emotion confusing.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

In the finale, Guan Xue's emotions are like unsolved mysteries, but the feelings in Zhuo Wen's heart are like old wine, the older it gets, the more fragrant it becomes.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Netizens expressed their opinions on this, and some said: "This plot is more messy than the ball of yarn caught by my cat!" Some people also ridiculed: "Is Guan Xue playing 'who is undercover'?" How does it feel like everyone is her undercover agent? ”

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Such emotional entanglements undoubtedly added a lot of highlights to the series, and also made the audience have a heated discussion in the comment area.

The collision of the old and the new worlds, the contest between good and evil


With the passage of time, Harbin moved from the flames of war in 1944 to the peaceful liberation in 1949. The alternation of the old and new worlds is like a silent revolution, sweeping away the shadows of the old world one by one.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Pan Yue, a former intelligence master, is now lying on the streets in the heavy rain night, and no one cares. His fate is like those corners forgotten by history, full of sadness and helplessness.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

And Hu Bin, who rejected Guan Xue's proposal to run away, was finally arrested and sentenced to be shot, and his fate was like those stubborn old forces, destined to be eliminated by the new world.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Netizens were full of emotion about this, and some commented: "Pan Yue and Hu Bin are like two microcosms of the old world, one is forgotten and the other is eliminated." ”

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Some people humorously said: "It seems that in the new world, the skill of 'being powerful and blessing' is outdated, so let's be honest and be a good person!" ”

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Such a plot development not only allows the audience to see the collision of the old and new worlds, but also triggers everyone's in-depth thinking about justice and evil.

Guan Xue's stubbornness and Zhuo Wen's persistence, the bright future and the shadow of the past


Guan Xue was imprisoned in Fushun as a war criminal, her heart was like a frozen lake, unmoved by the beauty of the new world. She scoffed at Xie Yue's changes, as if mocking the hypocrisy of this new world.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Netizens have different opinions on Guan Xue's stubbornness and Zhuo Wen's persistence. Some people think: "Guan Xue is like a butterfly trapped in the old world, unable to break free from the shackles of the past." ”

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Some people also praised Zhuo Wen's persistence: "Zhuo Wen is like a messenger of the new world, telling us with his actions that as long as we persevere, we will definitely see the light." ”

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Such a comparison not only allows the audience to see the diversity of characters, but also triggers everyone's thinking about the past and the future.

The coolness and tears of the finale, the victory of justice and the end of evil


The finale of "Harbin 1944" is like an emotional feast, which is not only refreshing and exciting, but also tearful. The three evils of Erbin have got their due end, and justice will eventually triumph over evil.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Such an ending not only allows the audience to see the power of justice, but also makes people feel the weight and vicissitudes of history.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Netizens have mixed reviews of the finale. Someone said excitedly: "I was so excited about the finale, justice finally defeated evil!" ”

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Some people also said with emotion: "Although the ending is very cool, I can't help but cry when I see those once vivid characters leave one by one." ”

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

This kind of discussion not only gave the audience a deeper understanding of the series, but also made people feel the interactive charm of social media.

The alternation of the old and the new, the contest between good and evil

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

"Harbin 1944" has successfully attracted the attention of young social media users with its unique narrative and profound historical connotation.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

The alternation of the old and new worlds, the contest between good and evil, and other themes in the play not only aroused the audience's in-depth thinking, but also stimulated everyone's discussion of history and reality.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Although the fates of the characters in the play are different, their stories are like a microcosm of history, allowing us to see the brilliance and darkness of human nature.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

On social media, netizens' discussions on the series are like a feast of ideas, with various opinions intertwined and collided, making people dizzy.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

Some people think that the love entanglements in the play are too complex and elusive; Some people also appreciate the portrayal of good and evil in the play, believing that it is a deep reflection on history and human nature.

Erbin's three evils were finally caught! The sword of justice cuts off the evil, and the citizens applaud!

In any case, "Harbin 1944" has successfully sparked the attention and discussion of young social media users with its unique charm.