
My husband was weak, so he used this bowl of red soup, and Jiaolong took off on the spot

author:Director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
My husband was weak, so he used this bowl of red soup, and Jiaolong took off on the spot

In the outpatient clinic, I often encounter patients who are curious about andrology after recuperating with gynecological problems. A young lady once wondered if her gynecological inflammation was affecting her partner's sexual performance. I explicitly told her that this was rare unless both of them had severe inflammation.

I didn't expect her to really bring her boyfriend. According to her boyfriend, in addition to the short time, she also suffers from problems such as cold intolerance, poor hardness, yellow urine, thirst, and red tongue.

He mistakenly thought that he was yin deficiency and took Liuwei Rehmannia and Zhibai Rehmannia instead, but his symptoms worsened. And after he had sex, he often felt that his neck was stiff, which may be related to the cold when taking a bath.

My husband was weak, so he used this bowl of red soup, and Jiaolong took off on the spot

Based on the above, I comprehensively judged that the patient had kidney yang deficiency, and it was accompanied by yin and yang deficiency and wind-cold epiphysis. I prepared a recipe for him, which consisted of these herbs: kudzu, cinnamon stick, boiled licorice, aconite, safflower, zombie silkworm, rehman, schisandra and yam.

After taking it for half a month, the patient's neck stiffness and back pain were significantly improved. In order to enhance the time-delaying effect, I adjusted the prescription for him and added the four flavors of the kidney. This time, the patient took a course of treatment, and the function became stronger, and the needs were basically satisfied.

My husband was weak, so he used this bowl of red soup, and Jiaolong took off on the spot

In fact, kidney tonic is not blindly supplemented, and the appropriate medicinal materials should be selected according to the specific situation of the patient. If you blindly replenish the kidneys, it may lead to an imbalance in the body. After all, Chinese medicine pays attention to one person, so before you take medicine, you must first find a doctor to distinguish your syndrome and find out your crux.