
When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

author:Funny orange 6

When my grandmother was 80 years old, my mother just took out the red envelope she was going to give to my grandmother from her pocket, and was snatched away by my second aunt.

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

The story in this article is fictional, please look at it rationally

"Tell me to see how much you give, the family is so rich, you must give a lot."

The second aunt pinched the shriveled red envelope, and with a little irony, pulled out six big red tickets from it.

"That's all?" When the aunt saw it, she directly mocked.

"Xu Xuemei, how can you call Huazi with such a little money? You give us so much for our mother's birthday? Just once a year, do you get this money? ”

"Look, Mom, I'll just say that the ones I picked up are not as good as my own children, this is the 4,000 yuan I gave you, you have to take it, don't come back and ask any big money to leave." She rolled her eyes as she spoke.

I just wanted to stand up and speak for my mother, but I didn't expect to hear the sound of glass breaking.

"Have you two made enough of it?" Grandma threw the plate on the floor, and after a loud bang, the whole room fell silent.

My name is Zhang Guangyu, and I am accompanying my mother-in-law to attend my wife's grandmother's 80th birthday.

My wife is facing an important promotion opportunity, and she can't come back from a business trip, so she can only ask me to come forward.

Before she came, she told me, "When the time comes, my aunt and second aunt will definitely embarrass our mother, if you really want to encounter something, you have to help, you can't let my mother be bullied." ”

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

I patted my chest and assured her, "Don't worry, wife, I'm a 1.8-meter-old man, are you still afraid that I will be a turtle with a shrunken head?" As long as someone bullies our mother, I will definitely help her get angry. ”

"Okay, then I'll be relieved." With that, she hung up the phone.

My wife told me about my mother-in-law before, and she was abandoned by her biological parents.

That summer, my grandmother went to the production team to receive food, and on the way back she found a dilapidated cardboard box on the side of the road, and she wanted to take the cardboard box back to sell it for money.

The child didn't cry or make a fuss, just lay there quietly, her two little hands didn't know what they were grasping, and when she saw her grandmother walking over, she grinned, and she liked it very much.

"Whose kid is this, why did you throw this?"

The grandmother reached out and was about to pick up the child in the cardboard box, and the moment she touched the child, she felt that something was wrong.

"Why is this kid so hot? Could it be that it has been sunburned outside for a long time? Approaching noon, the sun was scorching and dazzling, and my grandmother was afraid that the child would be sunstroke, so she couldn't care about anything else for a while, so she hurriedly brought her home.

After returning home, my grandmother dipped a towel in cold water and gave the child Huoxiang Zhengqi water, and the temperature finally dropped.

After everything was done, the grandmother realized, what should the child do?

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

Her heart is very entangled, it seems that most of this child was discarded, she took her home, how bad it is to throw it out again, such a young child has no ability to take care of himself, if it is not discovered, the consequences are unimaginable.

Although there were already two girls in the family at that time, the grandmother decided to keep the child.

This child is my wife's mother, my mother-in-law.

When my grandfather came back from work, he didn't blame my grandmother for picking up a child, but he walked outside the courtyard and smoked a dry tobacco, and then walked in and said to my grandmother.

"Let's stay, it's a big deal to put more water in the cooking in the future, a few children eat rice, and we drink some thin food."

At that time in the countryside, most families still had the idea of raising children to prevent old age, and my grandfather's family was no exception, but they gave birth to two children in a row, and they didn't know where to bring back a daughter, so there would naturally be some rumors in the village.

"This old Xu family, I don't think there is a life for having a son, it's not good to give birth to two daughters, and I just want to run out and pick up one back, it's really stupid."

Every time my grandmother heard the discussion of the people in the village, she did not argue or argue, she thought that as long as she lived her life well, it was better than anything else.

It's strange to say, two years after my grandmother took my mother home, she was pregnant again, and she went to the health center to check, and it was really a boy!

Now my grandmother is ashamed, and the people in the village also say that my mother is a lucky star, which brings good luck to the family, and then the life of my grandmother's family has gradually become rich.

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

After the reform and opening up, in order to support the four children in the family, my grandfather went to the south to work through the introduction of the village committee, and several children also entered the campus one after another.

The eldest aunt and the second aunt are only one year apart, and they have been good sisters who talk about everything since they were children, and their mother is six years younger than the second aunt, so they don't have much in common with them.

In addition, her mother is a child who has been picked up, and the eldest aunt and second aunt always feel that she has taken away her mother's love, so she often stumbles on her openly and secretly.

Fortunately, my grandmother didn't look at her differently because her mother picked her up, she regarded her mother as her own, and gave her a lot of love and companionship.

Later, after my grandmother gave birth to my uncle, she also began to go out to find some work.

Mom has known since she was a child she picked up, she is exceptionally obedient and sensible, her grandmother is not at home, she will help take care of her younger brother, the housework that the two sisters are not willing to do, she will take the initiative to do it, the two sisters don't want to read the book, she will take it and study it herself, although she is illiterate, but she also enjoys reading it.

Grandma saw that she was so eager for knowledge, and when she was old, she sent her to school, her learning attitude was very good, she was also well-behaved, and the teachers liked her, so they naturally paid more attention to her.

Later, her grades improved by leaps and bounds, and she remained in the top 10 of her class all year round, and the walls of the hall were covered with her awards.

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

Seeing her grandmother smiling happily holding her award certificate, the eldest aunt and the second aunt hated her even more.

One day after school, the two of them were waiting in the yard for their mother to come back, and as soon as her mother opened the door, they both splashed her with water.

"I don't know what you're pretending, it's obviously not my mother's own, and my mother still likes you the most, it's really annoying."

The mother was splashed with water, and she didn't cry or get angry, so she bypassed the two of them and went back to the house to see her uncle.

When my grandmother came back from the field, my mother had already changed her clothes, but her hair was not completely dry, and when the wind blew, she sneezed several times in a row.

"What's wrong with Xiaomei? Why did you catch a cold? Still with so wet hair? ”

The eldest aunt and the second aunt on the side began to feel weak, for fear that their mother would sue, but the mother just glanced at them and said, "It's okay, I see that my hair is too dirty, so I washed it with water, maybe the water is too cold, it's okay Mom." ”

When my mother was fifteen years old, my two aunts got married one after another, and the next year, my grandfather broke his leg and could no longer continue to work, so he could only choose to return home to recuperate.

But my uncle still has to go to school, my grandfather is closed at home, and my grandmother is too old to do too much work, so in order to help the family share a little, my mother chose to drop out of school and go to work in a factory not far from home.

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

Bad luck is looking for people who are miserable, even if the life of a family is already difficult, God has not been able to let them go.

Uncle went to the reservoir with a few friends one summer to play, a friend went into the water after calf cramps, the uncle jumped down without saying a word to save him, a few friends found adults, two people in the water have been floating on the surface of the water motionless.

The death of my uncle hit my grandparents too hard, my grandmother fell ill all of a sudden, and my grandfather also lost his spirit and became depressed.

Once a person has no hope, he will grow old quickly, and at the end of the same year, his grandfather also passed away.

In order to be closer to home and take care of my grandmother, my mother married a man in the same village under the introduction of a matchmaker, but when she was pregnant, the man cheated, and later after my wife was born, they divorced.

"My mother couldn't continue to go to school, this is the regret of her life, so since she was a child, she has been very concerned about my studies, she always told me that as long as I get good grades and get admitted to a good university, I don't have to suffer anymore, she works three jobs alone, just for me to study and grow up." After my wife and I got married, she told me.

My wife really didn't live up to her mother's expectations, and her grades were among the best since she was a child, and she passed five hurdles and six generals in their college entrance examination province, and was admitted to Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My family conditions are good, my family lives in Shanghai, my parents are both university professors, and they do not dislike my wife's family, but feel very sorry for her and her mother.

When we got married, her aunt didn't come, and she didn't even send a message of blessings.

That year, during the Chinese New Year, I went to see her grandmother, and her aunt taunted at the dinner table, "My little sister is blessed now, fishing for a golden beetle, flying on the branches and becoming a phoenix~"

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

"Yes, you will become rich in the future, but you have to take care of our sisters."

No matter how slow the reaction is, anyone can tell that something is wrong, and when I go back, I ask my wife why, and my wife wept bitterly and told me about my mother-in-law's past.

Later, at every family gathering, as long as her two aunts were present, her mother-in-law would inevitably be angry with yin and yang, but fortunately, her wife's personality was not as weak as her mother-in-law.

As long as she heard someone bullying her mother, she would always choke back.

This time, my grandmother celebrated her 80th birthday, and my wife really couldn't leave, so she could only hand me the gift and ask me to celebrate the old lady's birthday.

As soon as I entered the house, I was ready, always paying attention to the dynamics of the two elders, for fear that they would find trouble.

As soon as the mother-in-law took out the red envelope, she was snatched away, and she was ridiculed for a long time.

"Have you two had enough? Xiaomei, she has been by my side for so many years, before her daughter and son-in-law wanted to take her to the big city to enjoy the happiness, she didn't go, just to stay by my side and take care of me, a daughter who is not my own daughter is so heartfelt to me, but you two biological ones, I can't see each other a few times a year. ”

"Yes, the money you gave me today is a lot more than hers, but at the end of the year, she has bought me clothes, fruits, vegetables, health products, and food and drink for me, but it is more than these!"

"In the past, I always felt that you were not angry, just say a few words to relieve your anger, there are too many times, even if Xiaomei can bear it, I can't bear it, as long as I am still in the future, none of you will want to bully her again!"

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

Grandma said this, and the eldest aunt and second aunt didn't dare to say anything if they had any opinions.

I don't feel uncomfortable when I am wronged, as soon as someone supports her, my mother-in-law's inner defense line begins to collapse, she sits on the side, her shoulders twitch and twitch, and she uses all her strength to endure crying.

Grandma looked distressed and took her into her arms.

Since then, the eldest aunt and the second aunt really didn't dare to continue to sing about their mother, and their mother stayed by my grandmother's side until a hundred years later, when we took care of the aftermath and took my mother to Shanghai, and never contacted the two of them again.

When my grandmother celebrated her birthday, my mother only gave 600, and she was ridiculed by the second aunt who took out 4,000, and my grandmother was angry on the spot

The story in this article is fictional, please look at it rationally