
How to pronounce the "Xuan" in Xuanjing? Do you know the correct pronunciation without pronouncing xué or jù?

author:A guest history said

Among the many surnames in China, there are some surnames that often make people curious because of their special pronunciation or unique character shapes. Today, let's talk about such an interesting surname - "Xuan".

How to pronounce the "Xuan" in Xuanjing? Do you know the correct pronunciation without pronouncing xué or jù?

It is neither pronounced xué nor jù, but is pronounced qú. This word is not only pronounced specially, but also contains rich cultural connotations and historical origins behind it.

First of all, let's talk about the pronunciation of "璩". I believe that many people will be a little at a loss when they see the word "Xuan" for the first time and don't know how to pronounce it.

In fact, the correct pronunciation of the word "璩" is qú, which is the same as "qu". Although this surname is not common, every mention of it always arouses people's curiosity and attention.

So, what is the meaning of the word "Xuan"? In fact, the original meaning of "Xuan" is a kind of beautiful jade, also known as "Xuan", which refers to a kind of earrings in ancient times.

How to pronounce the "Xuan" in Xuanjing? Do you know the correct pronunciation without pronouncing xué or jù?

In ancient societies, jade was considered spiritual and divine, and was often used as a sacrificial, ornamental, and power-symbolizing object. Therefore, the word "Xuan" also carries the meaning of dignity, power and beauty.

When "Xuan" is used as a surname, it represents the history and inheritance of a family.

We can imagine that in ancient times, the ancestors of the surname Xuan may have been craftsmen, merchants, or nobles who had a deep connection to jade.

They may have carved exquisite jade objects with exquisite skill, or they may have selected the finest jade with a unique eye, and accumulated wealth and fame for their families.

In addition to being a surname, the character "璩" is not commonly used in modern Chinese, but it still carries rich cultural connotations.

How to pronounce the "Xuan" in Xuanjing? Do you know the correct pronunciation without pronouncing xué or jù?

Whenever we mention the word "Xuan", it always reminds people of those ingenious jade, those jade legends that have been passed down through the ages, and those beautiful meanings related to jade.

Interestingly, although the word "璩" is not common in modern times, it still occupies an important place in some specific cultural occasions.

For example, in some ancient novels, film and television works or historical dramas, we can still see the figure of the word "Xuan". As a unique cultural symbol, it adds a sense of mystery and charm to the work.

How to pronounce the "Xuan" in Xuanjing? Do you know the correct pronunciation without pronouncing xué or jù?

In addition, as a surname, the word "Xuan" also carries the inheritance and honor of the family. For people with the surname Xuan, this word is not only a symbol of status, but also a responsibility and mission.

They may be proud of the word "Xuan", strive to inherit the culture and traditions of the family, and strive for the honor of the family.

In short, although the word "Xuan" is not common, it contains rich cultural connotations and historical heritage. Whenever we mention this word, it always makes people endlessly curious and reverie.