
Liaoyue War Controversy Judgment, Where is the Credibility of the CBA?


The 4th Liaoyue battle of the CBA semifinals was supposed to be a wonderful and fierce game, but unfortunately, there were many controversial and wrong penalties at the game scene, which cast a shadow on this high-profile game. The referees frequently steal the show, and the amateur level of the penalty affects the result of the game, which has become the biggest failure of the game.

Liaoyue War Controversy Judgment, Where is the Credibility of the CBA?

As the highest level of professional basketball league in China, the CBA should be fair and just, and present professional and high-quality games to the majority of fans. But what is disappointing is that in such an important game broadcast live across the country, the referee's controversial decisions have undoubtedly brought obvious damage to the league's brand image and fans' feelings. Frequent and erroneous penalties are like stumbling blocks, hindering the healthy development of Chinese basketball.

Liaoyue War Controversy Judgment, Where is the Credibility of the CBA?
Liaoyue War Controversy Judgment, Where is the Credibility of the CBA?

If the CBA wants to become truly bigger and stronger and achieve a veritable professionalism, it must face up to this problem and take effective measures to improve the law enforcement level of referees. Only by establishing a high-quality team of professional referees to ensure the fairness and impartiality of the game can we regain the confidence of fans and attract more people to pay attention to and love the CBA.

Liaoyue War Controversy Judgment, Where is the Credibility of the CBA?

In response to the question raised by fans about "why Liaoning fans are afraid of international referee law enforcement", it is not difficult to understand the reason. With solid professional ability and rich experience, international referees are often able to "be fearless and bullied" and enforce the law impartially. The reason why there has not been much controversy in several games officiated by him is that it is this kind of "foreign face" that makes it difficult for some domestic teams and coaches who are accustomed to "relationship whistles" to start.

The CBA league should face up to the problem of domestic referees, learn from international excellent referees with an open mind, improve the referee selection, training and management mechanism, and establish a scientific referee evaluation and accountability system. Only by paying close attention to the construction of the referee team, improving the quality of judgments, and eliminating human interference can we rebuild the credibility of the league and promote the continuous progress of Chinese basketball. CBA, it's time for a change!