
She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

author:Zhishi said entertainment

First, the current chapter of happy life

Today, Ms. Zhu Jie and Mr. Tian Ming live a happy married life and enjoy the joy of family. Looking at their love story, it can be described as ups and downs, but after the storm, the two lovers finally became married and walked through a new chapter in their lives together.

Recalling the past, Ms. Zhu Jie was a young actor who worked hard in the entertainment industry, while Mr. Tian Ming was a "science and engineering man" who worked in a TV station. At that time, they didn't seem to have much in common, but who would have predicted that their fates would be so closely intertwined?

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

It all started in 2009. That year, Mr. Tian Ming fell in love with Ms. Zhu Jie at first sight and was deeply attracted by her beautiful temperament and excellent acting skills. And Ms. Zhu Jie was also impressed by this unique and stable man, so the two met and got to know each other in this way, and gave birth to an extraordinary marriage.

At first, Ms. Zhu Jie thought that she would eventually marry into a wealthy family, but to her surprise, she chose an ordinary TV station director in the end. However, she was impressed by Mr. Tian Ming's charisma and accepted his marriage proposal without hesitation.

In this way, a seemingly ordinary encounter gave birth to a marriage full of legends in the ordinary.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

After marriage, Ms. Zhu Jie gave up her acting career and devoted herself to family life, while Mr. Tian Ming's career was booming and eventually became the "king of variety shows". Now they are living a happy married life, and all the grandeur has become a thing of the past.

2. Ms. Zhu Jie's acting career

When it comes to Ms. Zhu Jie, the first thing that comes to people's minds must be her superb acting skills and infectious character creation. She has never locked herself into a specific type of role, but has always challenged herself to show a variety of acting talents.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

Let's start with Ms. Zhu Jie's recent highlights. In 2015, she was invited by her friend Mr. Pu Cunxin to co-star in the drama "Jane Eyre" with him.

On the stage, the sparks of the two overflowed, as if this classic was brought back to life.

Ms. Zhu Jie plays Jane Eyre, who is lonely and arrogant, and persevering, and she vividly interprets the emotional fluctuations and psychological changes in the heart of this female character. In her performance, the audience deeply felt Jane Eyre's independent spirit that transcends time and space.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

Every rivalry and every eye movement reveals Jane Eyre's inner struggles and contradictions.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, it was two years ago, and Zhu Jie perfectly interpreted a character that is very different from the protagonist in "Jane Eyre" in the TV series "Hunting Ground" with superb acting skills - Yan Feng.

This lady gallops across the mall, showing a calm and extremely rational image, as well as the ability to control the overall situation with one hand In this play, Zhu Jie further deepened her outstanding acting skills and became more mature and introverted, making Yan Feng's character more vivid and full.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

However, Zhu Jie's most talked-about role is undoubtedly her fame in 2009 for her role in the late autumn of the TV series "Latent". This character has undergone a huge personality transformation, from a rich daughter at the beginning, to an underground worker who has a firm faith.

Zhu Jie vividly interprets every subtle change in late autumn, which is deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience and unforgettable.

The role of late autumn is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, so that Zhu Jie's name has left an indelible impression in the minds of the audience. Since then, with her excellent acting skills and accurate control of the role, she has emerged in the film and television industry and quickly rose to become a high-profile and powerful actor.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

3. Tian Ming became the "Emperor of Variety Shows"

Let's go back to the other main line of the story to explore how Tian Ming, a "science and engineering man", moved forward steadily in the hustle and bustle of the TV industry, and finally reached the top of the "variety show emperor".

Initially, Tian Ming was just an unknown TV station employee. Although he did not have a good understanding of the industry as a "science and engineering man", he quickly won everyone's recognition with his deep professionalism and excellent leadership skills, and he was promoted to the director of the TV station.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

However, for this young man with high aspirations, it was clear that simply being a director would not satisfy his ambitions. He is eager to leave his own brilliant chapter in this industry and achieve a more ambitious career.

So, Tian Ming turned his attention to the production field of variety shows. With a keen insight into market trends and audience psychology, Tian Ming quickly understood the secret of the success of variety shows.

He is good at capturing hot topics and skillfully creating dramatic conflicts, so that the audience can get emotional release in the process of enjoying the show.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

While people are cheering and enthusiastic about pursuing those touching programs, it is actually Mr. Tian Ming who is secretly planning and strategizing, skillfully integrating dramatic tension and emotional catharsis.

After careful planning and improvement, a series of sensational variety shows sprung up like mushrooms after a rain, making Tian Ming famous and famous.

As a result, Tian Ming gradually grew into a real "variety show emperor" in the process.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

More importantly, the power and influence in his hands has grown over time. The once unknown "science and engineering man" has now transformed into a heavyweight that cannot be ignored in the entire entertainment industry, leading the ups and downs of the industry.

Part 4: Zhu Jie regains his dream

In the process of getting to know Mr. Tian Ming and gradually getting to know each other, Ms. Zhu Jie was originally just a young actor who worked hard in the entertainment industry. However, after getting married, she chose to leave all her ideals and ambitions behind and devote herself to family life, becoming a stay-at-home wife.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

At that time, Zhu Jie looked more like an ordinary and virtuous wife. She gave up the bright light in the spotlight and immersed herself in household chores every day, as if she never had a strong desire for her dreams.

Her life was uneventful, in stark contrast to the glory days of the past.

However, deep in her heart, that love for acting has never faded. It is like a flame that will never be extinguished, burning all the time, waiting to be ignited again.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

Zhu Jie only temporarily hid this enthusiasm deep in his heart and devoted himself to his role as a wife.

However, when Zhu Jie begins to feel the monotony of life, an unexpected opportunity brings a new turning point in her life. This turning point came from the invitation of her friend Pu Cunxin.

Pu Cunxin suddenly extended an invitation to Zhu Jie, hoping that she could return to the stage and participate in the drama "Jane Eyre" that he was preparing. This invitation was like a spark that instantly ignited Zhu Jie's deepest desire.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

She accepted the challenge without hesitation.

In every rehearsal and every performance of the drama, Zhu Jie deeply felt the enthusiasm that was reawakened. Standing on the stage, she seemed to be reborn, and her firm belief in her dreams burned in her heart.

The glory of the past shone again, her demeanor was radiant, her eyes were bright, and even her walking posture was full of power.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

Since then, Zhu Jie has resolutely decided to rekindle the fire of his own acting dream in his heart and shine his own style again. With her powerful practical actions, she declared to the world that she was not just a little woman attached to her husband, but an individual with an independent personality and beautiful pursuits.

This brave and resolute decision also opened the prelude to a new chapter in her life.

Chapter 5: The Beginning of Acquaintance

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

Let's go back to 2009 many years ago, when Zhu Jie was just an obscure and hard-working young actor in the film and television industry, and Tian Ming was a talented director of a well-known TV station.

Originally, they had no intersection, but they met under the arrangement of fate, and then knew and loved each other.

At that time, Zhu Jie became famous in one fell swoop with his excellent performance in the TV series "Latent" and began to emerge in the film and television industry. The late autumn characters she portrayed, the character changes are rich and varied, and they are unforgettable.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

Zhu Jie's name is also deeply imprinted in the hearts of the audience.

And Tian Ming, a "science and engineering man", fell in love with Zhu Jie, a talented actress, at first sight. Maybe he was attracted by her fresh and refined temperament, or maybe he was impressed by her superb acting skills, all in all, Tian Ming became interested in Zhu Jie.

As a result, a restrained but determined unrequited love quietly unfolded.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

Zhu Jie also has a special affection for Tian Ming. She was attracted to this science and engineering boy who was very different from the flashy prodigal sons in the circle. Maybe it's because of Tian Ming's calm and introverted temperament, or his wise and calm attitude towards the world, in short, Zhu Jie also has a deep love for this man.

Just when Zhu Jie thought he was about to enter a wealthy family, Tian Ming suddenly proposed to her. At that time, he was just an ordinary TV station director, far from a wealthy family. However, Zhu Jie accepted his marriage proposal without hesitation, and she was conquered by Tian Ming's unique personality charm.

After marriage, Zhu Jie devoted himself to his family and temporarily put his acting career on hold. At the same time, Tian Ming's career was booming, and he eventually became a high-profile "variety show emperor".

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

In this way, their lives have entered a whole new phase.

Chapter 6: Looking to the Future

The legendary experience of Zhu Jie and Tian Ming vividly shows the richness of life. In the collision of marriage and career, they have experienced many ups and downs, however, they have always firmly guarded their deep faith and bravely chased their own dreams.

She became famous with three plays, married the boss of "The Voice" in a low-key manner, and is now 39 years old and has become a "12 billion rich woman"

They have taught us from their own experience that no matter what difficulties we face, we should be brave enough to challenge ourselves, continue to explore the unknown, and be fearless of hardships and dangers. Love is not perfect, and career is difficult to achieve overnight, but as long as we maintain a firm belief in our hearts and move forward with perseverance, we will be able to meet a gorgeous and colorful future after the storm.

Looking forward to tomorrow, Zhu Jie and Tian Ming will continue to move forward on a solid road with fiery courage and persistent determination. Their stories will continue to be unfolded, writing more exciting chapters, adding more charm to the extraordinary marriage of this ordinary couple.