
The woman was born with a kefu life, and her ten husbands died tragically, and the truth was revealed after marrying a scarecrow

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM

Born to Kefu: The Scarecrow's Secret

In ancient times, there was a woman named Cuihua, who was naturally beautiful and kind-hearted, but she had a personality that made people smell and change her color - Kefu. It is rumored that she has married ten husbands before and after, all of whom died mysteriously shortly after their marriage, and the death was tragic and terrifying. As a result, Cuihua was saddled with the notoriety of "born Kefu", and the villagers avoided her one after another, for fear of being involved with her.

Cuihua's heart is extremely painful, she does not mean to harm people's lives, and every time her husband dies, her heart is like a knife. She had prayed to the gods many times to free herself from the shackles of fate, but all her efforts seemed to be in vain.

One day, a Taoist priest came to the village, and after hearing the story of Cuihua, he took the initiative to visit him. After some careful observation, the Taoist priest frowned, as if he had found some clues. He told Cuihua that her life was indeed different from ordinary people, but it was not hopeless. The Taoist priest said, "If you want to solve this fate, you need to find something to replace your husband in order to resolve this bad luck." ”

After hearing this, Cuihua was both surprised and delighted, and hurriedly asked what it was. The Taoist priest slowly spat out two words: "Scarecrow." ”

Although Cuihua was puzzled, she still followed the Taoist priest's instructions and tied a scarecrow as her eleventh "husband". She took care of her every day, as if she were a real husband, and prayed that she would escape her doom this time.

The days passed, and miraculously, Cuihua and the scarecrow "husband" were all right. Seeing this, the villagers talked about it, some people said that Cuihua had finally found a way to crack it, and others said that it was just a temporary calm, and bad luck would come again sooner or later.

The woman was born with a kefu life, and her ten husbands died tragically, and the truth was revealed after marrying a scarecrow

However, just when Cuihua thinks she has finally escaped Kefu's fate, a bizarre incident happens. That night, the moon was hazy, and Cuihua suddenly heard a strange cry coming from the room of the scarecrow's "husband". She was shocked, quickly lit the light, and cautiously walked into the room.

I saw the scarecrow "husband" standing in the center of the room, his eyes blazing, as if he had life. Cuihua was so frightened that she wanted to run away, but was grabbed by the scarecrow's "husband".

"You...... How did you live? Cuihua asked in a trembling voice.

The scarecrow "husband" spoke slowly, his voice low and hoarse: "I didn't come back to life, but I was bound by your fate and couldn't be freed. ”

Cuihua was confused and at a loss. The scarecrow "husband" continued: "Your Kefu fate is not born, but someone is secretly working on it. Your first ten husbands were all killed by that man, and I, as your stand-in, escaped death. ”

After hearing this, Cuihua felt a strong anger and grief in her heart. She asks the scarecrow who the "husband" is doing to her, but the scarecrow just shakes his head and sighs, unwilling to say more.

Cuihua is determined to find out the truth and get justice for herself and her dead husbands. She began to investigate secretly, gathering clues, and gradually discovered something suspicious. It turns out that there has always been a mysterious figure in the village who controls everything behind the scenes, and he uses strange spells and poisons to create this series of tragedies.

The woman was born with a kefu life, and her ten husbands died tragically, and the truth was revealed after marrying a scarecrow

Cuihua has a plan in mind, and she decides to join forces with the other villagers to reveal the true face of this mysterious figure. After a lot of twists and turns, they finally found the hiding place of the mysterious figure. In a fierce battle of wits, Cuihua and the villagers successfully subdue the mysterious figure and force him to hand over the antidote and the truth.

It turns out that this mysterious figure is Cuihua's ex-fiancé, and he has always held a grudge because he is jealous of Cuihua's beauty and kindness. Using his spells and poisons, he created rumors about Cuihua Kefu and secretly murdered her first ten husbands. His goal is to make Cuihua ruined and never be happy.

After hearing this, Cuihua had mixed feelings in her heart. She is both sad and angry about what happened to her, but also relieved that she was able to uncover the truth. She decides to let go of her past grievances and start her life anew.

Since then, Cuihua and the scarecrow "husband" have lived a peaceful life. Although she still bears the notoriety of Kefu's life, there is no fear or despair in her heart. She knows that as long as she has love in her heart and the courage to face everything, nothing can stop her from pursuing happiness.

And the mysterious figure was duly punished, and his crimes were made public by the villagers, and he could no longer do evil in the village. The villagers also learned a lesson from this incident, no longer believing rumors and superstitions, but using reason and courage to face all kinds of difficulties in life.

Cuihua's story spread throughout the village, but her life didn't change much. She still lives with her scarecrow "husband" every day, living a simple and peaceful life. Although the villagers' attitude towards her has changed and they no longer avoid her as before, her name of Kefu still resembles an invisible shackle that binds her heart.

The woman was born with a kefu life, and her ten husbands died tragically, and the truth was revealed after marrying a scarecrow

However, Cuihua did not sink because of this. She firmly believes that fate is not immutable, and as long as she works hard, she will be able to break this strange destiny one day. So, she began to learn various crafts and strive to improve herself, hoping to change her fate with her own hands.

As the days passed, Cuihua's craftsmanship became more and more exquisite, and the embroidery and handicrafts she made were loved by the villagers. As a result, her life has improved, and she is no longer as difficult as before.

Just when Cuihua thought that life would be so peaceful, an unexpected thing happened. On that day, a group of strangers came to the village, claiming to be merchants from afar and wanted to buy the village's specialties. Cuihua saw the opportunity to show the embroidery and handicrafts she made to the merchants.

The merchants were impressed by Cuihua's craftsmanship and expressed their willingness to pay a high price for her work. Cuihua was overjoyed, she didn't expect her craft to bring her such a big opportunity.

However, just as Cuihua is discussing cooperation with the merchants, the mysterious figure who once framed her reappears. He tries to sabotage Cuihua's cooperation with the merchants, but Cuihua is no longer the woman she used to be. She bravely faced the provocation of the mysterious figure and repelled him with wisdom and courage.

Seeing this, the merchants admired Cuihua even more. Not only did they reach an agreement with her, but they also invited her to travel to their hometown and open their own craft shop. Cuihua gladly accepted the invitation, and she decided to leave this place full of memories and pain to start a new life.

Before leaving, Cuihua went to the room of the scarecrow's "husband" and silently said goodbye to him. She thanked him for his companionship and protection over the years, and although he knew that all this was just her imagination, this gratitude was sincere.

The woman was born with a kefu life, and her ten husbands died tragically, and the truth was revealed after marrying a scarecrow

Cuihua embarks on a journey to a distant land. In the new place, she used her own hands and wisdom to run the craft shop well. Her work has been loved by more and more people, and she has made many like-minded friends as a result.

And the mysterious figure who once framed her was also defeated in the face of Cuihua's bravery and wisdom. He eventually paid for his crimes and was expelled from the village by the villagers.

Cuihua has found her own happiness in a new life. She is no longer bound by the fate of Kefu, but uses her own hands and wisdom to create a better future. Her story spread throughout the town and became a good story.

Time flies, and Cuihua has become a respected craftsman. She used her own experience to tell the world that fate is not immutable, as long as you face it bravely and pursue it hard, you will be able to break the shackles of fate and usher in your own happy time.

Cuihua settled in a new place, and her craft shop gradually became famous. Her works are not only exquisitely crafted, but also contain profound stories and emotions, each of which seems to tell her ups and downs in the past and happiness in the present.

The days passed in busyness and fulfillment, but there was always an unsolved mystery in Cuihua's heart - why did the mysterious person who once framed her do this to her? She decides to unravel the mystery and put a happy end to her past.

The woman was born with a kefu life, and her ten husbands died tragically, and the truth was revealed after marrying a scarecrow

After many inquiries and investigations, Cuihua finally learned the identity and motives of the mysterious person. It turned out that he was a playmate of Cuihua when she was a child, and because she was jealous of Cuihua's beauty and talent, she had evil thoughts in her heart. Using his spells and poisons, he created rumors about Cuihua Kefu and secretly murdered her first ten husbands. His purpose is to make Cuihua ruined and never turn over.

Knowing the truth, Cuihua has mixed feelings, and she is both angry and saddened by her playmate's despicable behavior, but also glad and proud that she has survived those difficult years. She decides to find the playmate and make him pay for his crimes.

After a lot of twists and turns, Cuihua finally found the hiding place of her playmate. She went alone, and in the face of her former playmate, she did not have the slightest fear or flinch. With her courage and wisdom, she succeeded in exposing his crimes and handed him over to the local government to deal with.

The playmate was finally punished as he deserved, and his crimes were made public, and he could no longer do evil in the world. And Cuihua also sought justice for herself and drew an end to the pain of the past.

Cuihua, who has experienced all this, cherishes the happy life now. She runs her craft shop with her heart, sharing stories and laughter with her friends. Her heart was filled with gratitude and satisfaction, and she knew that all of this was the result of her courage in facing her fate and striving for happiness.

Time flies, and the story of the emerald flowers has been sung in the town. She used her own experience to tell the world that fate is not immutable, as long as there is love, courage and wisdom in your heart, you will be able to overcome all difficulties and usher in your own happy time.

The woman was born with a kefu life, and her ten husbands died tragically, and the truth was revealed after marrying a scarecrow

And the scarecrow "husband" who once accompanied her through countless days and nights, although it was just an illusion in her heart, his image remained in Cuihua's heart forever. Whenever she sees the scarecrow crafts in the store, she remembers that time full of twists and turns and hope. She knows that the scarecrow is not only a memory of her past, but also a motivation for her future.

In Cuihua's craft shop, the image of the scarecrow's "husband" is given a new meaning. It became a symbol of courage and tenacity, inspiring everyone who walked into the store. And Cuihua also uses her own hands and wisdom to continue to create more beautiful memories and stories.