
After the woman got married, she was skinny and went to the nunnery to burn incense, Lao Nun: Your man is not a human being

author:Arvin Film & TV Clip XVLM

After the woman got married, she was skinny and went to the nunnery to burn incense, Lao Nun: Your man is not a human being

In a quiet mountain village, there lives a young woman named Wan'er. She is beautiful and gentle, and she is a girl loved by everyone in the village. Wan'er and Ah Qiang, a young man in the village, fell in love, and the two finally tied the knot after a sweet relationship. However, since Wan'er married Ah Qiang, her body has become thinner and thinner, and her originally ruddy face has become pale and bloodless.

The villagers talked about it, speculating whether Wan'er had some strange disease. Wan'er's parents were also anxious and sought medical advice everywhere, but they never got better. Wan'er herself was also worried, she didn't understand why her body had become so weak since she got married.

On this day, Wan'er heard that there was a nunnery on the mountain outside the village, and the incense was flourishing, and it was said that praying to God and worshiping Buddha was very effective. So, she decided to go to the nunnery to burn incense and pray for blessings, hoping to find a cure.

Wan'er trekked all the way through mountains and rivers and finally came to the nunnery. She reverently knelt in front of the Buddha statue and prayed to the Buddha to bless her good health. At this time, an old nun walked slowly, and she looked at Wan'er's haggard face, and a hint of surprise flashed in her eyes.

The old nun picked up Wan'er and asked softly, "Donor, why are you so haggard?" Wan'er told the old nun everything she had happened. After hearing this, the old nun frowned, and after pondering for a moment, she said, "Donor, your man is not a human being. ”

When Wan'er heard this, she was immediately frightened, and she asked in a trembling voice, "Master, what do you mean by this?" The old nun sighed and slowly told an astonishing story.

After the woman got married, she was skinny and went to the nunnery to burn incense, Lao Nun: Your man is not a human being

It turned out that before Ah Qiang married Wan'er, he had a love history with a bewitching woman. The woman was not an ordinary person, but a vixen who had cultivated to perfection. She took a fancy to Ah Qiang's yang energy, so she used witchcraft to confuse him, and the two sang songs night after night, living a life of extravagance.

However, the vixen is a monster after all, and her demonic aura has caused great damage to Cuong's body. Although Ah Qiang looks no different from ordinary people on the surface, his body has long been eroded by demonic energy and has become a half-human, half-demon monster.

After Wan'er married Ah Qiang, she shared the bed with him every day, and unknowingly was attacked by the demonic energy in Ah Qiang's body. Her body is getting weaker and weaker, precisely because it has been corroded by demonic energy.

After listening to the old nun's story, Wan'er woke up like a dream, and she finally understood why she was so haggard. She was angry and frightened, and she didn't know what to do.

Seeing this, the old nun comforted: "Don't panic, don't panic, I have my own way to help you exorcise the demonic energy." She took out a string of Buddhist beads, handed it to Wan'er and said, "This string of Buddhist beads was left by the patriarch in my nunnery, and it has the effect of driving away evil spirits." After you go back, wear this bead on your wrist every night before going to bed, and recite the Buddha name silently, which will gradually expel the demonic energy in your body. ”

Wan'er was grateful, took the Buddha beads and thanked her again and again. She said goodbye to the old nun and returned home with trepidation.

From then on, Wan'er followed the instructions of the old nun every night, wore the Buddha beads on her wrists, and fell asleep silently reciting the Buddha's name. Gradually, she noticed that her body began to improve, and her face gradually became rosy.

After the woman got married, she was skinny and went to the nunnery to burn incense, Lao Nun: Your man is not a human being

However, Cuong began to notice the change in Wan'er. He found that his wife was no longer as obedient to him as she used to be, but began to be cold to him. He was puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask more.

Finally, one day, Wan'er plucked up the courage to tell Ah Qiang what the old nun said. When Cuong heard this, he was shocked, he couldn't believe that he had become a half-human, half-demon monster. He held his head in pain, constantly blaming himself and remorseful.

Wan'er looked at Ah Qiang's painful appearance, and her heart was also mixed. She hated Cuong for being bewitched by the vixen, but she also felt sorry for his current situation. She decided to give Cuong a chance to mend his ways, so she persuaded him to go to the nunnery with him to confess to the Buddha and ask for forgiveness.

Under Wan'er's persuasion, Cuong finally made up his mind to follow Wan'er to the nunnery. They repented sincerely in front of the Buddha statue and asked the Buddha to forgive them for their mistakes. Seeing this, the old nun was also moved by their sincerity, so she personally recited sutras and prayed for them.

After a period of repentance and prayers, the demonic energy in Ah Qiang's body was finally gradually expelled. His body returned to normal, and his relationship with Wan'er became deeper again.

Since then, Cuong and Wan'er have lived happily ever after. They always remember this experience, cherish each other, and run their small family together. And that fox spirit was also punished by the Buddha, and he no longer dared to come out to harm people.

This story is a good story in the village, and it is said that Wan'er and Ah Qiang were blessed by the Buddha to be able to regain their lives. As a result, the incense of the nunnery has become more prosperous, attracting more and more believers to come to pray for blessings.

After the woman got married, she was skinny and went to the nunnery to burn incense, Lao Nun: Your man is not a human being

Wan'er and Cuong know that their luck is not accidental, and they decide to use their experiences to help more people. So, they began to promote Buddhist culture in the village, telling their own stories, and exhorting people to cherish the people in front of them, stay away from evil thoughts, and maintain a pure and kind heart.

Their good deeds have been widely praised and supported by the villagers. More and more people are beginning to pay attention to Buddhist culture, learn the Dharma, and practice the body and mind. The atmosphere of the village has also become better and better, and the relationship between the people has become more harmonious.

And Wan'er and Cuong are also growing and improving in the process. Not only do they learn how to face adversity and setbacks, but they also learn how to be tolerant and understanding of others. Their love is also sublimated in the process, becoming stronger and deeper.

A few years later, Wan'er and Cuong became the model couple in the village, and their story was told further afield. Many people have been inspired and inspired by their experiences and have embarked on the path of spiritual pursuit, seeking inner peace and true happiness.

And the vixen who once confused Ah Qiang, after being punished by the Buddha, also realized his mistake. She decided to let go of her demonic thoughts and practice Buddhism, hoping that one day she would be reborn and become a new person.

Thanks to the efforts of Wan'er and Ah Qiang, the Buddhist culture in the village has flourished, and people's hearts have been purified and sublimated. Their stories have become the village's most valuable asset, inspiring generations to pursue truth, goodness and beauty for a better future.

After the woman got married, she was skinny and went to the nunnery to burn incense, Lao Nun: Your man is not a human being

As the years go by, Wan'er and Cuong are getting old, but their love story and spiritual pursuit are forever engraved in people's hearts. With their own personal experiences, they proved the power of love and the greatness of Buddhist culture. Their stories will be passed down forever and become a model for future generations to learn from.

In this fantastical, warm and touching story, we see the complexity and purity of human nature, the power of love and the compassion of Buddhism. The experiences of Wan'er and Cuong tell us that as long as we have good intentions and firm faith, we will be able to overcome all difficulties and achieve inner peace and true happiness. As the years passed, although Wan'er and Ah Qiang were full of gray hair, their eyes were still clear and bright, as if they still retained the perseverance and tenacity of their youth. Their children and grandchildren were all around their knees, listening to them tell about that thrilling past, and their faces showed expressions of admiration and fascination.

In this warm and harmonious family, Wan'er and Ah Qiang are not only the spiritual pillars of the family, but also the role models in the hearts of the people in the village. They often sit under the big tree at the entrance of the village with the villagers, sharing the details of their lives and telling about the subtleties of Buddhism. Their wisdom and kindness deeply infect everyone, making this small mountain village full of love and harmony.

And the vixen who used to do evil, under the influence of Wan'er and Ah Qiang, was truly reborn and became a cultivator. She no longer deceives the world, but uses her own experience to warn others and exhort them to turn away from evil and pursue the right path. Her change surprised and admired everyone, and it also allowed her to find peace and tranquility on her own.

One day, Wan'er passed away peacefully in her sleep. She has a smile on her face, as if to tell Cuong that she has found her true home. Cuong is grief-stricken, but he knows that Wan'er has completed her mission and gone to a better place.

At Wan'er's funeral, the whole village came to see her off. They wept and prayed, thanking Wan'er for all that she had brought to the village. Cuong stood in front of Wan'er's grave, silently watching her, his heart filled with endless thoughts and gratitude.

A few years later, Cuong also followed in Wan'er's footsteps and left this world. His death left the entire village in mourning. But people know that Cuong and Wan'er have been reunited in another world to continue their love and practice.

After the woman got married, she was skinny and went to the nunnery to burn incense, Lao Nun: Your man is not a human being

At Cuong's funeral, the former vixen also came to the scene. She prayed silently for Cuong and Wan'er to see them off. She knows that it is because of them that she has changed and grown today.

As the years go by, this small mountain village is still quiet and peaceful. The story of Cuong and Wan'er has been told, and their spirit has been an inspiration to future generations. They use their experiences to show the world that the power of love is infinite, and that spiritual practice can help us find inner peace and true happiness.

In this small mountain village full of love and harmony, everyone is striving to pursue their dreams and happiness. And Ah Qiang and Wan'er's love and practice have become an eternal beacon in their hearts, guiding them forward.