
The 58-year-old eldest brother suffered from thyroid cancer, quit spicy and greasy, and after half a year of examination, the cancer cells spread?

author:Lao Li popular science talk

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Aunt Wang, a retired teacher, lives a simple and regular life on weekdays, and during a physical examination last year, Aunt Wang was found to have a small nodule in the thyroid gland.

However, a few months later, Aunt Wang felt neck discomfort, the nodule showed signs of enlargement, after the reexamination, the doctor decided to perform surgical resection for her, postoperative pathology confirmed that the small nodule turned out to be thyroid cancer, the moment she learned the diagnosis, Aunt Wang was dazed and helpless, "Doctor, I usually have a light diet and regular work and rest, how can I get cancer?" "

The 58-year-old eldest brother suffered from thyroid cancer, quit spicy and greasy, and after half a year of examination, the cancer cells spread?

I patted her hand lightly and said with relief: "There are many complex factors in the occurrence of Aunt Wang's cancer, some of which may not be fully understood by us at present, but please believe that early detection and early treatment, we have hope of overcoming it," Aunt Wang's surgery was very successful, and we formulated a set of detailed review and follow-up plans for her after the operation, and more than a year has passed, her indicators have been very stable, and there has been no recurrence and metastasis.

But Brother Li's experience once again warns us that cancer reminds us of the insignificance and ignorance of human beings all the time, even if we do our best to fight it, it still has its own evolutionary trajectory, I have consulted some literature, there are many risk factors for recurrence and metastasis of thyroid cancer after surgery, such as the pathological type, stage, genetic mutation of the tumor, etc., and some seemingly healthy lifestyles, such as a light diet, can not completely block the spread of cancer cells.

The 58-year-old eldest brother suffered from thyroid cancer, quit spicy and greasy, and after half a year of examination, the cancer cells spread?

As a doctor, in addition to doing our best to treat the disease itself, perhaps we should pay more attention to and care for the mental health of patients, I once chatted with a cancer patient, she calmly told me: "Doctor, you can't save my life, but please don't deprive me of the dignity of life." "

Her words have always been engraved in my heart, we can't predict the trajectory of the disease, but we can choose how to face it, how to fight it, for cancer, we still have too much to know, but I always firmly believe that the progress of medicine has never stopped, and new treatments such as immunotherapy, targeted therapy, etc., are lighting up new hope for patients.

The 58-year-old eldest brother suffered from thyroid cancer, quit spicy and greasy, and after half a year of examination, the cancer cells spread?

Brother Li's story reminds us that we can never take our health lightly; Aunt Wang's experience tells us the importance of hope in the face of illness, the fragility of life is frightening, but to find wholeness in the incomplete, to ignite hope in despair, we still have the greatest courage and wisdom to love life and embrace the present.

The life of every ordinary person is a novel of ups and downs, and the gears of fate never stop for anyone. What we can do is to use wisdom and love to interpret every chapter of our own in a limited time.

The 58-year-old eldest brother suffered from thyroid cancer, quit spicy and greasy, and after half a year of examination, the cancer cells spread?

Cancer is a word that makes people talk about it, it seems to have become a lingering nightmare for modern people, according to statistics, every 6 deaths in the world, 1 death from cancer, in China an average of 7 people are diagnosed with cancer every minute, in the face of such numbers, fear seems inevitable, but I want to say that fear is never a good solution to the problem, as the story of Brother Li and Aunt Wang shows, in the face of cancer, what we need is courage, wisdom and love.

Courage is the strength not to flinch in the face of a diagnosis, to choose active treatment and to live; Wisdom is the ability to understand the nature of the disease, cooperate with the doctor's instructions, and maintain an optimistic attitude; Love, on the other hand, is the care and companionship from relatives, friends and medical staff, and is the driving force that supports patients through the treatment process.

The 58-year-old eldest brother suffered from thyroid cancer, quit spicy and greasy, and after half a year of examination, the cancer cells spread?

I once treated a breast cancer patient who was in the advanced stages of her disease, but to my surprise, every time I saw her, she had a smile on her face and she told me: "Doctors are just a part of my life, it doesn't define everything about me, I want to be a happy wife, a good mother, and an interesting soul." "

Her words made me feel enlightened, yes, how can the meaning of life be limited by illness? Even if the body is eroded by cancer cells, the soul can still shine in love and being loved, recalling what happened to Brother Li, in addition to lamentation, I am more in awe of life and medicine.

The 58-year-old eldest brother suffered from thyroid cancer, quit spicy and greasy, and after half a year of examination, the cancer cells spread?

As a doctor, we promise to do our best, but we are not omniscient, no matter how advanced medical skills, can not defeat the forces of nature, the occurrence and progress of cancer, there are still many that medicine can not explain and control, but this does not mean that we are powerless, the meaning of medicine, not only to treat the disease and save people, but also to give hope and dignity to patients, accompany patients through the most difficult moments of life, with professionalism and love to alleviate their pain, this is the sacred duty of every doctor.

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