
Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

author:Early Summer Words

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When the accusations and invective were menacing, Zhao Zhongxiang only had helplessness and pain in his heart. The goodwill and laughter of the people, which have been taken for granted for many years, turned into unbearable doubts and attacks overnight.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

In the face of a sudden turmoil, how should he deal with himself? And how can this reputational crisis be reversed?

In 2004, Rao Ying's accusations were like a thunderbolt, smashing the positive public image that Zhao Zhongxiang had built for many years. For the public, there is another hidden truth behind this seemingly sudden scandal.

What Zhao Zhongxiang needs to face is not only the trial of public opinion, but also a deep reflection on human nature.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Hold the last line of defense

"I must defend the truth and vindicate myself!"

This is Zhao Zhongxiang's inner cry. In the face of the sudden accusations, he did not choose to back down. Fighting side by side with his wife Zhang Meizhu, the two chose to take the initiative to refute the rumors head-on.

This counterattack broke Zhao Zhongxiang's usual low-key response in the past. In the face of rumors many times, he often chooses to remain silent. Because he knows that instead of dealing with unsubstantiated rumors, it is better to focus on his work. Only continuous dedication to excellent works is the best way to prove yourself.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

But this time is different. The allegations are clear and specific, and the impact is enormous. Continued silence will only heat up public opinion, and it is necessary to come out and set the record straight, otherwise more than 30 years of efforts will be ruined.

With the encouragement of his family, Zhao Zhongxiang mustered up the courage to fight back. He knew that he was on the verge of his reputation at this time, and he had to hold on to the truth like the last straw. This is the last line of defense to protect the work of life accumulated over the years.

He also understands that instead of passively bearing the pressure from the outside world, it is better to take the initiative and strive for dominance. This is both to speak up for justice and to protect oneself.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Rebuilding the facts is the only way to rebuild the reputation

"To rebuild a reputation, you must first rebuild the facts."

Zhao Zhongxiang realized that the best weapon to fight back against rumors is the facts. So he pooled his resources and launched an evidence investigation with the support of the police.

The seemingly ironclad recordings and "letters" were quickly identified as forgeries. And Rao Ying's so-called "intimate photos" have also been identified by experts as synthetic forgeries.

With this evidence, Zhao Zhongxiang can finally refute the rumors head-on. He no longer responded passively, but took the initiative to sue Rao Ying for defamation.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

In court, the truth was revealed, and all rumors were proven to be unfounded. Zhao Zhongxiang's reputation was also restored.

This process made Zhao Zhongxiang understand that the key to rebuilding his reputation is to find a factual basis. Otherwise, any justification will inevitably be in the air. He must take the initiative and fight for the right to speak, so that the truth can have a chance to be revealed to the world.

Reflect on life and examine trust

"How do I re-examine my life?"

After the public opinion turmoil subsided, Zhao Zhongxiang fell into deep thought. He needs to reflect on the lessons that this turmoil has taught him.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

He realized that over the years, he might have put too much trust in others. Even the false accusations of a person who had never met before almost ruined everything. This vulnerability must be confronted.

He needs to be more prudent in handling public relations and maintain a cautious sense of distance. It is also necessary to learn to discern the difference between those who are sincere supporters and those who have ulterior motives. In the face of unsubstantiated rumors, it is important to remain rational and calm.

It also made Zhao Zhongxiang reflect on his reliance on reputation. The positive image that has been built up for years is suddenly ruined, and this vulnerability must be faced. The fullness of the inner world is far more important than the external reputation. This will also be the direction of his future growth.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Tolerance and goodwill, rebuilding faith

"How can we regain faith in humanity?"

After the turmoil, Zhao Zhongxiang was once disappointed in human nature. He realized that tolerance triumphed over hatred. If all good intentions are doubted, then what is the point of living?

So he decided to use tolerance to resolve suffering. If Rao Ying is also a person whose mind and heart are trapped, then she also needs sympathy, not hatred. Tolerance can bring freedom to each other, and this is how Zhao Zhongxiang regains his inner peace.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

Perhaps it was this tolerance that helped Zhao Zhongxiang feel the surging support and love again when he was seriously ill in his later years. That was the highest recognition of his contribution to the media industry. It also rekindled his faith from the good masses.

Fate has come, but the core has not changed

Looking back at Zhao Zhongxiang's life course, we see a soul with ups and downs, ill-fated fate, but lofty realms.

He shines on the TV screen, but he has also been trapped on the cusp. He has been cheered by the people, and he has also endured the tricks of fate. However, under the layers of external magnificence, the light of the core has never changed.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

It comes from the firmness and warmth of the heart. It allowed him to keep his bottom line in the face of adversity, and it also made him still energetic in the face of illness in his later years. This quiet power comes from the insistence on truth and belief in human nature.

Zhao Zhongxiang's life is not only a witness to the development of television media, but also a symbol of responsibility and integrity. After the turmoil, he still chose to return to his heart and fight back against rumors with his work.

This kind of temperament of not being shocked when Mount Tai collapsed is the secret of his success. It is this calmness that has completed his transformation from "cusp" to a new reputation.

Rao Ying: Zhao Zhongxiang and I have been in a relationship for many years, and he has a special habit that hurts me physically and mentally

As he said in his later years: "I have experienced all the ups and downs, and I have seen too much of the hot and cold world. Now I just want to keep a peaceful and kind heart. ”

This kind of life is also the most precious spiritual wealth he left to future generations.