
The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

author:An Yi Qi Qi H

A video sparked heated discussions on the Internet, showing a female front desk abusing the delivery person, but was rebuked by the delivery person, resulting in a scene of violence against the woman. The incident not only aroused the attention and ridicule of netizens, but also triggered thinking about freedom of speech and violent conflict resolution.

Recently, a video has been widely circulated on the Internet, shocking the majority of netizens and arousing the attention and heated discussions of all walks of life. The video shows a female receptionist verbally abusing a delivery man in a hotel somewhere in Guangdong, and the scene is very intense.


According to reports, the incident took place in the front desk area of a hotel when a delivery man was preparing to deliver food to the hotel. However, he was unfortunate enough to encounter the unfriendly attitude of the hotel front desk. The female front desk gave cold eyes to the delivery man, and spoke ill of him, calling him "fat head and big ears", and even more seriously, she even angrily cursed the delivery man "to die".

The scene was filmed by bystanders on their mobile phones and quickly spread online. In the video, you can clearly see the scene of the female front desk abusing the delivery staff, and the scene is shocking.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

After the incident was exposed, it aroused strong condemnation and heated discussions among the majority of netizens. Many netizens said that no matter under any circumstances, no one should treat others with such a bad attitude, let alone hurt the dignity and self-esteem of others with words.

In addition, some netizens called for strengthening social ethics education and improving people's civilization literacy to avoid similar incidents from happening again. A netizen said: "In public, no matter what situation you encounter, you should remain rational and calm, respect others, and maintain social order." ”

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

So far, the relevant departments have not made an official response to this incident, but with the continuous fermentation of public opinion, it is believed that this matter will be properly handled and become the object of people's deep thought.

In the face of the woman's insults, the delivery man did not choose to endure it, but replied fearlessly: "I have never seen you so fat and big-eared, why don't you die!" This sentence seemed to be a mixture of surprise and silence for all present, because few dared to fight back so bluntly.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

The delivery man's reply seemed to touch the woman's rebellious psychology, causing her to lose control of her emotions, and in anger, she suddenly violently confronted the delivery man. In the video, it can be clearly seen that the woman grabbed the delivery man by the collar, kept hitting him on the back with her hand, and kept roaring in her mouth to demand an apology. Her movements and voice were filled with anger and resentment, as if she had completely lost her mind.

The delivery man appeared quite calm and calm, and despite being violently entangled by the woman, he always maintained restraint and was not swayed by his emotions. He did not fight back, but tried to defuse the situation through words, but the woman could not control her emotions and continued to attack the delivery man.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

This scene is embarrassing, and it has also triggered deep thinking from all walks of life. Violent resolution of conflict is never a good solution, on the contrary, it only exacerbates conflicts, causing more harm and bad effects. This incident is also a reminder that in the face of conflict and dissatisfaction, reason and restraint are the keys to solving problems.

The video shows the woman grabbing the delivery man by the collar, pulling hard and hitting him on the back with her hands, her voice filled with anger and dissatisfaction. Her movements appear to be very ferocious, and she seems to be completely caught in the control of her emotions.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

The delivery man appeared quite calm and calm, and despite being violently entangled by the woman, he always maintained restraint and was not swayed by emotions. He did not fight back, nor did he take any drastic action to fight back, but tried to calm the woman's anger through words.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area
The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

Amid the woman's constant demands for an apology, the delivery man remained calm, trying to explain or mediate the situation. Although he was also insulted and attacked, he chose to respond peacefully, showing excellent calmness and restraint.

This scene makes people sigh at the professionalism and morality of the delivery man, and his performance is worthy of our learning and respect. In the face of violence and provocation, staying calm and rational is the key to solving problems, and violent counterattacks will only exacerbate conflicts and cause more harm. The actions of the delivery workers undoubtedly set a positive example and remind us to treat others with reason and kindness in our lives to promote social harmony and progress.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

As soon as the video was uploaded, it sparked widespread heated discussions and discussions on the Internet, and netizens commented and complained about the incident.

Some netizens joked: "The magic attack touches the physical attack!" This teasing language cleverly combines the conflict scenes in the video with the combat elements in the game or anime, giving it a light-hearted and humorous feel. This humorous expression resonated with many people and made people pay more attention to and discuss the event.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area
The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

At the same time, many netizens expressed sympathy and support for the delivery man, believing that he showed due calmness and restraint in the face of violence. His actions were perceived as a positive example of professionalism and moral character. A netizen said: "The performance of the delivery man is very respectable, he is not swayed by emotions, but remains calm and rational, this behavior is really remarkable." ”

These comments reflect the prevailing attitudes of society towards violence, with clear values and attitudes towards conflict resolution options. They believe that calmness and restraint are the keys to solving problems, and that violent counterattacks will only exacerbate the conflict and cause more harm. The performance of the delivery workers not only won praise from people, but also reminded people to treat others with reason and kindness in their lives to promote social harmony and progress.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

In addition, the incident has also triggered deep thinking about freedom of speech and violent conflict resolution, and many netizens have expressed their views and opinions.

On social media, many netizens called on people to be more rational about conflicts when they go out, and avoid verbal and behavioral excesses, in order to maintain social harmony and respect. They believe that everyone should remain rational and calm, and solve problems with a calm mind, rather than using violence or bad language against each other.

Freedom of speech is an important part of a democratic society, but freedom of speech does not mean that it is okay to speak maliciously and insult others. Therefore, while exercising freedom of speech, people should also pay attention to the scale and manner of speech, and respect the rights and dignity of others.

Moreover, violent conflict resolution is never a good solution, it only exacerbates conflicts, causing more harm and bad effects. Therefore, when people encounter conflicts, they should choose rational and peaceful ways to solve the problem instead of resorting to violent means.

The woman cursed the delivery man to die, the delivery man had a fat head and big ears, the woman broke the defense, and died of laughter in the comment area

The occurrence of this incident reminds us that we must maintain good social morality, abide by social norms, treat others with a civilized attitude, and jointly create a harmonious and respectful social environment. Only in this way can we jointly promote the progress and development of society.

The occurrence of this incident has triggered extensive thinking and in-depth discussions from all walks of life, and people have reflected on their attitudes and behaviors in the face of conflict.

First, the incident is a reminder of the need to be rational and restrained in the face of conflict. In modern society, conflicts are inevitable, but how to deal with them is particularly important. Through this incident, people realized that rationality and restraint can not only avoid the deterioration of the situation, but also provide more possibilities for solving the problem. Whether it is words or actions, you should be rational and calm, and solve problems in a calm manner, rather than venting your emotions through violence or insults.

Secondly, the incident calls on all sectors of society to work together to create a more harmonious and respectful social atmosphere. In today's society, it is essential to respect and understand the different perspectives and cultural backgrounds of others. By strengthening social ethics education, advocating etiquette and civilization, and enhancing social cohesion and consensus, conflicts can be effectively alleviated and social harmony and stability can be promoted.

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