
The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

author:Mu Mu Story 1

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old
The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old
The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old
The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old
The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old
The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Dog: Let's eat more, it's a little lightweight, haha

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Look at my old watch, is he making a face mask? How should his salary be calculated?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

I just need to walk around casually, and the person on the other side will take the initiative to avoid it, which shows that I am strong, powerful, right?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

In this sea of people, find her who is one in a thousand, she is your ideal girlfriend.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Big brother: I always walk along the river, and it is inevitable that my shoes will get wet occasionally.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Wife: Haven't you turned over this cake once in half a year?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Since I had this artifact, I don't bother with constipation anymore.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

When people become lazy, there are many strange ideas that appear.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Dude, why do you just want to fight this breath?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

If this car can be mass-produced, it will definitely be warmly sought after by everyone, looking forward to it!

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Sometimes, sharing the stress of work can make things easier.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Dude, this trick of yours is really unexpected, how did you come up with it?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

The banquet has begun, and it is really dizzying!

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

This beauty has good ball skills, and such a goal can be scored; Even if she said that her skills were poor, the ball still scored, so it shouldn't be considered bad.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

People may think you're performing acrobatics, but what's going on with this ball?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Brother: Why haven't you come to dinner yet? This is all specially ordered for you, don't waste our hearts in vain.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

It takes someone with a high IQ to analyze how much the boss has lost in this account.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

The door of our house is manually coded, and not just anyone can open it.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

It turned out that he was imitating that youkai, and it wasn't until the end that I realized that it was such an interesting soul.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Girl: What's so funny? I'm going to give you a slap in the face.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

If you can understand and remember this, it may save you many detours in your life.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

When you get married, you must ask those hardcore friends to be bodyguards, and they are reliable at critical moments.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Was the rat hypnotized or was it some other kind of magic?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

I went to my brother's house to borrow the restroom and suddenly felt a little strange.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

It's really a bit difficult to find the pattern, you can try it, see you in the comment area.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Brother, what are we going to do when it's cooked?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Recently, the economy has been tight, and I have to plan even to eat steamed buns, and try to save some food.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

The proprietress is really generous, looking at the second senior brother's happy look.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Shovel: Have fun? See how I teach you.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

The feeling of sweaty palms and a racing heartbeat.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

The poetry duel between the Southern Song Dynasty and the Northern Song Dynasty is wonderful.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

The technique of this stir-fry is almost identical, and it must be biological.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

I prayed to God for good luck and hoped to catch a big fish, but I wonder if it will be useful?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Chef: It's really not easy to cut onions, and every time I burst into tears, look at how uncomfortable you are.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

As long as this watch is still gone, I don't plan to get a new one.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

It's amazing that the big truck is still driving so fast......

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

It's really a dog: you eat a little more, it's a little lightweight, haha.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Is this a boat race?

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

Fishing enthusiasts have come up with a challenge, and we'll see you in the comments section if anyone wants to try it out.

The woman met a riding "uncle" on a journey, with a vicissitudes of life, and was born in 95 years old, only 28 years old

One word of the day

Flowers do not bloom for the sake of falling, but for blooming more brilliantly

Flowers, always blooming in spring, are full of youthful vitality and the power of life. They present themselves to the world in their most beautiful form, emitting bursts of fragrant fragrance that make the earth more vibrant.

However, when summer comes, the flowers begin to wither. The once delicate petals gradually lose their luster, dry up, shrink, and eventually fall off the flower. Some people will feel regret and loss when they see this scene, and feel that the short life of the flower is too impermanent.

In fact, the blooming and withering of flowers is like the cycle of life, and there is nothing to be sad and regretful. Flowers do not bloom for the sake of falling, but for blooming more brilliantly. They unleash the brilliance of life in their short lifespan and show the purest charm of nature.

It is precisely because of the fall of flowers that the next spring will have a more brilliant rebirth. Withered flowers become fertile nutrients that nourish the ground and prepare it for next year's sprouts. Once a year, it is this eternal cycle that makes the world full of vitality.

A person's life is like the life course of a flower. When we are young, we are like flowers in full bloom, full of vigor and beautiful as flowers. But as time goes by, we will grow old and lose the grace of the past. But this is not sad, because it is with this stage that we can prepare the soil for the next generation and pass on the wisdom and power of life.

Therefore, we should not lose too many tears of aging, but learn to appreciate the slow changes of life, appreciate the mottled shadows in the sun, and appreciate the beautiful changes in ourselves. Life is like this, there is no static, only the cycle of sunrise and sunset, flowers blooming and falling.

It is important that when you have this time of your life, you live it in the most beautiful posture. Just like the flowers blooming in the middle of summer, they unleash their fragrance and power. Don't be afraid of aging, don't be afraid of the sunset, because fading is only for the next spring.

The beauty of life does not lie in whether it is long or short, but whether you live a wonderful and shining life. As long as you strive to live the essence of life, no matter how long or short life is, it will bloom with unique brilliance.

So, let's be like flowers and live the most beautiful moments. Don't feel sorry for the flowers, but work hard for them to bloom more brilliantly. I believe that as long as you make your own efforts, you will be able to bloom the unique brilliance of life and shine the world more beautifully.