
It's all CBA semi-finals, why are there so many fans in Liaoyue and Guangdong, and there are relatively few in Xinjiang and Zhejiang

author:There is something to talk about every day

Recently, the CBA semifinals are in full swing, and this basketball feast has brought endless passion and joy to fans across the country. However, in the upsurge of the game, we also saw the verbal attacks and conflicts of the fans, especially the fan scolding battle of the Liao War, which made people wonder: when will civilized viewing really come?

Judging from these CBA semi-final matchups, Liao Zhan has undoubtedly become the focus of fans' attention. However, the fierce contest seems to have inspired negative emotions among some fans. At the stadium and on the Internet, the fans of Liao Dazhan launched a fierce scolding battle, and the words were full of attacks and ridicule.

It's all CBA semi-finals, why are there so many fans in Liaoyue and Guangdong, and there are relatively few in Xinjiang and Zhejiang

Liaoning fans criticized the Guangdong team and players endlessly, they accused the Guangdong team of playing too rough and even dubbed the Guangdong team "martial arts team", and in the second game, the Liaoning fans even verbally attacked Zhu Fangyu, who was not a player. And Guangdong fans ridiculed and attacked the Liaoning players, using insulting words to ridicule them, what is the only mother in the world. This unfriendly atmosphere culminated in the second game of the Liao War, where many unpleasant things arose.

It's all CBA semi-finals, why are there so many fans in Liaoyue and Guangdong, and there are relatively few in Xinjiang and Zhejiang

What's more serious is that after the fourth game of the Liaoning-Guangdong War, the Guangdong team rushed to the airport in Liaoning, but was maliciously attacked by Liaoning fans. They spew expletives at the team, turning what should have been a friendly and respectful basketball game into a miasma.

It's all CBA semi-finals, why are there so many fans in Liaoyue and Guangdong, and there are relatively few in Xinjiang and Zhejiang

This kind of uncivilized behavior not only damages the image and mood of the players, but also affects the spectacle of the game and the embodiment of sportsmanship. Basketball is a competitive and passionate sport that should bring joy, unity and friendship to people, not hatred and aggression. First of all, fans should establish a correct concept of watching the game, respect the opponent, respect the referee, and respect the result of the game. While enjoying the game, learn to control your emotions and words and avoid using offensive and insulting language.

It is natural to support your own team, but supporting does not mean using offensive and insulting language, you say this, people also say you in the same voice, what kind of feelings do you have?