
In life, we must keep in mind the sophistication of human feelings: 1. Don't overdraw human feelings if money can solve them.

author:Passionate pencil writing

1. If you encounter something that can be solved with a little money, don't overdraw favors.

2. Friendship between friends is as light as water, don't put everything on your friends, and you need to be hard to strike iron.

3. When you first join or enter a circle, it is always right to talk less and observe more.

4. There must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and the boat is naturally straight to the bridge, and there will be a solution to the problem, so don't be intimidated by difficulties.

5. When the spring breeze is proud, don't forget the day when you were down, and you must be prepared for danger at any time.

6. The real good life is not how much money you have, but that you are safe and secure in this life and have a sensible child

7. Help others make decisions, and if you succeed, you have no credit, it is the result of others' efforts; Fail, the responsibility is yours.

8. If a woman does not have her own income, no matter how well you perform in the family, she is worthless in the eyes of men.

9. Buy gold, don't look for acquaintances, don't buy a fixed price.

10. Don't touch things like health care products, insurance, stocks, funds, etc., you are just an ordinary person, these things are not very familiar, and you can't afford to lose in the end.

11. If you go to someone else's house as a guest, and the host asks you to drink water and watch TV, you should leave with interest.

12. There are no eternal enemies or eternal friends in the workplace, only interests are eternal

13. See through it and don't say it, save some face for others, and leave a step for others, which is also beneficial to yourself.

14. Money is never enough; The work is never finished; The heart can never be finished; Bitterness is never unspeakable.

15. Husband and wife quarrel, men don't win, you win with your mouth, but you lose your wife's love for you.

In life, we must keep in mind the sophistication of human feelings: 1. Don't overdraw human feelings if money can solve them.

16. You can't hide your like, your eye movements and your body's micro-language can be betrayed

17. When a wife complains about her mother's family with herself, don't echo it, and the same is true when your husband and wife complain about your mother-in-law's family.

18. All you care about now is three things, your money, your health, your inner peace, don't believe that stress will be transformed into motivation, your stress will only be transformed into cases. The secret to staying happy is that it doesn't matter, it doesn't have to, it doesn't matter, once the heart is calm, the outside world will be silent. The best noble person in life is the one who works hard to improve.

19. Don't pay too much attention to what others say about you behind your back, because those words can't change your essence, but they may disturb your inner peace. People who understand you, needless to say, are able to understand your heart; And for those who can't understand you, your explanations will only seem redundant.

20. You are afraid of showing your head, you are afraid of making a fool of yourself, you are afraid of becoming an important person, you are afraid of taking responsibility, in fact, you are afraid of success, you are afraid of success, how can you succeed? In life, we often devote our energy to imagining problems that may arise, or even exhaust our energy for it. But you must know that there are far fewer difficulties than you think, and as long as we face them bravely, many seemingly difficult problems will eventually be solved.

21. There is no need to show off everywhere when the relationship is done, the first person to settle accounts with you is the person who helps you do things.

22. Don't confide in your family situation in the workplace, especially if the conditions are not very good.

23. When people reach middle age, they find that there is nothing in the world except for their families.

24. To expose other people's lies in person is to slap others in the face and offend people.

25. The poor want to marry the rich, and the rich are thinking about the right family.

26, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills. Sometimes, you need to play a different role in order to achieve your purpose.

27. When smoking, people who don't smoke also symbolically give way; If someone else has a cigarette, don't take it.

28. Keep a certain distance from relatives, not live as close as possible, walk as close as possible, and respect each other's private space.

29. When you are at a low point, there is no point in complaining, it can only make the people around you stay further away from you.

30. If you are poor, you will not go to your relatives, if you are rich, you will not return to your hometown, if you have no money, you will not be convinced.

In life, we must keep in mind the sophistication of human feelings: 1. Don't overdraw human feelings if money can solve them.

31. When acquaintances come to your store to buy something, you can give it the lowest discount, not give it away for free.

32. If you are wronged, you want to go back to your parents' home, and if you are not good to you, you want to divorce, and slowly you will find that your mother's home is not so easy to go back to.

33. For the friends who have helped you, you must know how to be grateful, not only in your heart, but also in your material life. You must know that when you are in trouble, the people you help may not help you, and the people who have helped you will still help you.

34. When you set out to do something, keep in mind that focusing too much on the results will often disappoint you. The process is the real stage of growth, it sharpens your will and exercises your ability. Focus on each step and enjoy the scenery and challenges along the way. When you put your heart and soul into it, you will find that you have earned yourself no matter the outcome. So, take it easy and enjoy the process, and you will find that beauty often comes inadvertently.

35. No matter what time it is, the family's financial situation is a secret, just know it in your own heart, and don't show off to others. You have money, and others will borrow it from you at every turn, and it's okay to help you with a good relationship, but what about a general relationship? If you don't have money, others look down on you, even if you have the opportunity to make money, they won't think of you, for fear that you won't be able to take risks.

36. Whether in love or marriage, if you don't know whether the other party loves you or not, please remember a test criterion: people who are willing to spend money for you may not love you, but people who are not willing to spend money for you must not love you enough.

37. Life is like a marathon, and the preset is our starting line. Only by setting clear goals and planning a reasonable route can we move forward steadily. At the same time, expecting too much from others will only disappoint you. Relying on others is more likely to allow yourself to sway in the wind and rain. True wise people know how to be self-reliant, they believe in their own strength, rely on their own wisdom, and create their own brilliance.

38. When you have no money, avoid frequent visits to relatives, overemphasizing feelings or mixing into various circles, which will only make you look embarrassed and increase psychological pressure. Instead, you should work hard and focus on making money, improving your financial strength, and changing your situation.

39. If you want to borrow 1000 from someone, you should first tell someone 10000, if he refuses. If you change your words, then lend me 1000, which is called "retreating as advance".

40. No matter how talented a person is, he also needs to know how to restrain his light. In front of a leader, excessive display can lead to jealousy and even making enemies. Instead, stay humble and show your talent when it matters most. In this way, we not only win respect, but also ensure that the team is harmonious and succeeds together.

In life, we must keep in mind the sophistication of human feelings: 1. Don't overdraw human feelings if money can solve them.

41. When you are really poor, don't be poor, the more you cry, the poorer you are; When you are really rich, don't show off your wealth, you can cry poor appropriately.

42. When you are alive, few people will pay attention to you; When you die, few people will miss you. Believe me, dear friends. Except for the pain caused by illness, all other suffering is caused by your values and is not real. You only need to care about three things: your possessions, your health, and your peace of mind. Don't expect stress to turn into motivation, it will only make you sick. The secret to staying happy is to maintain inner peace, no matter how noisy the outside world may be. The best noble person in life is a positive self.

43. Don't promise easily, but promise others that you must do it, if you can't do it, tell the other party in time, don't do porcelain work without diamonds, don't take your own interests for other people's things, and finally it hasn't been done, inside and outside is not a person.

44. Remember, don't be serious with bad guys, villains, lazy people, and stupid people, because your time is worth more than them. It's not because you're afraid of him, it's because the wise don't stand under the walls! The general hurried, do not entangle with flies.

45. For a thing, you don't understand very well, when you ask others, others are silent or don't answer your questions positively, you must learn to shut up, you know, not everything has to get to the bottom of things, sometimes you don't know if you don't know, it's rare to be confused.

46. The boy's family is not good, the sooner he gets married, the better; The girl's family background is not good, so try not to marry far away.

47. When people are at a low point, don't think about others pulling you, the most important thing is that you need to work hard yourself, and it's good that others don't fall into the ground.

48. It is better to offend ten gentlemen than to offend a villain. A gentleman is open-minded and virtuous, and will not make stumbling blocks hurt you behind your back; Villains are different, they are unscrupulous and unscrupulous for the sake of selfish interests. Because, stay away from the villain around you, if you can't stay away, you must be ruthless to them.

49. Nothing is more important than living, and nothing is more precious than life, no matter what happens, don't give up life easily, if you give up, it is really painful for relatives, fast for enemies, and there is nothing left.

50. Don't make promises easily, because commitment is the beginning of responsibility. Once you promise someone, you have to do your best to make sure that it is done. If you really can't complete it, be sure to let us know and be honest with each other. Remember, don't do porcelain work without diamonds. Not everything can be handled easily, but integrity and responsibility are always indispensable. In this way, you can earn the trust and respect of others and build strong interpersonal relationships.

51. There is no pie in the sky, don't think about getting rich overnight, it is not a dream that you see others earning tens of thousands of dollars a month, remember, it is an advertisement, and a person's success does not mean that everyone can succeed.

52. The biggest difference between people is not their background, not their academic qualifications, not their money and power, but a way of thinking.

53. Come out and mix, don't believe in character, believe in human nature. Because in the face of interests, character will change, but human nature will not change.

54. A person who has no morality, who talks about morality every day, makes irresponsible remarks about others, and asks you to do things that they can't do, this is moral kidnapping.

55. The smartest person in the world is a kind-hearted person, and such a person can get help from others no matter what happens, and he can achieve long-term success.


Things that must be understood in life: 1. Other people's successful cases can be referenced, but they cannot be copied

Life should keep in mind the sophistication of human feelings: 1. If you are successful enough, the whole world will applaud you

Human nature to keep in mind in life: 1. Living alone in this world, it is not terrible to have no money

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