
The 30th anniversary of China's access to the Internet, is your enterprise "Internet"?

author:22 Group

The so-called digitalization is to turn business into the Internet and upgrade the official website into a marketing hub: "The success of business has always come from the fact that you can be found and find more customers. ”

The 30th anniversary of China's access to the Internet, is your enterprise "Internet"?

In the new era and new journey, at present, the mainland will continue to promote the development of the digital economy, promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy, apply a new generation of digital technology, carry out all-round, full-angle and full-chain transformation of traditional industries, and help the digital transformation and development of most physical enterprises, including small and medium-sized enterprises.

To transform, you must first solve the "entrance", "The success of business has always come from the fact that you can be found and find more customers. "Otherwise, users can't find you, and you can't find users.

So how to build the "entrance", and what form should the entrance exist, so as to achieve the purpose of the link.

Based on the communication logic of the World Wide Web, the "entrance" is the "official website", which exists in the form of "web, H5, applet, mall, APP and other new application scenarios for future development", and the target customers of the enterprise visit the enterprise through search engines, media platforms, etc., and land on the various forms built by the enterprise through the entrance to realize the link.

Supplement the logic of Internet propagation: For example, if we go to a page on Google, the URL is the URL that conforms to the URL specification. When the browser sees the URL, it first goes to the DNS (Domain Naming Service) server, which translates the URL into an IP address. The World Wide Web runs on top of the TCP/IP protocol, so we first need to know the IP address of the web server, and DNS does that for us. With an IP address, the browser can send requests to a remote web server based on the HTTP protocol. Google's web server is able to receive such a request, and after receiving such a request, it will call a series of back-end functions and finally assemble an HTML page, which is returned to the browser via the HTTP protocol. The browser renders the returned HTML text into a beautiful and readable page, which is the page where Google is seen in the browser.

The 30th anniversary of China's access to the Internet, is your enterprise "Internet"?

(From: LTD Business School)

The official website is a website under the private domain and private domain name created based on the WWW World Wide Web (see the figure above to further learn the basic architecture and operation logic of the official website). In the early days, the Internet was more used for information disclosure and release, and there was not much ability to interact with customers.

In order to meet and guide the industry, the community and the general public to the traditional concept of the official website cognitive evolution and promotion needs, Hangzhou E-commerce Research Institute is also on the basis of comprehensive research, research and consulting experts, to the public to release the new name of "independent station" to the society:

"Independent station refers to a new type of official website (website) based on the SaaS technology platform that has an independent domain name, private content, data, and rights and interests, independent business sovereignty and business entity responsibility, supported by social cloud computing capabilities, and can independently and freely connect with third-party software tools, publicity and promotion media and channels." (From Baidu Encyclopedia)

There are many forms of website building, and you need to know these when you start making a website.

1. The original intention of website construction: Why do you need an independent station?

In the digital age, the importance of a website as a digital business card for enterprises is self-evident. For businesses, an independent website is not only a platform to showcase products and services, but also an important tool for building brand trust, marketing and customer service. According to eMarketer, global e-commerce sales are expected to grow from $4.9 trillion in 2021 to $6.3 trillion in 2024, underscoring the urgency and potential economic benefits of establishing an independent website.

2. Choose the right website builder: Why LTD Marketing Hub is the first choice

In the market, a variety of website building service providers emerge in an endless stream, and LTD Marketing Hub has become the first choice for many enterprises with its innovative features, services and user-friendliness. In particular, highly flexible visual editors, omnichannel marketing capabilities, open integration capabilities, etc. It not only improves the efficiency and flexibility of enterprise operations, but also greatly enhances the market responsiveness and customer service capabilities. Even in traditional enterprises with a low degree of digitalization, rapid and effective phased digital transformation can be achieved. At present, the hub cloud has served more than 100,000 enterprises of all sizes in hundreds of industries. These enterprises that have carried out digital upgrading of their operations have reduced their comprehensive costs by 10% and their marketing costs by half. ( build a station immediately)

3. Domain name and hosting: the cornerstone of the website

A good domain name not only boosts your brand's image, but it also makes it easier for customers to remember your website. According to a report by Verisign, more than 84% of consumers believe that businesses are more trustworthy when they have their own domain name and website. In addition, choosing a reliable hosting service is essential to ensure stable access to a website, which directly affects the user experience and the ranking of the website in search engines.

4. Website architecture planning: let users and search engines fall in love with your site

A well-planned website architecture can not only improve the user experience and encourage visitors to stay on the website for a longer time, but also help search engines crawl the content of the website more effectively and improve the SEO performance of the website. According to Kissmetrics, 47% of consumers expect web pages to load in less than 2 seconds, which requires an efficient and clear website architecture.

5. Design an impressive UI/UX: It's not just about aesthetics

Good user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) design are essential for any website, especially those targeting international markets. Adobe's research shows that 94% of a website's first impression depends on its visual design. An intuitive, engaging UI design, combined with a seamless, fluid user experience, can significantly increase visitor satisfaction and conversions.

6. Multilingual website solutions: break the language barrier and embrace the global market

To effectively serve international customers, your website needs to offer multilingual support. According to a survey by Common Sense Advisory, 75% of consumers are more willing to buy a product described in their native language. The multilingual feature not only helps your website reach a wider customer base, but also boosts your brand's global presence.

7. SEO Best Practices: Make your website stand out in search results

An effective search engine optimization (SEO) strategy is essential to improve your website's online visibility. According to HubSpot, more than 75% of users never scroll through the first page of search engine results. Ensuring that your website follows SEO best practices, such as using relevant keywords, optimizing for site speed, and building high-quality backlinks, will help your website rank higher in search engines.

8. Business expression: Turn your marketing flywheel

Business expression (content marketing) is the key to enhancing the appeal of your website and is the first step in inbound marketing. According to research by the Content Marketing Institute, 90% of top businesses use content marketing as the core of their marketing strategy. By creating high-quality, relevant, and valuable content, you can not only attract and retain customers, but also boost your SEO rankings.

9. Website security should not be neglected: protect your website from attacks

With the increasing number of cybersecurity threats, it has become even more important to secure your website. Verisign's report states that 60% of small businesses go out of business within six months of a cyberattack. Taking steps to protect your website, such as using SSL certificates and regularly updating systems and plugins, can help prevent data breaches and other security threats. ( certificate purchase)

10. Data analysis: Use Google Analytics to understand your visitors

Using tools such as Google Analytics can help you understand visitor behavior, optimize website content and structure to improve performance, and of course, SaaS independent website system, built websites, enterprises can directly understand customer portraits in the background. According to Forbes, data-driven marketing strategies deliver nearly 5 times higher ROI than traditional marketing strategies. Regularly analyzing your website data can provide you with valuable insights that can help you make more informed business decisions. ( Functional Experience)

11. Social media and content marketing: enhance brand influence

In today's internet age, social media and content marketing have become effective tools to boost brand awareness and attract potential customers. According to a report by Social Media Examiner, 92% of marketers say that social media is essential to their business. By sharing valuable content on social media, you can build connections with customers around the world and enhance your brand's online presence.

12. Maintenance & Updates: Keep your website alive and relevant

Regular maintenance and updates are key to ensuring the long-term success of your website. According to Gartner's research, businesses should spend at least 10% of their annual digital marketing budget on website maintenance and optimization. Keeping your content fresh and regularly updating your technology and design can improve your website's user experience and search engine rankings.

13. Avoid common pitfalls: common mistakes in website construction and how to avoid them

Understanding and avoiding common pitfalls in the website building process can help you save time and resources and avoid unnecessary hassles. Some common mistakes include ignoring mobile users, overusing technical jargon, and ignoring localization needs.

By following these guidelines for building, operating, and implementing your website, you can ensure that your website will not only attract customers, but also provide a superior user experience that will help your business grow. If you need professional guidance or service in the process of website building, please feel free to contact us. Our experienced team is here to help you achieve your business goals.

The 30th anniversary of China's access to the Internet, is your enterprise "Internet"?

In the past 30 years, China has made remarkable achievements in Internet technology, applications, and business models. From the development of the first router, to the network architecture, network protocols, key equipment, networking systems...... China has made leading contributions to the innovation and development of global Internet technology.

It is undeniable that the Internet has brought us earth-shaking changes from production to life, not only improving production efficiency, but also greatly improving people's quality of life. China's e-commerce, mobile payment, sharing economy and other fields are developing at a rapid speed and scale, and they are leading the world.

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