
The medicine looks ugly, but it is an expert in soft and hard knots, and gallbladder polyps take a detour when they see it

author:Traditional Chinese medicine Cui Wei

When it comes to oysters, everyone may feel unfamiliar, but because of its outstanding soft and hard dispersing effect, it has become the guest of honor in traditional Chinese medicine to dissolve polyps in clinical practice.

Oysters belong to the group of shellfish and live in moist waters. Seawater has a natural salty taste, and in the theory of the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine, saltiness corresponds to "water", which is the most yin thing, and has the properties of moisturizing and softening. Therefore, in traditional Chinese medicine, salty taste can communicate with the water and gas in our body, so that the liquid gathered together can flow, and the purpose of softness, firmness and dissipation of knots can be achieved.

The medicine looks ugly, but it is an expert in soft and hard knots, and gallbladder polyps take a detour when they see it

Gallbladder polyps are formed by the accumulation of waste products in the body such as bile, damp heat, blood stasis, and phlegm, which means that the substances wrapped in gallbladder polyps are liquid in nature.

Therefore, the salty oyster shell can make the contents of the polyp flow, which is equivalent to an introduction, and combined with the medicine to achieve turbidity, the polyp can be slowly hollowed out.

We already know the efficacy, how should it be compatible? Here I would like to share with you an effective formula that I often use in clinical practice: oyster shell, knotweed, desmodium, salvia, banxia, bupleurum, prunella, hawthorn.

After softening the garbage wrapped in the polyp with oyster shells, the garbage is dispersed with pungent prunella grass. The combination of the two herbs is like an excavator, which can hollow out the physical lump and allow the garbage wrapped inside to be discharged.

How do you get rid of it? The reason why damp heat and blood stasis will remain in the gallbladder is because there is a problem with the excretion function of the gallbladder.

The medicine looks ugly, but it is an expert in soft and hard knots, and gallbladder polyps take a detour when they see it

Although the gallbladder is also the main drain, it cannot work independently and needs to rely on the command of the liver. If the liver qi is not running smoothly, then the gallbladder qi will naturally have problems.

Therefore, Fang Zhong uses Bupleurum to relieve liver depression and let the stagnant qi move, so that the waste in the body can be discharged smoothly.

The remaining medicine is used to purify the environment in the gallbladder, after all, only when the polyp-generating environment in the gallbladder is completely eliminated, the gallbladder can be regarded as truly eliminated, otherwise it will recur soon.

Desmodium removes dampness and heat, dampness and phlegm in semi-summer, enhances the function of the spleen and stomach to transport water and dampness, hawthorn dissipates accumulation, salvia invigorates blood circulation and dispels stasis, and improves blood circulation. In this way, gallbladder polyps can be eliminated.

The medicine looks ugly, but it is an expert in soft and hard knots, and gallbladder polyps take a detour when they see it

It should be noted that this is a basic prescription, and the specific dosage should be adjusted according to each patient's situation. For example, polyps caused by fatty and greasy diets require traditional Chinese medicine Banxia and hawthorn to remove phlegm and dampness; If it is caused by liver stagnation and qi stagnation, and bile excretion is involved, it is necessary to reuse Bupleurum chinensis.

That's my opinion on gallbladder polyp treatment, and I hope it can be helpful to everyone.
