
Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

author:Steamed buns with chagua

Gao Yalin's affectionate confession

In the screenshot of the text message posted by Wei Jia, Gao Yalin's text is like a ray of warm sun in winter, trying to melt the iceberg between the two. He not only mentioned the vision of "taking her to meet people together", but also revealed his deep affection for Wei Jia between the lines.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

He wrote: "From the beginning of knowing you to the first few days, there was a lot of arguing, and I was anxious because I loved you. This sentence is like a stone thrown into the lake, which has aroused ripples in the hearts of netizens. Some people sighed that behind the quarrel was hidden love.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

Gao Yalin's words are not only a review of the past, but also an expectation for the future, he hopes that the two can let go of the past contradictions and come together again for the happiness of their children.

Wei Jia's resolute refusal

However, Wei Jia's attitude is like the autumn wind sweeping away the leaves, resolute and cold. She responded, "I'm not going to be with you again, you can just fulfill your obligations." This sentence, like a sharp sword, cut off all Gao Yalin's illusions.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

Wei Jia's words reveal memories of painful experiences in the past, she said: "I was in pain for the years we were together, and it was impossible to go back. These words made netizens feel her resoluteness and helplessness. Some people commented that Wei Jia's choice is a kind of protection for his past and an expectation for the future. She was reluctant to step into the mire that had made her miserable again.

The controversy over the Beijing hukou

In this emotional turmoil, the Beijing hukou has become the focus of heated discussions among netizens. Some people question whether this drama of breakup and reunion is just for a Beijing hukou? Some netizens ridiculed: "So you guys are doing this whole for a Beijing hukou?" Netizens were tricked again. ”

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

Although this statement has a certain irony, it also reflects the sensitivity and concern of society about the hukou issue. Is Gao Yalin's career really damaged because of this turmoil? Is Wei Jia's choice really just for an account? These issues have become a hot topic of discussion among netizens.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

Differences of opinion among netizens

In this emotional whirlpool, netizens' opinions are also divided. Some people think that Gao Yalin, as a mature man, is full of charm in the way he handles things, while Wei Jia seems a little vexatious.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

Some netizens commented: "The other party ruined the man's career for a Beijing hukou!" Tell Gao Yalin that she will do it for her! Although this point of view is on Gao Yalin's side, it has also caused a lot of controversy. On the other hand, some netizens believe that Wei Jia's choice is to be responsible for herself, and she is unwilling to fall into a painful relationship again. Although this point of view supported Wei Jia's decision, it also aroused sympathy for Gao Yalin.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

Truth and a cry for apology

With the development of the incident, some netizens asked, "The truth is revealed, can netizens apologize to Gao Yalin?" ". This kind of voice reflects the desire of netizens for the truth of the incident, and also reflects the sympathy for Gao Yalin.

However, what exactly is the truth? Does Gao Yalin really need to apologize? There is still no clear answer to these questions. In this emotional contest, everyone has their own position and opinion, and the truth is often hidden in complex human nature and emotions.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!


In this emotional turmoil, we see the interweaving of love and hate, and the struggle between choice and abandonment. Gao Yalin's affectionate confession, Wei Jia's resolute refusal, the controversy over Beijing's hukou, the differences of opinion among netizens, and the call for truth and apology constitute the complex background of this emotional drama.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

In this story, everyone has their own role and position, and the final ending, perhaps only time will be revealed. In this process, we have seen the complexity of human nature and the diversity of society.

Rollback? Gao Yalin's affectionate request to reunite was rejected, and Wei Jia's chat records revealed the emotional entanglement between the two!

This emotional turmoil is not only a test of the relationship between two people, but also a challenge to social values. At the end of this story, we can't help but ask: between love and reality, how do we choose? How do we balance responsibility and freedom? There may be no standard answer to these questions, but they are worth pondering for each of us.

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