
[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

author:yaowen today

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] learn to appreciate and accept others - Linzhou Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom (12)

Learn to appreciate and accept others

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

Activity Objectives

Cognitive Goals: To make students aware that everyone needs to be appreciated and praised; Being good at appreciating and praising others is an important condition for having good interpersonal relationships and finding close friends. Emotional goal: Let students learn to establish a correct "image view" while appreciating others, and consciously connect with themselves, learn to design and self-evaluate. Behavioral Objectives: Guide students to find the strengths of others through activities, learn to appreciate others, solve the problem of how to coexist with others, unite and cooperate, and create a harmonious atmosphere of appreciation and appreciation in the class.

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

Event preparation

Courseware, appreciation cards.

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

The process of the activity

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

Step 1: Scenario introduction

1. Pre-class warm-up game: "Listen and Guess".

Rules of the game: The teacher plays the recording, and the students quickly guess what it is according to the sound and rush to answer. (Students guess the sound)

Teacher: Students, today, we should not only listen to the voices of our lives, but also listen to the voices of our own hearts.

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

2. Create a situation

One day:

Lingling: Teacher, I don't want to be at the same table with xx anymore, can you change my seat?

Me: Yes, but can the teacher know why?

Lingling: He is so unhygienic, the drawers are full of garbage, he never wipes the dust on the table, and there is often a lot of garbage on the floor, I don't like to be at the same table with such unhygienic people.

After a few days:

Lingling: Teacher, can you change my seat again?

Me: Why? Didn't you just swap it out two days ago?

Lingling: I don't want to sit with XXX either, when I do my homework, he always affects me, either bumps into my arm, shakes the table, and always forgets to bring school supplies, and wants to borrow my books for a while, and borrow my pen for a while, which seriously affects my study.


3. Group discussion: Should the teacher change Lingling's seat again?

Teacher: The teacher agrees with you very much, this Lingling student did not use a good attitude to accept and tolerate her tablemates. Today we embark on a spiritual journey together and learn to appreciate and praise others.

Session 2: Know how to appreciate others

1. Teacher: Students, what do you think is acceptance? What does it mean to be accepting of others?

2. I'll praise you

(1) The teacher invited a student to the stage and praised him: I found that you have been studying very seriously recently, actively speaking in class, getting along with your classmates very well, and being able to help your classmates.

(2) Teacher: When everyone saw me talking, how did Xiaoyu react? (He smiles happily)

Teacher: Why is he so happy? Do you like people to compliment you on your merits?

(3) Teacher's summary: In fact, in real life, not only you, but everyone in the world needs to be appreciated, praised, and encouraged. Appreciation and praise can make us feel the value of our existence, gain a sense of accomplishment, and obtain psychological satisfaction. Appreciation and praise are respect for people, it can make people enhance their self-esteem, be encouraged, and bring warmth and happiness to ordinary life. So how can we be acceptable to others? Next, let's enter the spiritual story meeting together, and invite our story king to make a shining appearance.

3. Spiritual storytelling

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

(1) What does this story inspire you?

(2) Teacher's summary: Children, what is wider than the ocean is the sky, and what is wider than the sky is the human heart.

Session 3: Learn to appreciate others

1. Praise is delivered.

Teacher: Just now, Xiao Yu felt the joy of being praised, and I think you must also want to feel the magical power of accepting and praising others.

Activity Requirements: The first student in each group says to the student behind you, "You're awesome because you (often help your classmates...... )。 Praise him or her for his or her strengths and state why you admire him/her. It can be praised in terms of learning, expertise, clothing, helping others, and other aspects, but it must be in line with the facts. You can also use concrete, vivid examples to explain why you appreciate him or her. After the first student praises the second student, the second student praises the third student, and so on until the whole group accepts the compliment.

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

2. Student exchange sensitivity.

Teacher: Students, it feels good to be praised! Let's ask one representative from each group to talk about how they feel after receiving the compliment.

3. Enjoy the card, I'll send it.

(1) Students will give the cards with praise prepared before class to their favorite students.

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

(2) Why do you admire him or her?

Ask students to explain why they appreciate him or her with concrete, vivid examples.

(3) What kind of students are appreciated?

(Kindness, tolerance, caring for others, sincerity, self-discipline, serious learning...... )

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

4. Design a character growth plan

Teacher: Students, what kind of person do you want to be? How do you work hard? Design your own character growth plan.

(Students write their own designs for their own character growth.) Group communication, debriefing. )

5. Teacher's summary: Appreciating others requires love, and being appreciated requires charm. I wish the students to accept others, themselves, friendship and happiness in their future lives.

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

Activity Reflection

As students grow older, the focus of social interaction gradually shifts from family to school, and peer relationships and friendships have become important factors affecting children's development. Children in Grade 6 are becoming more self-conscious, and they tend to be less respectful and less appreciative of others. When most of the children in the class choose friends, they pay more attention to each other's family conditions, hobbies, personality, academic performance, etc., and the value orientation of choosing friends is deviated, and they will not look at others from multiple angles and appreciate others. Therefore, it is imperative to cultivate children's psychology and ability to learn to appreciate others. In this mental health class meeting on the theme of "Learning to Appreciate and Accept Others", I discussed and sparked thinking with the common problems in the class that require seat changes. Then, through "praise you", create an appreciation situation, so that students feel that it is pleasant to be praised and appreciated. Through the transmission of praise and the exchange of appreciation cards, students can deeply experience the happiness of praise and praise, and guide students to learn to appreciate the advantages of others while giving full play to their own strengths, develop their strengths and avoid weaknesses, and be a primary school student who can appreciate each other and cooperate with others.

[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12

♡ Written by: Guo Jiongting

♡ Editor: Guo Jiongting

♡ Reviewer: Li Yan


[I contribute to the construction of a strong city] Learn to appreciate and accept others - Guiyuan School Psychology Classroom 12