
The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

author:Möngke talks about health

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In an ordinary small city, there is a 45-year-old man named Zhang Wei.

He was an ordinary bank clerk with an ordinary daily life, sitting in his office all day to deal with various accounts and documents. Zhang Wei has an optimistic personality and often conveys a relaxed and happy atmosphere among his colleagues.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

However, the peace of life is shattered by a small discomfort. One day, Zhang Wei felt some numbness in his right leg after work, thinking that it was a temporary lack of blood circulation caused by sitting in an office chair for a long time.

When he got home, he tried some simple stretching exercises in the hope of alleviating the discomfort. But as time went on, he noticed that the numbness in his legs had not improved, and he could feel pins and needles in his legs even when he slept at night.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

Despite this, Zhang Wei still took a chance and did not immediately seek help from a doctor. As the week passed slowly, Zhang Wei's condition gradually worsened, the numbness in his legs expanded, and he began to feel powerless when walking.

After repeated persuasion from his family, he finally decided to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination. At the hospital, the doctor conducted a detailed questioning and physical examination of him, followed by a series of blood tests and imaging tests.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

The results of the examination were unexpected, and Zhang Wei was diagnosed with advanced thrombosis, which severely hindered blood circulation in his legs. The doctor explained that sitting for a long time can not only lead to poor blood circulation, but if the individual has a tendency to form blood clots, it may induce more serious circulatory diseases.

Zhang Wei's condition is precisely because this symptom is not detected and treated in time, which leads to the gradual increase in the size of the blood clot, and eventually forms a fatal blood vessel blockage.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

Zhang's condition shocked both his family and friends. The doctor further explained the process of thrombosis and the prevention and treatment measures, emphasizing the importance of prevention.

A blood clot, a blood clot that forms abnormally in the vasculature, can develop unnoticed and can have fatal consequences as it breaks off and travels with the bloodstream to critical organs.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

Doctors recommend that office workers who sit for long periods of time should stand up regularly and move their bodies, while paying attention to diet and weight management to avoid excessive blood thickening.

Zhang Wei's case has attracted widespread attention in the local area. Many people are starting to reflect on their lifestyle habits, especially those in the same workplace environment, and they are beginning to realize the importance of health and the serious problems that can be hidden behind seemingly inconspicuous symptoms.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

Although Zhang Wei did not escape the attack of the disease in the end, his story has sparked a small wave of concern for personal health. Eventually, at Zhang Wei's funeral, many people got together to discuss how to change their lifestyles and find time to do the necessary physical exercise in their busy schedules.

Dr. Wei Zhang, who was also invited to speak, touched on an often overlooked but extremely important health perspective: the link between psychological stress and blood health.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

He explained that long-term psychological stress not only affects the state of mind, but also indirectly affects various functions of the body, including accelerating blood viscosity and increasing the risk of thrombosis.

Therefore, managing your stress through appropriate relaxation methods such as meditation, yoga or a simple walk are all effective ways to prevent blood diseases.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

At the venue, a distant relative who attended the funeral asked a question: "Doctor, can you explain why psychological stress affects blood viscosity?" ”

The doctor patiently replied, "Of course." Psychological stress leads to increased levels of stress hormones such as cortisol in the body, which not only affects heart rate and blood pressure, but also makes blood clotting more easily. ”

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

"It's a defense mechanism that the body takes in response to stress, but if it's in this state for a long time, the clotting factors in the blood will increase, which will increase the risk of blood clots."

"Therefore, proper management of stress and maintaining mental health are essential to maintain the health of the circulatory system." The doctor finally added.

The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously

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The 45-year-old man's legs were numb and thought he had been sitting for a long time and died 5 days later! Doctor: Too many people don't take this disease seriously