
Closing Comments: The A-share index is mixed, why do individual stocks suffer a general decline? What to do next Monday?

author:Lao Chen Tao shares

Affected by the intensification of plate differentiation, the three major indexes of A-shares today are weak and volatile, but the sectors and individual stocks are showing a general decline, all of which is due to the divergence between the weighted sectors and theme stocks, which has led to the general decline of individual stocks.

Of course, today's trend of A-shares does make the market and investors wonder, the Shanghai and Shenzhen indices did not fall much, but individual stocks fell, and they showed a general decline throughout the day; Especially in the morning, individual stocks are green, increasing the range of retail investors' shareholding losses, why do individual stocks suffer a general decline?

Closing Comments: The A-share index is mixed, why do individual stocks suffer a general decline? What to do next Monday?

Reason 1: Because today's A-shares are somewhat distorted, financial real estate is desperately protecting the index, and the rest of the small and medium-sized theme stocks are left out in the cold; The independent strength of financial real estate is caused by a rumor news of Hong Kong stocks, which said that the dividend tax to be paid by Hong Kong stocks may be considered to be reduced.

Reason 2: Because of today's weakness in technology stocks, most technology stocks have fallen to varying degrees; Stemming from the fact that technology stocks have become the direction of small and medium-sized theme stocks, which directly dragged down other theme stocks, this is the real factor why today's stocks will continue to fall, and small and medium-sized theme stocks have become the injured ones in today's A-share market.

Reason 3: Because foreign and domestic capital are actively cashing out, increasing the pressure of selling chips in the market, many off-market funds dare not buy easily, and a little selling of chips in the field can drag down the board; For example, the main funds are busy selling funds all day, and there is a net outflow of more than 20 billion yuan in a single day.

Closing Comments: The A-share index is mixed, why do individual stocks suffer a general decline? What to do next Monday?

Reason 4: Because today's A-shares are indeed weak, it is mainly due to the suppression of chips in the market, and there is a slight dive after the opening, which hits the self-confidence of the market and investors; As a result, cautious funds are selling high, and conservative funds are waiting, and they dare not make easy moves; To put it bluntly, the stock market environment is not good, and perhaps this is also the main reason for the general decline of individual stocks.

How will A-shares go next Monday?

The overall performance of A-shares on Friday was weak, which hit the market's confidence in longs, but fortunately, the bears did not smash the market, and it can only be identified as a high-level shock and wash trend, and next Monday, A-shares are likely to return to the upward trend.

It is predicted that next Monday, A-shares will open in the form of slight rises and slight falls, and the longs and shorts will maintain a narrow range of shocks after hours, the rise will be suppressed, and the decline will be limited; It means that the amplitude of A-shares next Monday is not large, and it will continue to fluctuate near the new high of the year, and continue to wait for some good news to rise again.

Closing Comments: The A-share index is mixed, why do individual stocks suffer a general decline? What to do next Monday?

It is believed that next Monday, A-shares will stage a toss-style "boiled frog" market, and the rise and fall will be limited, so as to prepare for another large-scale rise in the next week, for the following reasons.

First: A-shares have been fluctuating near the new high of the year, and the more they rise, the greater the selling pressure, and the pressure to rise again is indeed increasing; However, the short-term bullish and long momentum is still there, and the bulls will make every effort to maintain the stability of A-shares, so as to attract over-the-counter funds to enter the market for the next pull-up, so next Monday's A-shares will mainly maintain a stable trend.

Second: At present, A-shares want to continue to rise, and the only thing to look forward to is the drive of the brokerage sector, which has entered a pullback and consolidation this week to prepare for next week's rise; Since next week, Guolian Securities will most likely be resumed, and if the limit is resumed, it will stimulate the entire brokerage sector, which will once again drive A-shares to continue to hit new highs in the year.

Closing Comments: The A-share index is mixed, why do individual stocks suffer a general decline? What to do next Monday?

Based on the above analysis, it turns out that today's A-share index is weak and volatile, and individual stocks have suffered a general decline, behind which is actually the impact of a Hong Kong stock rumor, which stimulated the abnormal rise of financial real estate, and on the other hand, technology stocks fell collectively, staging a weak general decline market.

Finally, it is reminded that such a weak market of A shares can only be identified as a wash and will continue to next Monday, so keep more optimistic and less moving on the trend of A shares next Monday. #头条创作挑战赛#