
530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

author:Xiaofei was a little annoyed
530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion


Diabetes as a chronic metabolic disease, what the public understands is that it cannot be completely cured, but can only be controlled and alleviated through active treatment with the help of drugs, but on May 7, 2024, the team of professors from the Naval Medical University published the latest research results on diabetes, and the first diabetic patient was cured!

This is good news for the whole world, after all, skin infections, dyslipidemia, high blood pressure and other conditions caused by diabetes have plagued patients for many years.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

If diabetes can really be cured in the future, it will trigger a market value of 53 trillion, after all, there are too many diabetics in the world.

So before the Affiliated Hospital of the Military Medical University has not studied the results, how are diabetic patients treated? What are the signs before diabetes?

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

Vast market

First of all, let's understand the types of diabetes, which are divided into type I, type II diabetes, gestational diabetes, etc., type I tend to have more adolescents and need lifelong insulin injections, and type II is the most common among the general public, because of age or obesity.

This time, the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Military Medical University published in the journal "Cell Discovery" that the islet tissue was reconstructed in vitro, and a man with a 25-year history of islet function was almost exhausted, and the drug could be withdrawn at 56 weeks, which means that the world's first diabetes was cured.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion
Professor Ding of Shanghai Changzheng Hospital said that in the future, he will continue to study whether this function will cause complications and survival time, and the latest research results will be released to the public.

According to incomplete statistics, there are now as many as 530 million diabetic patients in the world, and if a drug to cure diabetes can be developed, it will be a new opportunity for the development of the industry, because a health care company in the United States has long eaten the "dividend" of diabetes.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

Suppose that a diabetic patient wants to spend 100,000 yuan to be cured, then 530 million people will spend 53 trillion yuan, which is already a huge number, and everyone must think that if it can be cured, it will cost as much as it can be cured.

American health care companies have developed such a drug, saying that it can alleviate diabetes and solve the obesity problem caused by diabetes in patients, which is commonly known as weight loss drugs, which can lose weight and cure diseases, so why not? Many patients who heard about this drug bought it.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

Because of the huge consumer market for diabetes, coupled with the spending power of patients, the company achieved more than $1.8 billion in revenue in the first quarter, and there is no data to show whether it can lose weight or whether it can be alleviated, but as long as there is a glimmer of hope, patients still want to try.

Official data shows that the market value of this weight loss drug even exceeds that of Tesla, which is enough to show the vast market and the revenue that the drug can bring.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

So the drugs for diabetes are developed after the rapid development of science and technology, and what are the ways to treat diabetic patients in the past, and how to prevent diabetes?

Prevention Follow your doctor's instructions

Preventing diabetes is actually very simple, as long as you pay attention to some small things in your daily life, try not to touch tobacco and alcohol, control your weight, MBI is within the appropriate height range, increase exercise during daily rest, do more aerobic exercise, or follow Les Mills' courses to get active.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

Morning running with plenty of time, night running promotes the body's metabolism, breathes more fresh air, secondly, the daily diet should also pay attention to, eat less high-calorie, too sweet food, eat desserts must not eat until you feel tired before stopping, this belongs to endocrine diseases, so diet conditioning is the best way to prevent it.

Finally, if you feel that your body is abnormal, go to the hospital on an empty stomach to do a blood sugar test, control it in a reasonable range, and if you exceed it, eat more bitter gourd, hawthorn or some beans, and prevent it as soon as possible.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

If you have diabetes, don't panic, the doctor will formulate the most reasonable plan, just before this diet pill comes out, there are often the following measures, oral hypoglycemic drugs, insulin injection, exercise drug treatment with mild symptoms, and more severe ones through metabolic surgery, but only remission can not be cured.

With the increasing number of people with diabetes, it is necessary to increase R&D efforts and invest in innovation, and look forward to the day when diabetes patients can be completely cured in the future.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

So how can you tell if you have diabetes in your daily life? The most severe cases are sudden coma, ketoacidosis leads to loss of consciousness, wanting to open eyes but unable to open them, blurred vision, severe blindness, dry mouth and thirst but still urinating and eating more, and rapid weight loss.

In addition, the skin tissue will also have spots in front of the calf, skin folds will turn black, blisters will appear, etc., so if you feel wrong, you should go to the hospital for a blood sugar test and check.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

So what should we pay attention to when treating diabetes?

Some people go to the hospital for a check-up, confirm that they have diabetes, start to be anxious, start to worry, worry about their physical problems and anxiety, but this will only cause blood sugar fluctuations, which is not conducive to blood sugar control.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

After the doctor prescribes the medicine, he begins to rely on the drug, the doctor tells him to take two pills, he wants to take four pills if he wants to double the effect, but the medicine is not the more you eat, the better, this is just a part of the comprehensive treatment, more still depends on yourself.

There are also some people who start to lose weight and start dieting when they see that they are obese, but dieting works for short-term weight loss, and long-term weight loss will lead to malnutrition, resulting in a rebound increase in blood sugar after insufficient calories in the body, excessive weight loss leads to a decrease in the body's immunity, and bacteria are more likely to be infected.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

There are also people who exercise excessively, and it is said that the best treatment is aerobic, but some people insist on anaerobic, and in a fasting state, this can lead to kidney damage, increased hypoglycemia, and so on.

If you have a disease, you can't be in a hurry, since you have already got it, you have to take advantage of the situation, treat it slowly, and slowly relieve it, in any case, the successful transplantation of autologous regenerative insulin in the Second Affiliated Hospital of the Naval Medical University is a good thing for the whole world.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

But this also means that there is still a long way to go in the future of diabetes treatment, and now only the first beneficiary is born, but whether the drug is stable and whether the effect can meet expectations remains to be considered.

If a drug is successfully developed, it still needs to be put into clinical research and clinical trials, so the drug will not appear on the market in a short period of time, and the treatment of diabetes is just a major trend in the future, looking forward to the day when it will be truly cured in the future.

530 million people around the world are crazy! The world's first diabetes cure will trigger a market value of 53 trillion

Primary sources

1. Shangguan News2024-05-08 - Changzheng Hospital cures a patient with a history of diabetes for 25 years, how long is the technology from large-scale clinical application?

2. The Paper2024.05.07 - The world's first autologous regenerative islet transplantation was successful, and a patient with a history of diabetes for 25 years was cured

3. Wall Street News2024-01-26"Letter "Diet Pills" Exceed "Musk"? Eli Lilly's market capitalization surpasses Tesla》