
Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

author:Guan Wen Shi said
Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

The statements in this article are based on reliable sources and are repeated at the end of this article

Since the collapse of the yen some time ago, it can be said that it has dealt a big blow to the economic situation of the entire country, and even the Japanese government directly dropped 8 trillion yen and launched its own "rescue plan".

However, it is clear that Japan is as fierce as a tiger, but their performance has hardly improved much, which makes them anxious, and at this time they have set their sights on China. [Listen to the song]

01Japan's Troubles

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

There is a lot of analysis about the collapse of the yen, but the general reason is that the economic situation in the United States has fluctuated dramatically, and inflation has become worse due to the excessive issuance of money in the past.

Under such circumstances, the US still chooses to keep raising interest rates to relieve the pressure, creating a momentum that looks very energetic, but in fact it is just drinking to quench its thirst.

However, this has caused economic problems in many countries, including Japan, because as the saying goes, "It is dangerous to be an enemy of the United States, but it is fatal to be a friend of the United States."

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

In addition, Japan, the largest ally of the United States in East Asia, was slow to respond to economic fluctuations, which led the United States to begin a frenzy of harvesting, and the yen fell to 160:1 against the dollar in a short period of time.

The most obvious feeling is that prices in Japan have skyrocketed, and a cabbage in a supermarket in Tokyo even appears for 400 yen, which is converted to 18 yuan; A bowl of ramen costs 1,000 yen, which translates to more than 50 yuan.

In the face of the soaring exchange rate, the Japanese market has also fluctuated, and the stock market has shown a downward trend, which has made it even more convenient for the United States to buy shares at low prices.

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

At the same time, with the breakthrough of various industries in China, the advantages of Japanese industries have gradually declined, which has caused great difficulties in the internal economy, and even approached the situation of the bubble era for a time.

Of course, even if this is the case, the scythe of the United States will not stop at all, and the Japanese finance minister even pleaded with the United States to show mercy, in short: don't cut it, if you cut it again, you will really die violently.

At the same time, they also launched an 8 trillion yen bailout plan, hoping to alleviate this situation, the main purpose of which is to stabilize the domestic pillar industry and ease the pressure on the exchange rate.

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

As for whether it works? In fact, there is a point that the collapse of the yen has indeed eased, and there are even signs of a period of recovery, but for now, whether it can persist is a question mark.

Of course, there is no way to alleviate this situation, after all, the main reason is the harvest of the United States, so if a large-scale sell-off of US bonds can be achieved, it may have a certain effect.

Of course, we all know that Japan probably has the heart and the courage to do so, but they have set their sights on another aspect, that is, the big gamble on China.

02Japan Goho

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

In fact, from a purely historical point of view, it seems that every time there is great pressure within Japan, it will appeal to its fate on the gamble of national fortunes.

At a time when the 8 trillion yen bailout plan was ineffective and Japan's internal economic pressure was becoming more and more severe, right-wingers in the Japanese government began to act again.

In April, five Japanese parliamentarians went to the waters around the Diaoyu Islands under the banner of "inspection," which was obviously an attempt to obscure the mainland's sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

This kind of behavior is undoubtedly a provocation, and the reason why Japan has done so is likely to be for two reasons: On the one hand, it is to cooperate with the United States to provoke and exert pressure on the mainland.

The second aspect is to transfer the internal pressure to the outside and transfer the contradictions of the domestic people to the hostility against the Chinese side by causing confrontation with the Chinese side.

This practice was very common before, and in modern history, the Sino-Japanese War, the Russo-Japanese War, and the War of Aggression against China were all key nodes in the outbreak of huge problems within Japan.

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

If you win the bet, you will soar, and if you lose the bet, you will fall into the abyss, for the former Japan, they have tried several times, and even tasted a lot of sweetness, but now they ignore the point, now is not the past.

In response to Japan's provocations, the mainland's approach is simple: propose countermeasures, then step up patrols, defend the mainland's territorial sovereignty, and warn the other side.

Judging from the current situation, even if the Japanese right-wing really wants to gamble, their bargaining chips are really insufficient, and the most important thing is that their own military strength is fundamentally insufficient, and there were many accidents some time ago.

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

On April 22, 2024, two Japanese helicopters crashed during training, leaving one dead and seven missing, and this is not the first time.

Therefore, Japan can only stop at verbal provocations and dare not really take the initiative to provoke a direct conflict with our side, and if it takes the initiative to make a move with China today, it cannot be regarded as a "big gamble" and can only be regarded as "sending people to death."

Of course, some people have also pointed out that if the United States supports Japan behind the scenes, it will inevitably pose a huge threat to the mainland. Of course, this statement is very correct, but now that the United States is still busy harvesting Japan, I am afraid that it will not be able to do so for the time being.

03 This is not what it used to be

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

As a matter of fact, Japan's current predicament lies to a large extent in its own predicament, and although it is an ally of the United States, I am afraid that the United States itself may not think so.

In their eyes, Japan is probably more like a tool, which can contain China on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can also be used for their own harvest.

However, Japan still does not dare to sell its bonds even though it knows that the United States is constantly raising interest rates and that its bonds are plummeting, making it impossible to effectively solve its economic problems.

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

Of course, some people will also defend it, saying that Japan is a foreign trade country, and the decline in the exchange rate is conducive to import and export trade, if this is the case, then the bubble economy will not directly lead to Japan's current recovery.

What's more, Japan's several pillar industries are gradually decreasing in terms of technological competitiveness, and the new energy vehicle industry is gradually lagging behind China, the United States and Europe, and with the breakthrough of mainland technology, this situation is estimated to be more serious.

In fact, this is not Japan's own problem, South Korea, Southeast Asian countries, and even some European countries have seen this situation, in the final analysis, it is the direct confrontation between China and the United States, and the failure of the Western technological blockade.

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

The mainland is the only country in the world with a full range of industrial categories, and at the same time has a huge market, once the technology breakthrough and large-scale manufacturing, then it is bound to occupy the market in the same field.

For example, the automobile manufacturing industry, the electronics industry and the semiconductor industry are all the objects of the mainland's future key development and breakthroughs, which means that the once brilliant markets of Japan and South Korea are likely to gradually show a downward trend because of the mainland's breakthroughs.

Of course, it does not mean that the mainland will squeeze them so domineeringly, for example, some European countries or enterprises have adopted the way of cooperation with the mainland, and they are still developing in their respective fields and markets.

Japan's 8 trillion rescue was ineffective, and the United States continued to reap it, and at a critical moment, it wanted to make a shocking gamble on China

This kind of win-win cooperation situation is also what the mainland has always adhered to, but judging from Japan's performance, they may be determined to confront our side, so they can only say that "good words are hard to persuade damn ghosts."

After all, over the years, the mainland's development and breakthroughs are not only in the new energy sector, but if the other side wants to provoke, then we have also "studied a little" some military weapons.

Therefore, we can only say that we should not regard all countries as if they had not made progress for decades, and if we want to make a big gamble, we can see if we can bear the price.

Sources of information:

[1] Beiqingwang 2024-05-03: Japanese media said that the Bank of Japan may have implemented 8 trillion yen intervention in the foreign exchange market

[2] China Youth Daily 2024-04-29: 5 Japanese parliamentarians intruded into the waters of the Diaoyu Islands, China: Japan immediately stopped all provocative practices

[3] Global Times 2024-05-02: Japan: Two planes collided

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