
Zhu Fangyu's latest voice! Zhou Qi was basically reimbursed, and he could only stay in bed and sleep on painkillers for the recurrence of his back injury

author:Dort Sports

On May 10, Beijing time, Hongyuan team reporter Guan Xin updated his personal social media, saying that Zhou Qi missed G5 due to a recurrence of his back injury, and stayed in Dongguan to rest and did not accompany the team to Shenyang. Immediately, Zhu Fangyu, the general manager of Hongyuan, and Du Feng, the coach of Hongyuan, spoke separately and confirmed the matter, saying that Zhou Qi was indeed unable to play in the "five battles" on Saturday night. Zhu Fangyu also revealed Zhou Qi's latest situation, saying that Zhou Qi has encountered too many strong confrontations in G4, and at present, he can only rest in bed if his back injury recurs, and he can't even straighten his waist, let alone train and compete.

Zhu Fangyu's latest voice! Zhou Qi was basically reimbursed, and he could only stay in bed and sleep on painkillers for the recurrence of his back injury

Zhu Fangyu updated his personal social media, and in the video he posted, he revealed Zhou Qi's specific injury. Zhu Ba said that Zhou Qi did not go to Shenyang with the team because he was seriously injured in the last game. In the competition, Zhou Qi encountered many strong confrontations, fell to the ground several times, and suffered a sprained waist. Perhaps everyone has noticed that after G4 entered garbage time, Zhou Qi returned to the locker room early, because the injury was already serious at this time, he couldn't bear the pain, and had to go back to the locker room to be examined and treated by the team doctor.

Zhu Fangyu's latest voice! Zhou Qi was basically reimbursed, and he could only stay in bed and sleep on painkillers for the recurrence of his back injury

After the game, Zhu Fangyu took Zhou Qi to the hospital for an MRI examination, and the doctor diagnosed Zhou Qi's herniated disc recurrence and advised him not to do strenuous exercise. After Zhou Qi went home to rest, he could only rest in bed temporarily. After leading the team to Shenyang, Zhu Fangyu also had a phone call with Zhou Qi in the morning, when Zhou Qi said that he already needed painkillers to fall asleep, and the situation was indeed very serious.

Zhu Fangyu's latest voice! Zhou Qi was basically reimbursed, and he could only stay in bed and sleep on painkillers for the recurrence of his back injury

In fact, Zhou Qi has been playing with a waist injury this season, and many Hongyuan fans know it. Du Feng didn't dare to play too much for Zhou Qi at all, it was almost the same if he played 25 minutes in ordinary games, and only let him play more than 30 minutes in some key games. But even so, in the more fierce playoffs, Zhou Qi still fell, and basically announced the reimbursement of the season. What Hongyuan has to do next, in addition to trying his best to play his own characteristics and level in G5, Zhu Fangyu also has to talk to Zhou Qi about the contract renewal in the upcoming offseason. Without Zhou Qi's grandeur, the real level is only about the top eight in the league.

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