
"Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative", a mother's 3 words of advice, wake up countless people

author:Yumi MaMa

Seeing a mother's entrustment to her daughter, I really think it is very meaningful, it can wake up many people, if you are also a daughter, you may wish to take a look:

"Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative", a mother's 3 words of advice, wake up countless people

Dear daughter, as you are about to enter the palace of marriage, as a mother, I have many things to say to you.

Marriage is an important chapter in life, and how to manage this marriage well is an esoteric knowledge.

Here, I would like to give you three words of advice that I hope will help you in your married life.

Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative

When you walk hand in hand with your loved one into the palace of marriage, your relationship will also be sublimated. However, in the process, you need to be clear about one thing: although you will spend the years to come together, he is not your blood relative.

The emotional bond between relatives is given by blood relationship, and this relationship allows us to show our joys and sorrows in front of our loved ones without reservation, because we know that no matter how we behave, our relatives will tolerate and understand us.

But in a marriage, treating your partner as a loved one can cause some problems.

"Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative", a mother's 3 words of advice, wake up countless people

Because, the other half of the marriage came together with you because of love, and he is not obliged to unconditionally tolerate all your emotions and shortcomings like a loved one.

If you treat him as a loved one and show your negative emotions without reservation, it may cause harm to him, which in turn will affect the relationship between you.

Therefore, daughter, you are to treat your husband as if you were a friend or lover. Cherish his feelings and respect his ideas.

In married life, learn to control your emotions and don't get angry because of some small things.

When you encounter difficulties or setbacks, it is okay to look to him for support and comfort, but don't use him as your emotional trash can. Only in this way can your relationship be more harmonious and stable.

"Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative", a mother's 3 words of advice, wake up countless people

At the same time, you need to be clear about the boundaries between you. Everyone has their own private space and privacy, even between couples.

Don't try to take full control of his life, give him some free space and time. In this way, you can maintain each other's independence and individuality and work together to create a healthy, balanced marriage environment.

The role of daughters and husbands needs to be defined and shaped together

In marriage, the role of "husband" is not static. He is an individual with his own thoughts and emotions, not the perfect partner or the savior in life you imagine. Therefore, you need to work together to define and shape this role to better align him with your marital needs and expectations.

"Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative", a mother's 3 words of advice, wake up countless people

First of all, you need to understand his ideas and needs.

Everyone has their own values and life pursuits, you have to respect his choices, do not try to change him or impose your own will on him.

Through communication and exchange, understand his views and expectations of marriage, as well as the role he wants to play in marriage. In this way, you can better understand each other and work together to set plans and goals for your married life.

"Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative", a mother's 3 words of advice, wake up countless people

Secondly, you need to share the responsibilities and obligations in the marriage.

Marriage is not a one-sided give-and-take, but requires the joint efforts and management of both parties.

In terms of housework, childcare, finance, etc., you need to divide tasks and responsibilities reasonably and share the burden of the family. In this way, you can establish an equal and harmonious marriage relationship.

Finally, don't forget to give each other some space and time.

Everyone has their own interests and social circles, so don't try to keep him on a leash or restrict his freedom.

Instead, you should support him in pursuing his dreams and goals, while also giving himself some time and space to develop his interests and career. In this way, you can grow and progress together and make your married life more colorful.

In the process, you may find many of his strengths and attractiveness, as well as some of his shortcomings and shortcomings. But no matter what, you have to learn to accept and tolerate everything about him, because this is the partner you choose to spend your life with him.

Daughter, marriage needs to be constantly maintained and nourished

Love is the foundation and core of marriage, but love is not static.

With the passage of time and the trivialities of life, love may gradually fade or even disappear. Therefore, you need to constantly maintain and nourish your love to keep it fresh and vibrant.

"Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative", a mother's 3 words of advice, wake up countless people

First of all, learn to show love.

Don't be stingy with your praise and care, let him feel your love and warmth. Show your love and care for him through words, actions, and body language, and make him feel your sincerity and passion.

At the same time, we should also learn to listen to him, understand his needs and feelings, and give him enough support and understanding.

Secondly, create a romantic atmosphere.

Creating romantic moments from time to time, such as celebrating an important day, a vacation, or a simple date, can enhance your bond and understanding.

In these moments, you can let go of yourself, enjoy each other's company and love, and make love sweeter and more beautiful.

"Daughter, don't treat your husband as a relative", a mother's 3 words of advice, wake up countless people

Finally, keep a positive mindset.

Marriages will inevitably encounter problems and challenges, but learn to face them with a positive mindset. Don't take the problem too seriously or be too anxious, but look at everything with an optimistic and open-minded mind.

At the same time, we must also learn to forgive and tolerate his mistakes and shortcomings, and give him the opportunity and time to correct them. In this way, you can get through every difficulty together and make your love stronger and longer.

Dear daughter, these three words of advice are the result of my many years of married life. Hopefully, they will help you and make you happier in your married life.

At the same time, remember that marriage is a long journey that requires you to work together and manage.

Only by cherishing and supporting each other can we go through every bump and create a better future together.

May your married life be full of sunshine and warmth!