
A poll came out that the West found that something was wrong, and China's popularity was beyond expectations

author:Professor Cao Xing

Recently, a German poll came out that around the world, the United States has lost the hearts of the people, and China, on the contrary, its popularity continues to rise, and the West has realized that something is wrong.

German poll data is out

It is reported that the poll was released by the German polling agency Rattana Research Company.

The company surveyed 63,000 people from 53 countries and released the 2024 Democracy Perception Index, but the results shocked Western countries.

The results show that the popularity of the United States in the Middle East, North Africa, Europe and other regions has declined sharply, and the positive perception of China by countries in each region has continued to grow.

A poll came out that the West found that something was wrong, and China's popularity was beyond expectations

[German poll shows declining popularity in the United States]

Among them, it is particularly noteworthy that European countries have also joined the camp of not welcoming the United States. For example, Germany, Austria, Belgium, etc., have a positive view of the United States, which has dropped to 10%.

Countries with a positive view of China are mainly concentrated in Asia, North Africa, the Middle East and Latin America, while Europe's positive attitude towards China is gradually recovering.

In addition, there is a positive growth trend in the attitude of global respondents towards Russia.

The emergence of this poll has made Western countries react, how can they end up in such a field today that they usually boast of democracy, freedom, and equality, but they can't get along with China and Russia everywhere, and slander China and Russia?

In the Gaza conflict, U.S. inaction is the main reason

In fact, everything is traceable.

The main reason for the decline in the favorability of the United States is its inaction in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Recently, Israel launched a full-scale invasion of the Rafah area with the elite 162nd Armored Division.

It is reported that the armored brigade is equipped with 130 to 140 "Merkava 4M" main battle tanks, which means that at least 100 heavy tanks have entered Rafah, which has once again become a "purgatory on earth".

A poll came out that the West found that something was wrong, and China's popularity was beyond expectations

[Israel launches attack on Rafah]

As we all know, Gaza is an enclave of 2.3 million ordinary people who have been displaced after more than half a year of war, leaving only one life, most of them without even life.

Rafah is Egypt's only gateway into Gaza, and more than 2 million Gazans rely on Rafah as a port to transport their necessities.

But now, it's all taken away by Israel. Israel's hatred of Hamas has reached the point of madness, and it will not stop until the goal of "eliminating Hamas" is achieved, and more than 2 million Gazans will be brought to the funeral.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict has developed to this day, and the whole world has been angered by Israel, but behind it, there is another "accomplice", that is, the United States.

Israel has been attacking Gaza for so long largely on aid from the United States, which has provided Israel with more than $26 billion in military aid.

In addition, the United States has continued to protect, shield and condone Israel at the United Nations, so that Israel can escape punishment, causing Israel to become more and more emboldened, and no one pays attention to it.

A month ago, almost all members of the United Nations Security Council, including US allies, voted in favor of the establishment of a Palestinian state, but the draft was ultimately vetoed by the United States.

A poll came out that the West found that something was wrong, and China's popularity was beyond expectations

[Biden unconditionally supports Netanyahu]

The last hope of a ceasefire has been dashed, and Israel is becoming more and more crazy, all of which are "sins" created by the United States.

Now, too, the United States has to swallow the consequences.

Nearly 100 colleges and universities in the United States are currently involved in the protests, and the main demand of the students is that the US government should stop funding the Israeli government's "genocidal operations".

In order to quell the "protests," the US Government dispatched the National Guard and used violent means to deal with the students, and the situation has become more and more serious, which has seriously affected the "international image" of the US Government.

Therefore, in view of all the above, the US government should be able to think that today, the whole world does not buy American-style "democracy".

China has always stood on the side of justice and peace

China, on the other hand, has always adhered to its position of peace on the issue of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

A poll came out that the West found that something was wrong, and China's popularity was beyond expectations

[The Chinese government sends supplies to the people of Gaza]

China called for a comprehensive ceasefire and cessation of hostilities, and put forward a number of recommendations, including the implementation of UN resolutions, the protection of civilians, the assurance of humanitarian assistance, the strengthening of diplomatic good offices, and the search for a political solution.

In addition, China has demonstrated its commitment to promoting peace and stability in the Middle East by actively participating in UN Security Council consultations, carrying out diplomatic mediation, and supporting the two-state solution.

The active diplomatic activities of the Chinese Foreign Minister and Special Envoy also show that China is willing to make joint efforts with the international community to contribute to a comprehensive, just, and lasting settlement of the Palestinian-Israeli issue. This reflects China's role as a responsible major country in actively advocating peace and promoting the settlement of disputes through negotiation in international affairs.

Looking at it this way, China and the United States have an opinion, how can such a China not win the favor of the world?

Opinion polls aside, the tragedy of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is a test of human conscience, and the international community must do something about it. It is no longer possible to watch the people of Gaza live in misery.

The top priority at the moment is to restore the legitimate rights of the Palestinian nation, restart the two-state solution, and achieve lasting peace in the Middle East.

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