
Here comes the tide again

author:Invest in convertible bonds
Here comes the tide again

This article was originally sent yesterday evening.

Here comes the tide again

Guanghui convertible bonds and Zhishang convertible bonds meet the conditions for downward revision, and the company proposes a downward revision proposal to benefit the debt, see the downward revision information list for details.

The proposal to revise the initial debt swap was passed. The company announced that the transfer price was revised down to 1.75 yuan, which was basically the same as the forecast in yesterday's document, and it was revised down to the end. After the downward revision, the conversion value rose to $100. The convertible bonds are problematic bonds, and the current price is basically reasonable.

The 10th is the review date for the downward revision of Guiguang's convertible bonds. The major shareholder does not hold convertible bonds, has voting rights, and is expected to pass without suspense. The average price of the underlying stock in the first 20 days was 6.956 yuan, and the average price in the first 1 trading day was 7.252 yuan, with a net asset limit of 3.26 yuan per share, and the price of the downward revision was 7.26 yuan. If it is revised downward, the static calculation of the value of the convertible shares will rise to 100 yuan, and the price of the convertible bonds will be reasonably positioned around 125 yuan.

For the views and principles of this article, please refer to "Value Convertible Bond Investment Strategy" (authors: Ning Yuanjun, Tang Bin).

Here comes the tide again

"The bull market regains its upward trend", "2 convertible bonds are revised downward, 5 convertible bonds are about to be satisfied", "1 convertible bond is not redeemed for the 13th time, and 1 is added to the redemption list" has been posted simultaneously on the WeChat public account, welcome to pay attention!

The relevant securities mentioned in this article do not constitute any investment advice, only for personal investment records and to share investment ideas, if netizens buy and sell according to the securities mentioned in the article, please bear your own risk!

