
The clouds rolled up yesterday's dreams, and the years turned over a season of summer

author:Art Scene

This life is a one-way train moving forward, and the scenery that passes by is gone forever; Those who missed, can not meet again.

As Mo Yan said: The world is like a book, page by page.

People should look forward and avoid turning over old accounts of history.

Human nature always likes to look back, linger on the regrets of the past, and never forget the beauty of the past.

However, too much nostalgia and entanglement will only become a heavy burden for us to move forward and make it difficult for us to move forward.

Only by looking forward and turning the pages often and leaving the troubles of the past behind can you write a new chapter in your life.

In the past, don't be entangled, just turn it over, and the future can go all the way forward and travel lightly.

The clouds rolled up yesterday's dreams, and the years turned over a season of summer


Turning the page of gains and losses, do not regret it

Gain but not happy, lose but not worry: know the impermanence of separation.

- "Zhuangzi, Outer Chapters, Autumn Water"

Yu Guangzhong once said: An old white sail missed half of the breeze, but attracted two or three seagulls.

The same is true of life, gains and losses are relative, you should not be overjoyed when you have gained, and you should not worry too much about what you have lost.

The ups and downs of the world, the world is unpredictable, when you know the gains and losses, you are idle.

Once upon a time, the two court painters were highly skilled and favored by the emperor.

Later, when the new emperor came to power, he wanted to train and promote his subordinates, and planned to send the two painters home.

When a painter heard about it, he was worried all day long, and he was careful to do so, for fear of being sent home.

Another painter, however, took the initiative to resign, and after returning home, he opened a new gallery, and with the reputation of the palace, his business prospered.

The clouds rolled up yesterday's dreams, and the years turned over a season of summer

I have heard such a sentence: "Since ancient times, everything is difficult to come true, and good is with him, and Lai is also with him." ”

Whether a thing is good or bad depends on how you define it, the past has happened, and there is nothing you can do to change it.

Forget about gains and losses, worry less, and know what is most important.

Like Pu Songling, although the road to the imperial examination failed to achieve his wish, he created the pinnacle of Chinese literary short stories "Strange Tales from Liao Zhai";

Like Tao Yuanming, although he had a bumpy career in his life, he was unwilling to bend his waist for "five buckets of rice", but he wrote the famous sentence of "picking chrysanthemums under the east fence and seeing Nanshan leisurely".

Life is a process of continuous gains and losses, there is no absolute gain, and there is no absolute loss.

Only by letting go of gains and losses, loving the present, and learning to turn the page, can we let go of our feelings and then welcome a better tomorrow.


Turn the page on right and wrong, don't get entangled

Right and wrong are not heard, and fame and fortune are not intentional.

——Song Fan Zhongyan "Leaving a Title in the Little Hidden Mountain Study"

Zeng Guang Xianwen said: There is right and wrong all day long, and if you don't listen to it, there is nothing.

Sometimes, we are always entangled in some unwarranted rights and wrongs, and it is difficult to get out.

After a long time, these rights and wrongs that can't be let go of become knots in my heart that can't be solved, and in the end, it is myself who hurts.

With the flick of a finger, everything is a thing of the past. The past is like smoke, passing away with the wind.

Shen Congwen's novel was once publicly criticized by Xu Jie, but he didn't take it to heart at all.

Many years later, Xu Jie went on a business trip to Beijing, and it happened that Shen Congwen was also in Beijing, Xu Jie thought of the unreasonable accusations against Shen Congwen back then, so he felt guilty and wanted to apologize.

After meeting, Shen Congwen not only mentioned the events of the year, but also warmly entertained Xu Jie, which made Xu Jie feel very guilty, and wrote a letter of apology to Shen Congwen when he went back.

Shen Congwen replied that he had never taken the previous criticism of right and wrong to heart, and it was just a trivial matter for him. I hope Xu Jie doesn't take it to heart.

After reading the letter, Xu Jie deeply admired Shen Congwen's open-mindedness.

As the old saying goes: "Knowing right and wrong, the heart is also suitable." ”

Right and wrong are difficult to deal with, and this has been the case since ancient times; Right and wrong turn the page, only to show wisdom.

Life is only more than 30,000 days, and for every day of pain, there will be one less day of happiness.

If you forget right and wrong, you will not be bothered by right and wrong, and life will naturally turn a new page.

Don't be obsessed with the rights and wrongs of the past, but let the past become the past in order to have a new beginning.

looks down on right and wrong, and has its own purple and red in his heart; Look at the entanglement of right and wrong, there is a blue sea and blue sky in the distance.


Regret turning the page and not looking back

Realize that the past is not admonished, and those who know the future can be traced.

——Wei Jin Tao Yuanming, "Words of Return"

"People's Daily" once said: "There is no choice without regrets, only self without regrets." ”

When a person faces regretful people and things, if he doesn't turn the page hard, he will only suffer in the end.

In the journey of life, regrets are inevitable, if you look back frequently, you will miss the new scenery ahead, and the road ahead will become more and more difficult.

The writer Yishu once visited Ni Kuang's mansion and was fascinated by the vibrant plants in his garden.

She asked curiously, "Your bonsai are so luxuriant, is there any special way to maintain them?" ”

After hearing this, Ni Kuang responded with a smile: "Actually, the method is very simple, that is, if you see the withered ones, throw them away, and then replace them with new ones." ”

The clouds rolled up yesterday's dreams, and the years turned over a season of summer

Isn't it a pity that my favorite flowers have not been raised? But Ni Kuang did not choose to indulge in regret, but chose to buy new ones and look forward.

This is true for raising bonsai, and looking back on life is the same.

Things have happened, and regrets are already in my heart. If you always dwell on the regrets of the past, you will only stop yourself.

Regrets in life are inevitable, this is the normal state of life; Learn to turn the page of regrets so that you don't have more regrets.

Xuan Se has a sentence in "Guarding the Collection": Only the weak will look back, and the strong will always look ahead.

Since regrets have become a thing of the past, why not look forward to everything, not cling to the regrets of the past, grasp the present, and make every day dazzling.

As the saying goes, "Yesterday's sun can't dry today's clothes." ”

In the journey of life, there are always people and things that are difficult to let go, but if you blindly cling to the past, you will often hurt yourself in the end.

The glory and setbacks of the past have become a page in history.

The story of the future, its direction and its ending, is all written by our pen in the moment.

Let the gains and losses turn the page, so as to stay away from the haze of emotions;

Let right and wrong turn the page, in order to let go of yesterday's self;

Let the regret turn the page, so as to embrace the gorgeous scenery in front of you.

In the future, learn to top your own ability to turn the page, let the past pass away with the wind, and let the rest of your life only have the brilliant scenery in front of you.