
Imminent! 26 countries gathered heavy troops into the Pacific Ocean and gathered at the door of China, the United States wants to force the palace?

author:The commander commanded the troops

The effect of the "flexing muscles" of the United States and the Philippines in the South China Sea is far from meeting the expectations of the United States, and it is estimated that the United States wants to take advantage of the upcoming 2024 Rim of the Pacific military exercise to have a wave of ruthlessness.

As soon as Italy announced that its warships had come to the South China Sea to carry out relevant missions, German Foreign Minister Baerbock announced that it would also send two warships to complete the global patrol mission, which would inevitably enter the South China Sea through the Pacific Ocean.

It is worth mentioning that because the 2024 RIMPAC military exercise is approaching, the United States has begun to gather all its allies to carry out this boring exercise. It has been learned that a total of 26 countries participated in the exercise, including the United States. In other words, by the time RIMPAC begins in 2024, there will be 26 countries with troops blocked at China's doorstep, with obvious bad intentions.

The United States and the Philippines have just conducted a wave of exercises in the South China Sea, and now they are going to hold a 26-nation Rim of the Pacific military exercise in the South China Sea.

Imminent! 26 countries gathered heavy troops into the Pacific Ocean and gathered at the door of China, the United States wants to force the palace?

The United States is trying to increase its influence in the Asia-Pacific region by wooing European countries

The German foreign minister said that the German warship will directly pass through Taiwan when it enters the South China Sea, and the German defense minister said that the German warship came to the western Pacific this time to strengthen Germany's presence in the Asia-Pacific region, and it is also a manifestation of Germany's support for the "rules-based international order".

We are all well aware that the so-called "rules-based international order" is nothing more than a hegemonic clause dominated by the United States. In order to suppress China, the United States has tried its best to transfer these self-centered hegemonic clauses to the Asia-Pacific region, and even did not hesitate to deploy a large number of troops and weapons and equipment in this regard, and spent a large amount of military spending every year, just to achieve satisfactory results.

Imminent! 26 countries gathered heavy troops into the Pacific Ocean and gathered at the door of China, the United States wants to force the palace?

But no matter what the United States does in the Asia-Pacific region, it will never change the fact that China is getting stronger and stronger, and it has never listened to the United States. More importantly, with the decay of US military power and the rise of the PLA, the US has become more and more powerless in its grip on China's neighborhood.

Under these circumstances, in addition to wooing Asia-Pacific countries, the best way for the United States is to increase the influence of its European allies in the Asia-Pacific region. Only by gathering the joint support and action of Asian and European countries can we hope to keep China down.

Because the United States has the right to speak in Europe, when the United States gives the order, these allies will naturally have to act. When the 2024 RIMPAC exercise begins, the South China Sea will instantly become lively.

Imminent! 26 countries gathered heavy troops into the Pacific Ocean and gathered at the door of China, the United States wants to force the palace?

Imagine that the troops and warships of 26 countries led by the United States are blocking China's doorstep, like the United States coming to China to "force the palace"? However, since ancient times, the unjustifiable "forced palace" has hardly come to a good end, including the United States. Although the United States is not really here to "force the palace", the effect that Biden wants will definitely not be achieved. After all, China is not intimidating, and if the United States wants to deter China, let alone only bring in 26 countries, even if it brings in 100 or 200 countries to block the South China Sea, it is useless.

The U.S. behavior of forming a small circle will not affect China

Among the 25 countries convened by the United States this time, in addition to European countries, there are many of our neighbors, such as Japan, South Korea, Australia, and so on.

Imminent! 26 countries gathered heavy troops into the Pacific Ocean and gathered at the door of China, the United States wants to force the palace?

Some time ago, Taiwan released news that the United States intends to invite them to participate in this military exercise, but it only expressed to Taiwan that it has this idea, and there is no definite invitation.

After hearing this news, the Chinese side immediately took dual actions against Taiwan and the United States, and it is estimated that Taiwan will not be able to participate this time.

However, whether there is Taiwan or not, it will not change the outcome of this military exercise. The United States wants to show China its military strength and appeal in Europe and Asia in this way of "flexing its muscles", but as everyone knows, China does not care about it.

Imminent! 26 countries gathered heavy troops into the Pacific Ocean and gathered at the door of China, the United States wants to force the palace?

First, China does not advocate this kind of clique and exclusion of dissidents, whether against the United States, other countries, or China itself. China will not form a faction on its own, let alone be intimidated by such actions by the United States.

In other words, if you pull yours, I won't be affected, even if you win over all the neighbors around me, it has nothing to do with me.

It is extremely naïve for the United States to try to squeeze out China with such a small circle, and as for the consequences, I believe the United States and other countries have tasted it. For example, in Germany, when German Chancellor Olaf Scholz first took office, in order to respond to the call of the United States, he decoupled from China, and the final result was economic decline, and he could only curry favor with China and resume cooperation. The same experience has happened in Australia, Japan, South Korea and other European countries.

Imminent! 26 countries gathered heavy troops into the Pacific Ocean and gathered at the door of China, the United States wants to force the palace?

Second, the number of countries that the United States has called for this time seems to be many, but in fact there are very few that have actually contributed. The main force of this military exercise is still the United States, and even if other countries want to dispatch large warships and military aircraft, they are also powerless.

Therefore, don't look at the fact that the United States is blocking China's doorstep with warships and troops from 25 countries this time, in fact, it is just a thunderstorm and a small rain. The "main force" faced by the PLA is still the United States, and other shrimp soldiers and crabs will only need missile frigates and J-15, J-10C and other fighters to deal with it.

Although the American empire is not dying, the overall military power of the United States and European countries is declining, and it is not as strong as it once was. Of course, they don't dare to really fight against our army, after all, once they start a war with China, it will be equivalent to losing China, the big financier, not to mention the confrontation of firepower, and the economy alone can bring down these countries.

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