
The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

author:Watermelon University Hall

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The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

Back in 1972, a war masterpiece created by the well-known Soviet director Stanislav Rostotsky - "The Dawn Is Quiet Here" was born, like a brilliant jewel, illuminating the entire audiovisual world at home and abroad.

Skillfully blended with a rich variety of artistic expressions and profound ideological connotations, this work vividly depicts the resilience and heroic dedication of five brave female soldiers in the brutal and unforgiving environment of war.

Upon its release, the film immediately broke box office records in the Soviet Union and received high praise from many prestigious awards, including the Venice International Film Festival Memorial Award and Soviet Screen magazine Best Film of the Year.

What's even more amazing is that when this film went abroad and was screened around the world, it also aroused an unprecedented enthusiastic response and won unanimous praise from audiences around the world, which can be called an unprecedented classic!

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

However, in the mainland, the film's dissemination process has not been smooth sailing. It wasn't until 1984 that Ms. Wu Shan, a famous director who was the director of CCTV's translation department at that time, discovered its unique charm by chance.

Therefore, she did not hesitate to gather a group of top domestic actors and go all out to produce a Chinese dubbed version of the film, among them, Li Xiuming, one of the famous "Northern Film Three Flowers", personally put on the battle and devoted herself to the work of tailoring the voice for one of the characters.

It is precisely under the superb interpretation of director Wu Shan and a group of powerful actors that this old movie full of simple emotions and touching has been widely disseminated in the mainland, setting off a boom in movie-watching by the whole people.

At that time, the whole country was intoxicated by the visual impact and spiritual shock brought by "The Dawn Is Quiet Here", and it can be said that this film has successfully left an eternal and profound imprint in the hearts of Chinese audiences.

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

Back in 1972, when Rostotsky finished reading the novel "The Dawn Is Quiet Here", he seemed to be deeply touched by some mysterious power. That's because, many years ago, he had experienced the cruelty of war, when a brave female nurse used her selfless love and endless courage to save him from the abyss of despair and give him a new life.

The deep story of the past made him have a strong resonance and deep respect for the brave and strong female soldiers portrayed in the novel.

Therefore, Rostotsky did not hesitate to decide to bring this work to the big screen, determined to seize this once-in-a-lifetime creative opportunity.

In the process, the talented screenwriter Boris Vasilyev received a sincere and solemn invitation from Rostotsky. The two of them worked hand in hand, working together, and devoted themselves to the creation of the script with great enthusiasm.

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

In order to make each female character vivid and vivid, they carefully polished the words and deeds of each character, lest any of the slightest moment details be missed.

Behind the scenes, Rostotsky also did his best in the casting of actors, after many screenings and deliberations. He insisted that all the protagonists of this work be selected as newcomers, like bringing out a group of shining new stars.

It was amazing that thousands of beautiful and touching girls responded to the open call for calls from the general public throughout the Soviet Union.

After layers of selection, the five finalists finally stood out. Among them, Elena Deropeco, who plays the role of Lisa, has an unforgettable innocent and immaculate temperament; And Sonia, played by Irina Dolganova, is full of bookish atmosphere and can be called a perfect interpreter of the character image.

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

Ekaterina Markova was the best candidate for the sensitive and timid Karka, and Olga Ostromova was naturally beautiful and attractive, successfully creating the image of Genia.

As for Ilyina Shevchuk, who plays the squad leader Lida, despite her age, her acting temperament is calm and atmospheric, which is full of praise.

These five girls have their own unique characteristics and lifelikeness, and all show their unique charm. It is precisely because of the careful carving of the director and screenwriter, coupled with the wonderful performances of the actors, that this film has reached the pinnacle of art, and the audience is all moved.

After watching this wonderful film, all the audience was deeply impressed by the excellent acting skills of the five outstanding female leads. However, looking at the innovative team behind this film today, I learned that their various experiences in real life are like a mirror reflecting their unique personality charm.

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

For example, Elena Dropecoco, who played the role of the protagonist Lisa, has never been able to achieve more brilliant achievements in the field of acting, although she has also devoted herself to the filming of many film and television works since then.

However, at the time of the collapse of the former Soviet Union, she bravely chose the path of politics, and served as the chairman of the St. Petersburg City Culture and Tourism Committee, but fortunately, at the age of 77, she co-starred with her daughter Kshelia in the Sino-Russian co-production film "The Ballad of Lingshui" in 2018, showing a warm and touching style like the afterglow of the sunset.

In stark contrast, Irina Dolganova, who plays Sonia, resolutely returned to the theater stage after this film, and never set foot in the production of any film and television works in her life.

Despite Rostotsky's sincere invitations to return to the screen on several occasions, she remained true to her original intention and pursued a quiet and free lifestyle.

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

Karka's actor Ekaterina Markova has brought her talent to the fullest, successfully transformed into a screenwriter, and created many excellent film and television works, which have won wide acclaim in the industry.

What's even more remarkable is that her daughter Anna is now also devoting herself to acting, making this artistic family a legacy that continues to be passed on.

As for Olga Ostromova, who plays Genea, she is undoubtedly the most outstanding of these actresses. Not only did she continue her brilliant acting career on the big screen, but she was also legendary in her personal emotional life, marrying two superstars, the well-known director Mikhail Levitin and the actor Valentin Gaft.

Now that she has entered her prime, she is still active in the entertainment industry, and her demeanor is still the same as it was back then.

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

If you talk about the role that left the deepest imprint on the audience in this film, it is none other than Ilyina Shevchuk, who plays the squad leader Lida. Her performance is affectionate, sincere, and nuanced, and deeply touches the hearts of every audience.

For a long time, the beautiful and moving scene in the movie has been deeply imprinted in people's hearts, which is the tragic scene of Lida choosing to end her life in a resolute and decisive way in order not to become a burden to her comrades.

At that time, in the Soviet Union and around the world, Irina quickly became popular with this role, her name spread like a myth to thousands of households, and her influence on the land of our republic should not be underestimated.

Today, the artist is in her prime, and although the years have left its mark on her face, her former glory is still unforgettable. Time flies like a white horse, and in the blink of an eye, in the blink of an eye, 2015, the talented director Renat Davlegyarov brings this classic work back to the audience with his unique perspective.

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

His new version of "The Dawn Is Quiet Here" has won a warm response from the audience since its release, making this veteran masterpiece that has gone through vicissitudes shine with new brilliance.

Compared to the original film of the 70s of the last century, this version directed by Renate is a drastic innovation in visual effects, which is jaw-dropping. The whole film is beautiful, with bright and dazzling colors, bringing unprecedented visual shock to the audience.

At the same time, the arrangement of the storyline is more compact and orderly, the suspense is endless, and the rhythm is just right, and the characters are lifelike and vivid, which is not inferior to the excellent cast of the original version.

Combining all aspects of excellence, this new version of the film has undoubtedly become a well-deserved classic reproduction. It not only inherits the profound artistic atmosphere and profound ideological connotation of the original works, but also gives them new vitality and charm.

The best war movie in the former Soviet Union Cry once you watch it, Li Xiuming shoulders the dubbing, and it is still shocking to watch it now

This can be seen from the evaluation of 8.1 points on, it can be said that this is an excellent movie that makes people sigh again.

In fact, long before Renat, the classic "The Dawn Is Quiet Here" had been adapted and brought to various artistic stages many times. In 2002, the National Theatre of China made a bold attempt to create a version of the drama of the same name.

At that time, many well-known movie stars such as Zhang Fengyi and Zhang Kaili joined the ranks of the performance, which can be described as bright and shining.

In 2005, Mao Weining and Zhang Guangbei, two outstanding representatives of the mainland director's industry, worked together again to direct a TV series version of the same name. By re-arranging and adjusting the plot of the original book, they successfully created a unique audio-visual experience that won wide acclaim from the audience.

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