
From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

author:Seriously see the world on a rainy day

1. The roar of a lion shook the scene: from the TV screen to the popular search list, the performance behavior of many actors has become a topic of heated debate

Recently, the on-screen performances of some of the most glorious veteran and powerful film and television theater actors have aroused strong public attention and heated discussions.

They were mercilessly criticized and questioned by the audience, either because of the abnormal state of their faces, or because of the aging brought about by the erosion of time, or because of the sameness of the character creation, or because the image was incompatible with the character setting, and they were jokingly named "drama bastards".

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

In this storm of "drama bastards", the most eye-catching is the veteran actor Wu Gang. In the TV series "Hurricane", his cheeks are unusually plump, and his double eyelids are also extraordinarily generous, which makes the majority of netizens exclaim, "It's too outrageous, it must have been plastic surgery!" "The stiffness of the face is so exaggerated that it is unbearable!" For this veteran and powerful actor in the past, the audience no longer seems to be able to appreciate his superb acting skills as usual.

In addition, Wang Zhiwen's bald head and eerie outfit shown in the TV series "Infernal" also caused a lot of controversy. Many viewers expressed their unacceptability for his "old state", and even bluntly said that it was extremely ugly.

This former literary and artistic youth, today's image is very different from that of his youth.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

Second, the cause of Wu Gang's kidney disease, Wang Zhiwen's youthful romance

Regarding the reason for Wu Gang's "stiff face", there have been various speculations circulating on the Internet, and some people even directly accuse him of having plastic surgery and cutting off his double eyelids.

However, in fact, Wu Gang's facial stiffness symptoms did not stem from cosmetic surgery, but due to his long-term hydronephrosis.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

Wu Gang, who is close to the age of sixties, is in much worse physical condition. He had severe hydronephrosis in both kidneys, which caused his face to be swollen and stiff frequently, giving the impression of extremely unnatural stiffness.

In addition to his busy acting career, he is also actively seeking medical help to relieve the swelling of his face, but due to excessive water accumulation, the current treatment effect is not very significant.

As for the real reason for Wu Gang's "double eyelids" controversy, it actually stemmed from an accident at work. In 2008, in order to play a more intimate role as a worker, Wu Gang did not hesitate to portray himself as thin through dieting.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

However, during the filming process, he suffered an accident and his eyes were burned by a high concentration of mud, which almost led to blindness. It was also from that time that his eyes gradually developed a wide double eyelid shape.

Wang Zhiwen, a veteran actor who once became a legend in the industry, showed his superb acting skills in the TV series "Infernal", especially his sharp and cold appearance was praised by the audience, which can be called a wonderful presentation of "three points into the wood"! However, his increasingly revealing "signs of aging" have sparked a lot of controversy.

In fact, Wang Zhiwen in his youth was undoubtedly a model of literary youth, with his handsome and chic appearance and unique literary atmosphere, which once fascinated the hearts of countless girls. The scandals between him and well-known actresses such as Xu Fan and Xu Qing are even more popular, and he can be called a leader in the love field.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

3. Because the roles are the same, the acting skills are similar, and the audience is tired and blamed

In this craze of "drama bastards", in addition to the questionable Wu Gang and Wang Zhiwen, there are also some actors who have caused the audience to have aesthetic fatigue because their roles are too similar.

Among them, the most eye-catching is Ni Dahong, the actor of the once smash hit "Su Daqiang". Audiences have said that no matter what type of drama he plays, it gives people the feeling of repeating the previous work, lacking freshness.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

Criticisms such as "Su Daqiang's acting skills" and "expressionless poker face" have come and gone.

Looking back at some of Ni Dahong's past works, it is not difficult to find that he did play a sick role in many dramas, with a wooden expression and a decadent face, which makes people laugh.

For example, in the historical masterpiece "Three Kingdoms", he was supposed to portray a witty and resolute strategist, but he actually showed a sluggish and sluggish appearance, which is really embarrassing.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

Another veteran actor who has been accused of "visual fatigue" is Zhang Yi, who has participated in popular dramas such as "Hurricane" and "Who is he". Although his personal acting skills are excellent, due to the similarity of the roles, some viewers have aesthetic fatigue, accusing him of "routine acting" and lack of innovation.

Comparing some of Zhang Yi's past works, we can see that he has indeed successfully portrayed many upright and tenacious positive characters. However, in recent years, he has been too repetitive and monotonous in his choice of characters, which undoubtedly aggravates the fatigue of the audience.

A great actor should have the courage to challenge himself, try to break out of his comfort zone, and try new and interesting roles, so as to avoid falling into the "drama bastard" question.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

Fourth, Zhang Jiayi's image is inappropriate, and the role is not properly chosen

In this magnificent wave caused by the controversy of "drama bastards", we have to mention the veteran actor Zhang Jiayi, who has been questioned by the public. Recently, he played the role of a mighty and majestic general in a TV series based on real events, however, it was this role that caused widespread heated discussions and debates.

As we all know, due to physical reasons, Zhang Jiayi needs to hunch over and stagger when he acts, which is in stark contrast to the image of the brave and resolute general.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

Many viewers mercilessly pointed out that his image is simply an ugly portrayal of the marshal's character, which makes the character have a strong sense of disobedience.

However, looking back, Zhang Jiayi has won numerous praises for his superb acting skills and unique hunched pace. With his excellent performance skills, he has successfully created many classic characters who are chic and unyielding, leaving an indelible memory for the audience.

It can be seen that Zhang Jiayi's personal acting strength is beyond doubt, but this time he does seem a little rash and sloppy in the choice of roles. As an actor, if you want to perform the role to the fullest, the role itself must be highly compatible with your own temperament, otherwise even senior veteran actors will not be able to avoid mistakes.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

The controversy of "scandalizing the marshal" undoubtedly sounded the alarm for Zhang Jiayi. For a long time, he has accumulated a good reputation for his superb acting skills and unique artistic style, and enjoys a high reputation in the entertainment industry.

However, if even a veteran actor like him begins to take the choice of roles lightly, then the reputation of the years may be wiped out by this accident.

Part 5: Current situation: Liu Tao's new generation of "drama bastards", the main business of bringing goods affects the performance of acting skills

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

In this controversy of "drama bastards", the younger generation of actors are inevitably involved. Among them, Liu Tao was unfortunately ridiculed by netizens as a "new type of drama bastard".

In recent years, with the vigorous development of the live streaming industry, Liu Tao has devoted a lot of time and energy to this emerging field. However, on the TV screen, her performance seemed a little perfunctory and uncertain.

In a certain TV series, she was supposed to portray an energetic leading cadre, but her performance gave people a feeling of exhaustion and disappointed the audience.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

Liu Tao, Wan Qian, and Liu Mintu joined forces to successfully create the unique charm of the "drama gang". In this competitive industry, it is crucial to be able to accurately grasp the focus of your career! If the main business work is gradually forgotten and the investment is insufficient, then the acting skills will inevitably be affected, and eventually fall into the embarrassing situation of "slumping".

Once there is a flaw in the acting skills, coupled with the impact of other unfavorable factors, then the audience's doubts and spurning will follow, and the reputation will also take a sharp turn. Professional actors should always maintain a humble learning attitude, study their roles diligently, and improve their acting skills, rather than putting too much energy into other side hustles.

Those old actors who seem to be "drama bastards" are actually pillar-level actors with deep qualifications and rare opportunities. Compared with the dilemma of some young actors waiting for drama appointments, they undoubtedly have unique resource advantages.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

However, if even these veteran stars begin to habitually "mess around", it is really distressing! .

The road to acting is long and tortuous, and actors should know the truth of not being a "drama bastard". For example, actors such as Zhang Yi and Ni Dahong suffered from the audience's fatigue and accusations in the process of role change, because they lacked the courage to innovate and the motivation to break through themselves.

The greatest challenge and joy of the profession of an actor is precisely to constantly explore the inner complexity of the characters and present them to the audience with vivid and delicate performances. If you always repeat similar roles, it is not only easy for the audience to have aesthetic fatigue, but also it is difficult for you to make significant progress in your own acting skills.

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

On the other hand, actors such as Wu Gang and Wang Zhiwen who have caused controversy due to their facial condition and image need to be carefully considered when casting. Once the character is seriously inconsistent with his own temperament, it will inevitably affect the shaping effect and lead to a strong sense of conflict in the character image.

As veteran actors, they should learn from their past experience and carefully evaluate whether each role is really suitable for them, otherwise even if their acting skills are superb, they will not be able to save the failure of the whole performance.

For incidents such as Zhang Jiayi, which is represented by the episode of "scandalizing the image of the marshal", it is really a wake-up call for all actors!

From Zhang Jiayi, Wang Zhiwen to Zhang Yi, the "drama bastards" with masked faces should be stripped of their skins

Fundamentally, whether it is a young and promising newcomer, or a veteran artist with a senior career, it is very important to maintain a humble and diligent learning attitude at all times.

Don't slack off blindly chasing fame and fortune, so as not to fall into the predicament of being greedy and chewing too much.

Only in this way can we really stay away from the embarrassing title of "drama bastard", so as to go further and further on the road of acting career and achieve brilliance!

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