
is also a usurpation, why did the Sima family usurp the throne for thousands of years, and the Cao family usurped the throne to get the orthodoxy

author:Maya Snow

is also a usurpation, and the Sima family and the Cao family are distinguished

In ancient Chinese history, it was not uncommon for power to change power and alternate thrones. However, it is also a usurpation, why was the behavior of the Sima family criticized by later generations as "leaving a stench for ten thousand years", while the Cao family was considered to be "orthodox"? There are complex political, cultural and moral concepts behind this. This article will explore the reasons for this phenomenon from the background, process, and results of historical events.

1. Background and motivation

is also a usurpation, why did the Sima family usurp the throne for thousands of years, and the Cao family usurped the throne to get the orthodoxy

First, we need to understand the background and motivations of the two families for usurping the throne. The Cao family usurped the throne, that is, Cao Cao gradually grasped real power in the late Eastern Han Dynasty, and finally his son Cao Pi became independent on behalf of the Han Dynasty and established the Wei state. In this process, Cao Cao took it as his mission to pacify the world and save the common people, and his political ideas and military actions were supported by the majority of scholars and people. In addition, the Cao family politically inherited the bureaucratic system of the Eastern Han Dynasty and retained the interests of the scholars, so that its regime was supported and recognized by the scholars at the beginning of its establishment.

The usurpation of the Sima family occurred in the late Three Kingdoms period. Through a long period of political struggle and military expansion, the Sima family eventually replaced Cao Wei and established the Jin Dynasty. However, in the process, the Sima family used more brutal methods, massacring Cao Wei's royal family and loyal ministers. In addition, the Sima family implemented a series of political reform measures, which touched the interests of the scholars, so that their power faced great resistance at the beginning of its establishment.

2. Process and means

is also a usurpation, why did the Sima family usurp the throne for thousands of years, and the Cao family usurped the throne to get the orthodoxy

The process of the Cao family's usurpation of the throne was relatively mild. After Cao Cao seized real power, he did not rush to become emperor, but continued to assist Emperor Xian of Han as prime minister. Through a series of political and military means, he gradually weakened the power of the Han dynasty, while also laying a solid foundation for the establishment of Cao Wei. After Cao Pi succeeded to the throne, he did not take drastic measures to consolidate his position, but strengthened the centralization of power and stabilized the domestic situation by implementing a series of reform measures.

The process of the Sima family's usurpation of the throne was more cruel. After the Sima family seized power, they carried out a mass massacre of Cao Wei's royal family and loyal ministers. Through assassination, poisoning, and other means, they eliminated potential political opponents and opponents. In addition, the Sima family also implemented a series of political reforms to weaken the power and status of the scholars, so that their regime faced huge internal contradictions at the beginning of its establishment.

III. Results and Impacts

is also a usurpation, why did the Sima family usurp the throne for thousands of years, and the Cao family usurped the throne to get the orthodoxy

After the Cao family usurped the throne, they established the state of Wei and achieved another unification in Chinese history. The Cao Wei regime made remarkable achievements in politics, economy, and culture. Its political system was reformed and improved on the basis of inheriting the Eastern Han Dynasty, laying the foundation for the later Sui and Tang dynasties. In addition, Cao Wei also actively promoted cultural exchanges and technological innovation, which promoted the prosperity and development of Chinese civilization.

The Jin Dynasty, which was established after the usurpation of the Sima family, was relatively short-lived and turbulent. Because the Sima family adopted drastic means and measures in the process of usurping the throne, its regime faced tremendous internal contradictions and external pressure at the beginning of its establishment. The Jin dynasty has not been able to achieve true unity and stability politically, and its rule has been full of corruption and darkness. In addition, the Jin Dynasty also faced intrusions and threats from northern nomads, which made its regime face great pressure and challenges externally.

4. Conclusions and Reflections

is also a usurpation, why did the Sima family usurp the throne for thousands of years, and the Cao family usurped the throne to get the orthodoxy

is also a usurpation, and the reason for the distinction between the Sima family and the Cao family lies in the difference in the means and results in the process of usurpation. The process of the Cao family's usurpation of the throne was relatively moderate and rational, and its regime was supported and recognized by the majority of scholars and the common people at the beginning of its establishment. However, the process of the Sima family's usurpation of the throne was more cruel and excessive, and its regime faced huge internal contradictions and external pressures at the beginning of its establishment. Therefore, in the historical evaluation of later generations, the Cao family is considered to be "orthodox", while the Sima family is considered to be "stinking for 10,000 years".

This historical event has also brought us profound enlightenment. In political struggle, we should pay attention to the choice of means and the realization of results. Only on the basis of respecting the laws of history and conforming to the will of the people can we achieve true unity and stability. At the same time, we should also reflect on the usurpation of the throne in history, draw lessons and lessons from them, and provide useful reference and enlightenment for future political struggles.


is also a usurpation, why did the Sima family usurp the throne for thousands of years, and the Cao family usurped the throne to get the orthodoxy