
The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

author:The ruffian boss watches entertainment

Why did the triathlon goddess Feng Jingshuang choose the 'iron man' Jiang Zhihang?

Feng Jingshuang, the triathlon goddess, has become a hot topic recently.

Everyone is guessing her relationship status, because she is not as mysterious as other stars, and she did not hesitate to disclose her boyfriend, triathlete Jiang Zhihang.

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

Who is Jiang Zhihang?

First of all, Jiang Zhihang is not the kind of uncle you imagined, although he is over thirty years old, his physical fitness is even better than that of young people!

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

He is a master of triathlon, this triathlon is not a joke, you have to swim, ride, run a marathon, it is simply a comprehensive test of physical strength and endurance!

He made many appearances at the Asian Games, and although he failed to win a medal, his style is definitely not lost to anyone.

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

Imagine that on the field, he swims like a fast fish, rides like a galloping wind, and runs like a galloping cheetah, simply a human machine!

Jiang Zhihang's story tells us that age is not a limit, as long as you have dreams and perseverance, you can surpass yourself and live a wonderful life.

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

Although the medal may pass by, his performance on the field makes people respect him, as if witnessing the extraordinary struggle of an ordinary person.

It's not a wealthy family, it's true love

First of all, Feng Jingshuang is not the kind of girl who stares at the wealthy.

She rejected the glittering wealthy family, and instead chose Jiang Zhihang, the "iron man".

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

You may wonder why she doesn't chase after the big money that seems to be rich and has status.

It's because she doesn't look good on the outside, but on the quality of her heart.

Some people may say that Jiang Zhihang is too old-fashioned, but Feng Jingshuang doesn't care about that! Why?

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

Because what she values is his iron man spirit! Just like Jiang Zhihang's tenacious struggle in the triathlon, his perseverance and never-give-up spirit is exactly what Feng Jingshuang yearns for!

For Feng Jingshuang, love is not the restraint of age, but the fit of the heart.

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

She saw the shining qualities on Jiang Zhihang's body, so she chose him without hesitation.

Such a choice is truly brave and beautiful!

True love knows no boundaries

Some people say that Feng Jingshuang's vision is too bad, and he thinks she should marry into a wealthy family.

But are you right? Isn't true love the kind of thing that has nothing to do with material things?

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

Some people may not understand and think that Feng Jingshuang's choice is a bit "out of place", but you think, happiness is not measured by money!

For those who disagree with Feng Jingshuang's choice, we can't ignore the fact that this is her own life, and she herself knows best what she wants.

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

Don't we have a right to respect her choice?

Just like Jiang Zhihang is fighting the field, Feng Jingshuang is also working hard for his happiness on the road of love!

Therefore, no matter what others say, the choice made by Feng Jingshuang should be respected.

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

Because happiness is, after all, her own business, what's the use of others talking about it?

As long as she knows it in her own heart, it is the best answer!


Therefore, Feng Jingshuang's love story tells us that love cannot be measured by money and status.

Whether you are a triathlon goddess or not, you should be brave enough to pursue your happiness because true love is the best gift.

The goddess of iron kissed the 12-year-old "uncle" who refused to marry into a wealthy family, and Feng Jingshuang showed affection and was not afraid of losing fans

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