
It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded

author:Long Teng said entertainment

Can the money in my health insurance card buy medicine for my loved ones? This matter has attracted a lot of attention

It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded
It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded

The personal account fund in the medical insurance card of the employee medical insurance participant can be used by relatives, but two prerequisites must be met: first, "your relatives also participate in basic medical insurance (including employee medical insurance and resident medical insurance)"; The second is "you have handled the personal account of employee medical insurance, family mutual aid".

It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded

Netizens are hotly discussed

Buying commercial insurance will affect reimbursement. So I use my medical insurance card by myself, and I don't buy medicine for the elderly, of course, the elderly at home have their own medical insurance cards, and they don't need us. Don't use your own medical insurance card to buy some medicine for chronic diseases that you don't have yourself, your parents don't have money, you can buy it for them in cash, otherwise if you have commercial insurance, it will really be affected.

It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded

Go to the hospital to clean the toothbrush and medical insurance 300, buy a package to pay 100 may not be necessary

In the past, I also used my medical insurance card to go to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but later I found that those who can swipe the medical insurance card are much more expensive. It's not much cheaper, so I don't like to use it.

The previous price will not be like this, and now it is not clear, but as long as the pharmacies buy drugs, as long as they know the market price of those drugs, they will not be pitted.

It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded

I don't dare to use the money in my medical insurance card now, and I used to buy two boxes of cold medicine, but now I will never buy it if I don't finish it, and I don't know what to do with the little money in it

It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded

The medical insurance card system should be liberalized, and the whole country can be used anywhere, which is both convenient and practical.

It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded

Mutual aid, provided that you have money in your card to help each other, and now the poor one in the card is eighty hundred, what to take!

It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded

A few days ago, when I bought medicine, it was less than 10 yuan on the Internet, and it was 38 to brush the medical insurance pharmacy, and what is even more outrageous is that although this pharmacy Meituan is expensive, it is only 28, and the medical insurance really has to check these problems

It's a big deal! The Health Insurance Bureau responded to whether the money from the medical insurance card can buy medicine for relatives and caused heated discussions, and the comment area exploded