
Where did the "luxury" malt milk extract come from many years ago? Why is it gone now?

author:Eager to learn little fisher

When it comes to malt cream, older friends will definitely think of that era when supplies were scarce and tickets were popular. At that time, malt milk was an indispensable "luxury" in the wedding bride price, and was even known as the "Rolls-Royce of the dessert world". Today, let's unveil the mystery of malt milk essence and explore the story behind it.

Where did the "luxury" malt milk extract come from many years ago? Why is it gone now?

It is said that malt milk essence was born out of an unexpected surprise. During the British colonial period, an Indian merchant stumbled upon a wonderful taste when malt extract was mixed with milk. As a result, the drink was named "malt milk essence" and quickly became popular all over the world.

Where did the "luxury" malt milk extract come from many years ago? Why is it gone now?

"Luxury" in the 70s and 80s: why is malt milk so noble? Why was malt milk so noble in those days? The reason is simple, and that is because it does not come easily. At that time when materials were scarce, the production process of malt milk essence could be described as a "condensed version of the industrial revolution". First, the malt needs to be ground into a powder, and then refined several times to obtain malt milk essence. I am afraid that only the people of that era can understand the hardships of this era

Where did the "luxury" malt milk extract come from many years ago? Why is it gone now?

Although the process of making malt milk is not complicated now, at that time, it represented the highest technology. Whenever someone mentions malt cream, it always reminds people of the worker in a white coat, carefully regulating the temperature and time. Nowadays, those high-tech technologies have been obsolete by the times, but the memory of malt milk essence will remain in people's hearts forever.

With the abundance of materials and the changes of the times, malt milk essence gradually stepped down from the altar. People are looking for a more diverse range of beverages, and malt milk essence is gradually being forgotten. The malt cream, which once symbolized status and glory, can now only be found in memories.

Where did the "luxury" malt milk extract come from many years ago? Why is it gone now?

Today, malt milk extract has become a historical memory, and those who once tasted it are now grandparents. When we think back to those years, do we think of those sweet times when we brewed with malt cream? Or will it become a symbol of the times, forever engraved on the rings of history?

Where did the "luxury" malt milk extract come from many years ago? Why is it gone now?

As for the future of malt cream, no one can predict. Maybe one day, it will return to the market with a new attitude and become people's darling again; Perhaps, it will disappear forever in the dust of history. But in any case, we should be grateful to the malt milk essence that once accompanied us through the good times, because it brought us more than just a taste, but also a precious memory.